Hey there. After an extremely long absence from writing fanfiction, it is I, RainbowSerenity, here with a brand new Danny Phantom fic! WOO!
I would first like to say that the inspiration for this came from Meg Cabot's excellent book series, The Mediator. If you like ghost stories with a twist, you should definitely check them out. If you're already familiar with those books, you're going to see a lot of influence from them here, but don't worry—it's not going to be exactly the same.

Like I stated in the summary, this is a slight AU fic, but simply because of how I've set stuff up. You'll see as the chapters go on, but I hope you guys like it!

Okay, I think that's all for now…welcome to...

Haunting Me

One look at me, and you'd probably think that I have everything a teenage girl could ever want.

You couldn't be more wrong.

I mean, okay, sure, the incredible wealth is nice, since it comes with a huge room decorated to my taste (as much as my parents hate it) and a killer Goth wardrobe. And yes, I will admit that I like the home theater with every DVD imaginable, although my best friend Tucker probably beats me in how many hours I've spent down there.

But if you looked a little harder, you'd see my totally peppy parents that try to wring me away for this "Goth phase", as they so like to put it, as often as they can. Or the fact that because every single person in Dimmsdale knows that I'm loaded, I was never expected to do anything by myself—money means being able to sit around and count your dollars, I guess. Or maybe that Tucker Foley is the only person on this planet that I can totally trust since I never know if people like me for me or my wads of cash.

Tucker, of course, wished I would give in to my family's wealth a little—"you should show off a little of that 'bling-bling'" was how he once put it—but he's a good guy. I met him when we were in second grade and he was dared to throw up in my lunch box. When I found out that he did it, I punched him in the face and we both apologized as we sat there in front of Principal Waxaplax. From then on, weird things have always followed us.

Or I guess I should say, weird things have always followed me...

Tucker, being the good guy that he is, definitely won't admit that I'm crazy, but sometimes I think that he's, well, thinking it. He knows that if he ever voiced that thought, though, he would have to wear more than those huge glasses on his face to hide the massive bruises he would be getting. It's pretty obvious on why people think I'm crazy—I always appear to be talking to myself, and I've gotten myself (and Tucker, on many occasions) into situations that seemed unexplainable to anyone but myself. In fact, I'm pretty sure everyone in town thinks that my wackiness is only second to this one elementary school teacher, Mr. Crocker. The crackpot claims he believes in fairy godparents, or some other such nonsense.

Yeah, sure, I doubt fairies are real, but what I talk to is very real.

I, Samantha Manson, can see and talk to ghosts.

Yes, ghosts. Spirits of the dead that walk around on the human plane and try to figure out what's keeping them from that great big cloud in the sky, or the fiery underworld—whatever. Contrary to popular belief, very few people can actually see them—and I mean very few. As a matter of fact, I'm the only one I know of that has this special little "gift".

Lucky me.

Oh don't get me wrong—at times I like it, because I'm all for being unique. I don't give a care as to what other people think of me, and I'm never one to follow trends and whatnot. That's another reason I'm not into the whole 'moneybags' thing as my parents are; money doesn't make you unique. And Tucker wonders why I don't get along with my parents!

But I guess if you took away all the madness in my life, it's pretty good. Everything around me is familiar—I've basically known every person in Dimmsdale since pre-K, and we're all about to go into high school together. I know I can count on Tucker for anything, and I've essentially learned to deal with any ghost around here that comes my way. It's not a bad way to live, when I think about it.

That is, until my parents burst into my room one day while I was doing some summer reading—okay, reading Gothic poetry from my favorite bookstore, but they didn't need to know that—and approached me with huge grins on their faces.

"Sammykins, guess what!" Mom squealed. She clasped her frilly gloved hands together in delight. "We're moving!"

Like I said, you couldn't be more wrong.


"So you're moving?" Tucker said in disbelief the next day. I had invited him over to watch some movies and basically goof off, telling him I had news. I figured he'd be his old self and log my new address into his PDA or something, but he didn't seem to be taking it so well.

"Yeah," I shrugged. "And can you believe it? We're going to some nowhere place called Amity Park. It's clear across the state." I cross my arms, clearly angry at the whole situation.

"But it's not fair!"

I raised an eyebrow. "Shouldn't I be the one saying that?"

Tucker sighed. "Well...it's just...how could your parents just pluck you from Dimmsdale right before we're supposed to go into high school? Now I'll just be the 'lonely nerd' instead of the 'rich girl's best friend'."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, ha freaking ha. You think I'm happy about this? I mean, my life's pretty much set up here, and now my parents are making me start all over. And unless my new school is full of freaks, somehow I doubt that I'll fit in. I won't have anyone, Tucker. At least you'll still know everyone."

"Yeah, I guess," he shrugged. "But c'mon, who else is going to keep Frances off my back? You're really the only one who is able to stand up to him."

"As dumb as he is," I agreed.

"Maybe you could get one of your ghostly minions to protect me. I mean, it's not like—"

I let out a very aggravated sigh. "Ugh, Tucker, would you stop it! I don't use ghosts for my 'minions', as you like to call them! As a matter of fact, I like to get them out of my way as much as humanly possible!"

"Ghostly possible."

"Whatever. All I do is help them get to the 'other side', or whatever you want to call it, and that's it. I'd really rather not have any other kind of interaction with them if I can help it!"

Tucker let out a long, low sigh. "I hope there aren't many ghosts in Amity Park. That would pretty much turn your 'new girl' reputation into 'ghost-hunting freak', you know?"

Unfortunately, for once in his life, Tucker was absolutely right.


Okay, I know that was a bit short, but trust me, the chapters will get longer as time goes on...but tell me! Like it? Not like it? Please be totally awesome and review!