AN: Here it is, the very final chapter. You didn't think I'd just leave it with the last chapter did you? I want to once again thank everyone for sticking with me, I really appreciate it. Review and let me know what you think about the ending. :)


Ryou strolled down the small French avenue, clutching the urn to his chest. He glanced up at the address above every door as he walked by. As unfamiliar as he was with all things French, he could tell he wasn't in the best part of town. Some of the stones beneath his feet were upturned which made walking difficult. The street itself was dirty. Trash and what Ryou assumed were bums lined the gutters. He passed a certain address that caught his eye. He stopped and pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. He checked the address scribbled on the paper with the one chiseled into the wall next to the door. It was a match. He put the paper back in his pocket and took several slow, deep breaths. He rang the doorbell and took a step back, instantly forgetting the speech he had been rehearsing for days.

He heard locks being drawn back, and then the door opened. In the doorway stood a tall, gaunt looking man with jet black hair and grey, bloodshot eyes. He was unshaven and his clothes were disheveled. Ryou could smell a faint trace of alcohol on his breath. Neither of them spoke at first. They simply looked at each other, unsure of themselves. The man glanced repeatedly from Ryou to the urn he clutched tightly against his chest.

"Oui?" The man finally croaked out. His voice was rough, like he hadn't used it in a while.

"Umm.. Parlez-vous anglais?" Ryou stammered out the only French words he knew.

"Yes," the man replied. The way he spoke instantly reminded him of Julian.

"Hi, my name is Ryou. Are you Eli? I'm a friend of Julian," Ryou stated.

"Yes!" Eli's eyes lit up at Julian's name. "Come in, please." He stepped back to allow Ryou inside.

The apartment was dark and musty. It reminded Ryou of an attic. There were empty bottles of alcohol and cigarette butts scattered all over. A thick layer of dust covered every surface. The air was so acrid it almost brought tears to his eyes. Eli led Ryou to a small parlor which was relatively clean. They sat down and Eli eagerly offered Ryou a drink, which he politely declined. His stomach was already churning from what he was about to do as he placed the urn delicately on the coffee table between them.

"So, you are friends with Julian? How is he?" He asked with unmasked excitement.

"Eli, I'm so sorry," Ryou burst out, tears prickling the corners of his eyes. "Something happened."

Eli's jaw slowly dropped in horrified realization as he turned his eyes to the urn.

"Is that…?" He pointed to the urn in disbelief.

Ryou nodded silently.

Eli reached out a shaky hand and placed it gingerly on the vessel that contained the ashes of the man he loved.

"What happened?" He whispered and picked up the urn to cradle it in his lap, never taking his eyes off it.

Ryou was whispering as well, "He was… killed."

Eli's eyes snapped up at Ryou's words. "Killed? Who? Why?" His voice was filled with subtle rage.

"It was a home invasion," Ryou started, carefully choosing his words. "The one who did it is dead."

Ryou couldn't bring himself to admit to Eli that it was all his fault. If it weren't for his selfishness, Bakura wouldn't have broken in. No one would be dead… Ryou would never be able to shake the guilt he felt over what had happened to Julian and Seto, but he didn't want to. He always wanted to feel this pain, so it would remind him for the rest of his life. He didn't want to forget.

"You're sure? The one who did it is dead?"

"Very," Ryou nodded. "Seto Kaiba beat him to death. I saw it with my own eyes."

Eli looked thoughtful for a moment as he gently stroked the urn, and then said, "Give him my thanks."

Ryou reached into his pocket and pulled out the photo Julian had shown him what seemed like a lifetime ago. He laid it down on the coffee table where Eli slowly picked it up.

A single tear rolled down Eli's thin face as he smiled sadly, "Thanks for bringing us together again."

Ryou nodded solemnly. He could think of nothing else to say except, "I'll see myself out."

Ryou left the apartment and filled his lungs with fresher air. He suddenly felt the urge to run away. The sadness in this place was overwhelming and he had had enough sadness to last him a lifetime. He started walking.

He absentmindedly wandered through the streets of Paris, not watching or caring where he was going. He was lost in the thoughts and memories that would forever haunt him when he suddenly found himself in a familiar place. He had never been there physically, but he had seen a picture of it. He was at the base of the Eiffel Tower, the place where the picture of Julian and Eli had been taken. He turned his gaze upwards to the top and smiled. He headed up.

When he got to the top he wandered over to the edge and leaned against the railing. The view was breathtaking. The sun was just beginning to set and the sky was aflame with brilliant oranges, bright yellows, and stark reds.

A pair of strong arms encircled him from behind and he sighed contentedly.

"How did it go?" Seto asked, holding Ryou tight as they gazed at the horizon.

"He was in bad shape before I got there," Ryou frowned. "I think I only made it worse… But he was thankful, especially to you for what you did."

"And I would gladly do it again," Seto said gravely. "Over and over."

Ryou changed the subject. He hated reliving the image of Seto being stabbed, and then lying bleeding and dying on the floor. "Thanks for letting me go by myself. I just felt like it was something I had to do."

"Of course," Seto smiled. "But now I want you to promise that you'll never leave my side again."

Ryou spun around to face Seto, never breaking their embrace.

"I promise," Ryou smiled and stood up on his tiptoes to kiss Seto's lips. Seto returned the kiss fiercely and hugged him tight. Ryou then buried his face in Seto's chest and breathed in that scent he loved so much and now couldn't live without.

They stood in silence, locked in each other's arms, the Parisian breeze blowing around them.

"One more thing," Seto's chest rumbled against Ryou's ear.

He picked up his head and looked into those blue eyes he had fallen madly, hopelessly in love with.

"Anything," Ryou smiled sweetly.

Seto gazed down into the big chocolate brown eyes he had killed to protect and would gladly do again if he had to. He lightly stroked Ryou's porcelain skin with his fingertips and smiled.

"Marry me?"

Ryou grinned and told him, "Of course."