A/N:ok...i know i said it was a one shot but then someone asked me what happened to Omi and Clay so i decided to write this...in part to finish the story and in part as an outlet for my feelings on things that have been happening in my life which i dont want to talk about...i mentioned it in my fic Love Springs Eternal...but i forget which chapter...i guess you'll have to read the whole thing to find out!

I'll shut up now.


I watch the scene before my eyes with horror. Raimundo, Kimiko, Jack. Dead. I can't believe it. Wuya watches Jack fall, laughing, then turns to Omi and me.

"You're next," she tells Omi.

A ball of dark energy gathers at her hands, but before she can throw it, it disappears. She seems to have reconsidered. She unlocks Omi and shoves him roughly down the stairs. He lays at the bottom, too weak to get up. She wants him to fight for his life, but three days chained to a wall with no food and little water does not make a person stronger. Omi pulls himself to his feet just in time to be blasted off them again by her black bolt of death. I watch the life leave his eyes, and happily he goes to join Kimiko and Raimundo, leaving me here alone. Wuya turns back to me and releases me. I fall to my knees at her feet, begging her to just kill me quickly; end the pain. She just laughs.

"No," she says. "You will stay alive for many years yet, as you deal with the reality of their deaths, wishing death would come to you, and knowing it's your fault their dead. Then I want o kill you; a slow, painful death."

Another bolt gathers at her hands, green this time, and hits me. I find myself lying, not on cold, hard stone, but on soft, warm grass. I hear someone calling my name. Master Fung. He helps me to my feet, and the reality of the situation hits me with his innocent question: where are the others?

Tears fall down my face, thick and fast. Dead, I whisper. All dead. And it's all my fault.

Master fung helps me into the kitchen, where I eat, regaining my strength and my reason. Stronger, but still guilty. I tell Master Fung what happened, and he tries to assure me that it's no one's fault but Wuya's. I make him believe that I'm assured, and I am—assures that it's my fault. He goes to alert the families, and I go to my room to sleep. Or so I say.

I go to my friends rooms, one by one, and remember all the good times we had. By now, the floor is damp with tears. I take only one thing—the knife I know Raimundo has. I scribble a note to Master Fung nd leave it on my bed. Then, I take the knife and stab myself. I laugh to myself, as I lay dying, wondering what Wuya will do when she finds I'm dead. My vision goes, and all I have is sound. I hear Master Fung come in, followed by Dojo. But his shouts are no good, and soon even they die away as I leave the world of the living, and join my friends forever.


No, its really done! But if you want to continue it, ask me and I'll probably let you.