"Can't believe I am doing this" Harry cried as he straightened his dress robes. He started to hyperventilate and James just laughed.

"All grooms get nervous" James explained giving his son as paper bag. "Now breath kiddo"

Harry took the bag and breathed into it, soon his breath and pulse had slowed down.

"You ready?' Sirius asked his godson and Harry nodded, he still looked a little pale. Sirius, James sand Ron walked out with Harry. The men took their place by the alter waiting for the wedding to start. James was whispering in his son's ear, probably giving him a pep talk. The sounds of Lily Potter and Molly Weasley sobbing were the only ones that could be heard throughout the room.

Sirius wasn't pulled back into reality until he saw Luna Lovegood coming down the isle and he knew soon his two favorite girls would follow her. Sure enough, right behind Tonks, Hermione came down the isle looking beautiful in emerald green dress. She smiled and winked at Sirius who tired to repress the thoughts of what he would be doing to her later that evening. He smiled again, when baby Emma came next. Hermione's daughter was wearing a white muggle dress and throwing rose petals of out a basket. She was getting very good at walking but halfway down the isle she stumbled. Sirius rushed forward, before Hermione and helped the little girl to her feet. He held her head as she finished throwing the flowers and then held her the rest of the time.

Ginny came next. Sirius could see Harry melt when Ginny grinned at him. The two took hands and prepared to say their vows. Sirius could see tears in Hermione's eyes as she watched her friends get married. I want this, Sirius thought, I never believed I would want to be married but I do. He looked at Emma then at Hermione, he knew his purpose in life, to be the best father and husband he could. Sirius wanted to start a family with Hermione and he wanted to do it now. The only issue would be convincing her.

The wedding was beautiful. Ginny sobbed so hard shouldn't say her vows and Harry stuttered and dropped the wedding bands but it all ended well.

"Won't be me," Ron mumbled as he handed Hermione as glass of champagne.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Getting married" Ron explained with a grimace. "At least not soon"

"I use to think that too": Hermione said.

"But now?" Ron asked.

"Now, all I want is to spend the rest of my life with him" Hermione whispered. Ron grabbed her hand and squeezed.

"It will all work out" Ron assured her.

Tonks and Remus approached Hermione and Ron; they were carrying six-month-old Brian.

"Look Emma" Hermione said, "A baby"

"Ba-by" Emma squealed and touched little Brian's head. Hermione and Tonks laughed at Emma's excitement.

"How much longer is Draco going to be in jail?" Tonks asked.

"Another six months" Hermione replied.

"Nervous?" Tonks asked.

"I am" Hermione admitted. "I am scared not only for Emma and I but for Sirius. I am sure Draco knows by now that Sirius and I are together it has been all over the news papers and tabloids"

Tonks laughed, "I know, I saw one the other day. It was really funny. The sorry said you used dark magic to bring Sirius back to life to be you're sex slave"

"Wow, that sounds like fun" Sirius replied. "Sex slave. I could handle that"

"You're sick" Tonks told him. She kissed her cousin on the cheek before leaving him with his girlfriend. Sirius took Emma from Hermione's mars and kissed the baby on the cheek. He handed her to Lily. "Care to dance?" Sirius asked Hermione.

"Sure" Hermione replied.

The two danced cheek to cheek in silence for just a moment. Hermione closed her eyes and held Sirius as close as she could.

"Marry me?" Sirius whispered. Hey eyes flew open and she looked t him.

"What?' Hermione asked.

"Marry me?" Sirius repeated.

For a long moment Hermione was silent, then a smile spread across her face, "Yes" Hermione answered, 'Yes, of course'

The two were quiet for a moment again.

"When?" Hermione asked.

"Tonight" Sirius suggested. 'Let's just take Emma and elope"

Hermione considered this and then nodded, "That sounds perfect"

When the song was over she took Sirius's hand led him away from the dance floor. "Want to get out of here?" Hermione asked and Sirius nodded. They took Emma and said their goodbyes before apparating back to Grimmauld place.

Hermione was looking forward to becoming his wife and spending there lives together. She knew when Draco as released for Azkaban things would get complicated but right now she didn't care.

A/n: Thanks to everyone who read and reviewed. This was my first ever Hermione/Sirius and I loved writing it. I am considering writing a sequel; so let me know if I should. Thanks again.