Disclaimer: own nothing know nothing earn nothing

Ok, I have been a member/reader of this site for a while now but have never really felt the push to post anything. I was content in reading all the great stories out there. But recently I came up with an idea and thought it might be worth trying to horribly embarrass myself by writing something and putting it out there for anyone to read. So here is a story I wrote a few months ago. It is not quite finished yet. I leave the crititism and feedback up to you. I will post the rest of it reguardless of reviews (unless it is really horrible) please tell me if it is really horrible.

Anyway here it goes.



She pulled back the curtains and looked outside, the sun had just gone down and a dark shadow was beginning to spread its way across the sky.

She stayed there for a moment thinking about what she had done. She felt guilty, terribly guilty but each time she played the scenario over in her mind she couldn't think of any other way it could have ended.

She knew her guilt was a way for her mind and soul to deal with what she had been forced to do, but it didn't take away the overwhelming feeling of sadness that spread through her.

She stepped away from the window and sighed, she needed to do something, anything to take her mind of the recent events. She needed some comfort, and what better than comfort food. Knowing there was nothing in her flat she went to the kitchen bench picked up her car keys and bag and headed downstairs.

She badly needed a donut.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that the first chapter is short but the rest area bit longer.
