A/N:Hey all! Here is my newest and incredibly tragic story. Warning: this might make you cry!

Summary: Clay and Omi have been kidnapped by Wuya. Can Kimiko and Raimundo save them, or will Wuya finally defeat the Xiaolin Monks forever? Set to the song Sugar We're Going Down by Fallout Boy

Disclaimer:I don't own Xiaolin Showdown, the song Sugar We're Going Down by Fallout Boy, or anything related to either of those things, except my stories.

"Hey Kim?"

"Yeah, Rai, what's up?"

"Can I talk to you?"

Am I more than you bargained for, yet

I've been trying to tell you anything

You want to hear

Cuz that's just who I am this week

"See, the thing is, Kim, I like you. A lot. Maybe even love you. I don't know. But in case something happens tonight, I wanted you to know."



"Cuz I feel the same way."

Lie in the grass, next to the mausoleum


I walked in on Kimiko and Raimundo kissing. I wanted to form temporary alliance with them to defeat Wuya, but I find them making out. Lovely.

Is this more than you bargained for, yet

Oh, don't mind me I'm watching you two from the closet

Wishing to be the friction in your jeans

Why did he have to be so cute, so nice? Why did he have to love her? Why did she have to love him back? Evil boy geniuses must be destined for heartbreak. I step out before they see me.

Isn't it messed up, how I'm just dying to be him?

I'm just a notch in your bedpost

But you're just a line in a song

I hear them talking, so I make my entrance. Finally, they agree to let me help, not knowing how they just broke my heart.

Drop a heart

Break a name

We're always sleeping in

Ad sleeping for the wrong team

We arrive at Wuya's fortress of doom. Insults are exchanged, then we attack. Before we can rescue Omi and Clay, however, Wuya unleashes a deadly bolt at Kimiko. Before I can move in to save her, Raimundo jumps in the way. The bolt hits him in the chest, and he goes down. I move in on Wuya to give Kimiko and Raimundo a moment. I knock her unconcious. Raimundo is dead now. I pull the sobbing girl into my arms and comfort her. She thanks me, kissing my cheek. Just then, Wuya gets up.

I turn on my helibot, flying across the room to split the target. She goes for me, enjoying watching Kimiko suffer. Kimiko runs across the room and jumps in front of me, sacrificing herself to save me and end her pain. I hold her in my arms and tell her I love her, but it's too late. She's gone. This time, with no Kimiko to save me, Wuya's aim is true. Her bolt hits me in the chest. I'm sorry, Kimiko, I think as I slip away. I couldn't save you. I couldn't save your friends. But I still love you, forever and for always. Goodbye.

We're going down, down, in an earlier round

And sugar we're going down swinging

I'll be your number one with a bullet

A loaded God complex cock it and pull it

A/N:Admit it, you cried! I cried writing it! But Review anyway, please?