Fire: Welcome to Wait for Me: Searching, the third book in the Wait for Me series. And Sasuke's back! Yay!

Sasuke: What are you so happy about? Naruto's still dead!

Fire: But you still love him. That's so sweet…! XD

Sasuke: …

Naruto: Why don't I get any lines? I can still talk!

Fire: Sakura didn't give you permission to talk.

Naruto: Sakura's not my boss!

Sasuke: (hugs Naruto) Yeah! I am!

Fire: (sweats) Uh…yeah…

Kakashi: (turns around and walks away) …

Sakura: (shouting) You can't hug Naruto! You're supposed to hug me! You're supposed to be with me! I'm the one who brought you back! Naruto's dead!

Fire: (sweats some more) …

Sasuke: Just because Naruto's dead doesn't mean that I can't still love him.

Fire: (turns nervously to the audience) Well…I don't think we want to know what else Sasuke has to say. Just read the story.


Warning: All Japanese terms are used for artistic purposes. If you are confused about any terms used in this story, please go to my profile for the complete glossary.


Warning: This story is rated T for violence, lots and lots of blood, and highly suggestive content. I would prefer readers to be at least 15 to 16 years old because anyone younger might not be able to handle it. I've officially crossed into the world of "fiction" (see your local library) with this fanfic, so expect harsh reality. The easy existence that I created in the prequel and in the first book will be hinted at in this book, but expect the characters to really suffer. Hopefully, you can handle the harsher content; otherwise, skip the chapter when it comes up. I'll be repeating this warning when it does.


Disclaimer: Waah! All those fillers are pulling down my Naruto stocks! Kishimoto-sensei, do something about it! They're butchering your work! And yes, Naruto belongs to Kishimoto-sensei, the older brother, not the younger brother. In other words, it belongs to Masashi-sensei not Seishi-sensei. Seishi-sensei owns 666Satan.


Wait for Me: Searching

A Fire Project

Prologue: Haunted Fates

Naruto was dead. There were many people who couldn't accept that he was dead, but only one actually stepped forwards and did something about it–Uchiha Sasuke–and that was the problem. Tsunade had never come across this problem before. She didn't know what to do.

She wanted to punish him. She wanted to make sure that he never did it again. But there was no reason for him to do it again! He already had what he wanted.

The blond woman should have known that something like this would happen...and that Sasuke would be in the middle of it. When he returned from Otogakure no Sato, she knew that she should have kept those ANBU around him instead of letting him go after a few weeks.

But there was nothing she could have done. He seemed trustworthy at the time. He was being such a model shinobi, and she needed the ANBU for more difficult tasks that had arisen since the damiyo of Hi no Kuni and their neighbouring countries began doubting the strength of Konoha-nin.

And when the Uchiha died five months ago, she had thought she didn't have to worry about the dark-haired shinobi anymore. The little Orochimaru who had caught hold of her attention from the first time she saw him was gone. There was no more need to worry.

Then Sakura disappeared. And when they found her, she was in Oto no Sato.

Tsunade had a horrible feeling when she heard the news. She had thought that she had heard wrong. The note left for them when Sakura left had said nothing about Otogakure. She just said that she would be fine. It was naivety, too much trust within Tsunade that made her think Sakura had left for a normal life.

She was wrong.

With annoyed hands, the woman tossed the reports across the room before flopping onto her desk, her arms falling over uncomfortable corners. Her mind was too occupied with worries over the last week since Sakura was released from the hospital to really care about the pain. The pink-haired girl was in a horrible state when she was brought back from Oto no Sato, and now, she wouldn't even continue the life of a shinobi.

However, her worries were dwelling more on Sasuke. He was still a least for now. And Tsunade just couldn't push herself to trust him. He was too much like Orochimaru. With unhalting hands, he had taken the life of another to resurrect Naruto from the dead. She had to wonder what was going through Orochimaru's mind when he taught that technique to the dark-haired boy. But it wasn't as if she could just ask. Orochimaru was dead, and not even his hitokugutsu could answer her.

Sasori had killed him. Tsunade didn't even know if she could trust that Sakura could keep her summoned servant under control. She wasn't even sure if servant was the right term for it. He could just be pretending to obey her. But at the moment, she didn't care as long as he wasn't causing any real trouble. She was still wondering what to do about Sasuke.

But even as she looked down at her desk, she knew. There was only one real punishment for him, but she could never really do anything to Naruto.

'A transfer request from Uchiha Sasuke?' Tsunade looked at the form that caught her hand as it scraped against the ground. She just wasn't sure if she could allow that.

End Prologue


Fire's babbling:

Fire: As usual, the English tidbits begin in the first chapter. If you liked the prologue, go on ahead to the first chapter!

Sasuke: Read it or die!

Naruto: Why do you always have to be so mean?

Sasuke: Urusai!

Fire: Just go to the next chapter. I'm sure you don't want to hear us bicker.
