Author Note: This is another story that has been in my head for a while. I do apologize for me not updating my other stories, but a lot of crap has been holding me up! So, what better way to chill, is to write a story! I hope you like!

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and Co. No sue me! Other miscellaneous characters belong to me.

Summary: AU. Kagome Higurashi, an ordinary school girl, quietly watches Sesshomaru, an 11th grader. She longs for someone to call her own, and so she turns to her dreams of him. What little does she know that he might feel the same way? Sess/Kag.

I Quietly Watch You

Chapter One


Kagome awoke slowly, and stared at her ceiling. Yet another dream has invaded her sleep. She pulled the covers over her head, and listened to her mother walk around the house. It was almost time for her to get ready for school, so she sat there and listened once again as her mothers footsteps came closer. The door opened as the light from the hall flooded into her dark room.

"Kagome, it's time to get up." Her mother said, then turned around and left leaving the door ajar.

"Yes, mother" Kagome mumbled and sat up rubbing her eyes sleepily. She sighed and swung her legs over the bed and got up, her knees popping while she stood up.

She walked out of her room and into the kitchen and pulled down a box of chocolate chip pop tarts, and placed them in the toaster. Hopping onto the counter, waiting for her pop tarts to get done, she looked up as her mother walked into the kitchen

"Good morning, dear." Lora said as she refilled her coffee cup.

"Morning mom" Kagome smiled, swinging her legs back and forth, as the smell of chocolate chip pop tarts filled the room.

"Did you sleep well?" Lora turned around and leaned against the counter, her coffee cup in hand.

"Yeah I did." Kagome hopped of the counter, and got a napkin pulling her pop tarts out of the toaster and onto the napkin. She took one and nibbled on the corner.

"That's good," Lora smiled and took a sip of coffee "Don't for get to do your chores when you get home."

"Yes mother, I know." She smiled, and took another bite of her pop tart and watched as her mother left the kitchen.

Kagome quietly ate her pop tarts, thinking about her dream. It seemed to never end. His face was clearly imprinted in her mind and always haunted her mind every time she closed her eyes. Sometimes she would cry, but that was very seldom. All she wanted was someone to like her form the inside, not looks. Finishing her pop tarts she got up and went to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

After 30 minutes she got out and began to blow dry her hair. She finally got her hair to do something right, for once. Her hair fell past her shoulders and slightly flipped out. She fixed her bangs and went to change.

She slipped on her favorite blue jeans, the jeans with a tear in the knee, and light spots to make them look like they have been worn over, and over again. Then she picked out a striped green, blue, and white polo shirt. Satisfied with her result's she grabbed her book bag, and car keys and walked out the door.

"Mom, I'm leaving!" Kagome shouted from the door.

"Okay! Be careful! I love you!" Lora shouted from her bedroom.

"Love you too!" Kagome closed the door and locked it, and bounded down the stairs. She walked through the drive way, kicking stray rocks on her way to her car. She threw her book bag in the back seat and drove off. She turned on the radio and let the sound drown out her thoughts.

She turned and parked in the parking lot of her school; Blake High. She grabbed her book bag and slung it over her shoulder. As she turned around, and the first thing she saw was Sesshomaru getting out of his car. She stood mesmerized, as he turned around and looked straight at her, his face blank. Feeling panicked she turned around and walked across the parking lot and headed to where her friends stood.

"Kagome, you're here!" Kim waved, and smiled.

Kim was her best friend since the second grade, and stayed with each other ever since. She smiled and waved back.

"Kagome, Sup?" Justin, Kim's boyfriend, just moved here 3 months ago. He was also one of their good friends

"Hey guys" Kagome said and set her book bag on the ground and shoved her hands in her pockets. She looked over at Kim as Justin wrapped his arms around her waist and tickled her. Kim laughed and struggled to get out of his attacking hands.

Kagome looked away, feeling slightly jealous, from the two love birds and turned around to Emily, Courtney and Adam her other close friends.

"Hey ya'll!" Kagome smiled.

"Hey Girl, How's it going?" Emily said giving her a hug.

"Good! Well…I guess... I had another dream last night." Kagome hugged Emily back, and then looked down at her feet.

"It's going to be okay… I know how you feel." Emily replied with a sad smile.

It was true. Emily did know how she felt, because her boyfriend, Lucas, broke up with her a few months ago, and he still acts the same around her. It hurts Kagome to see Emily cry over him, because Lucas was stupid and broke up with her for no reason.

"Yeah… Let's just get on with the day!" Kagome sighed and picked up her book bag as the bell rang to go to homeroom.

All 6 of them walked to their class, blind to the fact that neither of them knew how good or bad their day was going to end.


Well…! How did you like it? It's amazing, that I actually have a plot line for this story! Don't worry I'm making it a goal to update at least once a week; even for my other two stories! Please Review, because you know you want too: P

Thanks Muches!
