My heaven:

Yugi exclaimed:


Atem turned and starred into Yugi's tear filled eyes. Atem felt a sharp jolt in his heart and his hand immediately flew to his well defined chest. Atem stated:


"Please don't leave me…"

Atem then realized that he didn't even want to leave. Atem, in Pharaoh clothes, walked up to Yugi.

"You really want me to stay…?"

"Does this answer your question…?"

Yugi shyly planted a kiss on Atem's lips and Anzu collapsed and died. Figuratively unfortunately. Kaiba-kun commented to himself:

"Man that's hot…"

Atem then realized that Yugi felt the same way that he did. He commented:

"I love you."

"I love you too…"

Kaiba commented, "I had a feeling that you two would end up as a couple. Now where did Jou go?"

Jou exclaimed, "NNNOOOOOO!"


Kaiba-kun then chased after Jou. The other random people then left Atem and Yugi alone. Atem then spoke to Yugi:

"You know what? I think you are my heaven."

Yugi's eyes went big and sparkly and Atem's body became solid. Atem spoke:

"It just wouldn't be heaven without the one I love…"

Atem grabbed Yugi and embraced him in a kiss. The door to the afterlife closed, but it was already like he was in a better afterlife. Atem then looked down and asked:

"Uh…why am I wearing a skirt…?"

Yugi starred at him. Atem then commented:

"How about I take this skirt off and break out the whip cream and marshmallows…"

"Wow. You're kinky. Me likey…"

Atem then playfully nibbled on Yugi's ear. I've been watching way too much Gravitation. Yugi then randomly stated:

"I wonder what's under there…?"

Yugi lifted up the skirt thingy on Atem's Pharaoh costume to reveal his boxers which had little red hearts on them. Atem commented:

"If you're looking to see if I have a tail no I don't. I'm not a saiya-jin. I'm an Egyptian."

Yugi commented, "I love your ass."

"I don't have a donkey…"

"NO! You're ass…"

"Oh…that…I love my ass too! My ass is very sexy! I am hot for I am Atem…"

Atem then took off his shirt to reveal his hot muscular body. He then started to sing. I don't own the song, the guy who wrote it does:

You think I'm sexy and you're right!

Come on closer I won't bite!

I see the love that's in your eyes!

And I will go and make you mine!

Yugi just looked at him like wha? Atem then commented:

"Show me how sexy YOU are…"

Atem then proceeded to take Yugi's shirt off from behind. Yugi commented:

"Uh…shouldn't we get a room…?"

"Shoot, I would make love to you on the floor if you would let me…but then again, I see your point. We'll find a room…after I get this shirt off of you…"

Atem then slowly took Yugi's shirt off to reveal that HE was working out and had a fine toned muscular hot body. Where is the whipped cream when you need it? I'm so bad! Atem affectionately nibbled at Yugi's neck and massaged his shoulders. Atem asked:

"What would you do if I were a vampire…?"

"I don't care…I would become one to…"

"I want you Yugi…I REALLY want you…"


"Feh, fine. Take away all the fun. But you owe me. I want to see you covered in whipped cream."

"Just don't get any in my hair."

"Duh…I love your hair too much. It's very sexy hair. I should know…I have the same hair…"

"Please don't start to sing about how sexy you are…"

"C'mon…doesn't it turn you on?"

"I love you."

Atem then took him to their room and pushed him in. He taped the whipped cream and squirted it on Yugi's body. Atem then slowly started to lick it off and….stated:

"You ARE my heaven Yugi-chan…."

STOP! STOP! STOP! It's too much! My brain…it burns with the hotness! BWA! Must have more! Must write more! Any who, tell me what you think. I'm insane…and I'm lovin' it! BWA HA HA HA HA HA….(COUGH)

Author collapses from lack of oxygen. Need…inhaler…