Rating: K +
Summary: From the last part of Episode 19 and spoiler of Episode 20: there is no way to go out without her help. Michael should decide if he would talk with her…

Decisions II (Michael)

His gaze was fixed on the hexagonal forms of the mattress above him. He couldn't sleep anymore. His sweaty hands closed into a fist. He had dreamt, as every night, and his body was reacting at the mental image of her. He could see clearly her slender figure leaning on him, panting, groaning, and begging him to kiss her as he did in the infirmary. He stretched his arm to hold her but her shape vanished into the dark. Now she was standing in the corner of his cell looking at him. Her eyes were screaming at him. Her face had chasing him all day.

He had hurt her.

His heart was sailing on the turbulent sea of his feelings while his soul was sinking into a deep blue blameworthy sensation.

His brain was a chaos.

"Papi, are you awake?"

"Yeah…" He didn't tell anyone that she changed the lock of the door.

"I'm exacting… this time we can make it." The cheerily voice of his cell mate made him feel worse.

Michael wore his stony mask, his boredom expression that hid his turbulent fear. No one could see through it but her.

Without a word he washed his face. His brain needed a cold water wash, his mind boiled and he couldn't foresee an exit. And he needed desperately an exit through sickbay. Sickbay, her kingdom. He dried his face with the towel.

Quickly his morning pill disappeared into his mouth, after breakfast he had to go to his morning shot. He turned around and mechanically walked out of the cell. He descended slowly the stairs heading to the dining room.

Why did he keep thinking of her? Why couldn't he forget her expression when the nurse found the key on her desk? It was supposed that she should not notice it. Why did she?

He looked at the plate without see what was in front of him. He swallowed the meal because he needed his glucose level high.

He followed the routine stepping inside the infirmary waiting for his morning injection. She was inside her office. He watched her stroll from side to side.

His mind worked all day and all night to build something credible. Would she buy it? He had become a master of the deceit. But it never worked with her. Then a shudder crossed his body realizing that she had anticipated his move. Never had it happened before. No one ever could foresee what he was doing, not even his teachers in college. But she did. She was smart, smart enough to figure his game.

He played the next chess move into his brain and knew what his next step should be. He needed to talk to her, be honest and ask for help. Every time he asked for her help she willingly helped him. She read his brother files. She tried to help talking with her father… She read his brother files and believed that he was innocent.

He swallowed hard when she turned around gazing at him.

"Scofield, you're next." Some guard shout.

He had taken a decision, he would put his life on her hands. He opened the door and stepped ahead.