Disclaimer: I don't own Bones

A/N: Italic words are Bones' and Booth's thoughts.

After the disappearance of her parents, Temperance Brennan closed down her heart. In her opinion, to feel nothing was better than to feel any pain at all. She thought a normal happy life would be somewhat disrespectful towards her parents. How could life go on for her when they themselves had none at all. Her memories of them had done nothing but cut out pieces of her broken heart.

Their bodies were never found and she eventually ended up in the care of foster homes. She had never gotten over the pain for their lost, the light inside of her flickered off and her heart was shut a very long time ago. She wasn't about to have it opened to anyone for fear of a lost of someone again that she cared deeply for. And then he came along. That annoying FBI special agent, Seely Booth entered her life.

Those words swirled in his head. "I love you." Damned you, Seely Booth, he thought to himself. He wasn't supposed to have said those words. They had stopped in at their usual place for drinks. He was seated a little too close to her that evening. He crossed that invisible boundary line she had somewhat drawn up between them.

Now Dr. Temperance Brennan could not get him out of her head. What the hell is wrong with you? She questioned herself. As she laid in bed, those three little words flashed into her head. He apologized immediately and told her it was just the liquor talking. He had told her, he was not to be held responsible of what he had said.

The morning arrived and it had been no better than the night before. His thoughts were of the anthropologist. Booth remembered every single detailed words he spat out. He meant everything which he had spoken. He was not supposed to have crossed that line which they so kept intact. He wasn't supposed to have said a lot of things, but he did. By the time he caught himself, it was too late.

It was a new day and Tempe doesn't exactly know why she showed up at his place. All she knew for sure was she needed to be there, to be in the same room with him again. She surprised him as he found her at his doorstep and felt uneasy and uncomfortable of her unexpected visit. For a split second, she had thought that maybe, just maybe she had interrupted him in a private moment with someone else. Sparks of jealousy ran through her body.

"Uh, look, I'm sorry. I should have called. I shouldn't have just popped over." She turned and proceeded to leave.

"You're a moron, you know that?" He smiled.

"Excuse me?"

"No one's here," he told her.

"What?" Somehow he knew what had gone through her head and she wondered how.

"Never mind." He smiled.

Since when does he read minds. Tempe hadn't known what possessed her for having been there. Maybe, it was those three little words. She stood as if her feet were glued to the floor.

He pulled her in. "I'm glad you're here," he said as they moved into his living room. "I was about to call you."

Temperance stared at him in disbelief. And he looked at her knowingly that he had no intentions to have ever called her, not the very next day anyway.

"Okay, I wasn't," he told her truthfully.

Yes, that's why I'm here. Just wishing, hoping and praying won't get me into your heart, nor does dreaming. I want to hold you, kiss you and love you. Where the hell did that come from?

"How are you, Booth?" She spoke calmly, but there was no eye contact and she looked around his premises.

"F-fine," he stammered. "And you?" Okay, what the hell is she here for? Hadn't I already embarrassed her for having blurted my feelings out?

"Okay. You had a little too much to drink last night and..."

Booth cut her off immediately and rubbed his temples. "I'm still a little hungover. Hey, look, I'm sorry. I know I'm just a friend, that's all I've ever been to you and hey, I just had, like you said, a little too much to drink last night. That's all. I say things I don't mean."

What the hell am I doing here? Am I here to profess my undying love to him when he in fact just took the "I love you" back? Just get out of there now, Brennan. I mean now."

She headed towards the front door, but, before her hand reached the doorknob, she turned slowly and strutted over back to him. She had no control of herself, as if something or someone had taken over her. She laid her hands on his chest, her fingers grabbed hold of his tee-shirt and pulled him towards her. Tempe twined her hands around his neck and kissed him softly at first. He embraced her tightly as their kiss became intense.

She gently pushed him back. "You don't know me, Booth. You think you do. But, you don't." With that, she rushed out of his house and left him bewildered.

Temperance sat in the corner of her living room and leaned against the wall, her arms wrapped around her knees, pulled up to her chest, as she rocked back and forth. It wasn't even twenty minutes since she'd been home when someone had pounded her front door loudly. Break the door down, why don't you. She closed her eyes and froze for about fifteen seconds before the repeated sound of the doorbell snapped her out of her trance.

"What the hell was that all about?" He hollered through the closed door. He pounded one more time before she opened it abruptly.

"For an FBI agent, you're pretty stupid!"

"Tell me what happened back there, at my place. Why'd you leave?"

She shrugged.

"Bones?" He stared at her confused.

"I did what I needed to do. I don't know what made me do it, but I did. Was it such a crime?" Well, you do want honesty in a woman, don't you?

He stood so close to her that she heard his breath. She wanted to be even closer to him, but, took two steps back. Tempe had practically jumped on him at his house, which she surprised herself and she was afraid of repeated actions, so she moved away quickly.

"Something wrong, Bones?" Seely waited for her reply, but, there was none. So, now she clams up on me, when for a fact she couldn't keep her hands off of me earlier.

It was several minutes before she spoke up. "I think you'd better leave, Booth."

"No. I think we need to talk, Temperance."

Now it's Temperance. He must mean business. God, what did I get myself into.

TBC - Chapter 2