There is not enough love for these two characters, and definitely not enough for this pairing. I'm going to post Jon/Thayet drabbles here, and maybe some concerning the six Conte children.

Good Decisions

"Probation?" Thayet watched him carefully as he walked out of the dressing room, his tunic and hose replaced by a long woolen nightshirt.

Jon sighed, pulling back the thick bedcovers. He didn't look at her. "You agree with Alanna too, then?"

"I agree with no one, Jon, I'm just asking a question." She removed the pins that held up her hair, placing them down on the wooden night table.

"I needed Wyldon's support – the support of the conservatives." He slid between the blankets, darkly adding, "There will be trouble as it is. Even I can't prevent half of it."

"You use your head more than your heart," she chastised, smoothing out the wrinkles in her nightgown. "Was that really a fair decision?"

"Fair? Is it fair that my Champion refuses to come to court? That one of my oldest friends is now cursing my name? It's beyond my control and far from fair."

He rolled over, hunching his shoulders and putting his back to her. Thayet bit her lower lip, and blew out the candles.