SY: Long time I know! But to celebrate the good news, this will be my 'Christmas' gift to all my readers, and a farewell. So enjoy! Plus, I do not own star wars! (And Naruto, and many other things)

(Stage closes then open)

Tenten and Gai:

However, Gai's jovial mood changed a few seconds later. The machine stopped for a few seconds therefore once Gai jumped for joy when he 'thought' he won the challenge, the machine soon started working. So the score soon changed, now Tenten being the winner with a difference of 10,000 points. Tenten tormented Gai, "HA. Now the tables switched."

Gai was in shocked that time, thanks to his 'jump for joy' it killed his jolly mood. Tenten wasn't astonished to see Gai, her teacher, be on the floor crying so hard that he lost the dance dance revolution challenge.

Rock Lee's Dream, Part 3:

While Rock Lee was in a carousel sitting down on a horse, he noticed people he never saw before. What he actually didn't know was that he is the number one wanted criminal in Kohona Village, or so Rock Lee assumed. Rock Lee was quite a jolly boy, much like Gai when he 'supposedly' was happy to hear that he won the challenge. However, he soon fell into a portal because the horse soon became alive and kicked Rock Lee into the portal.

After he went to the portal, he noticed he was dressed differently. He was wearing a robe, like a typical Jedi, and had a light saber in his hips. Actually, Rock Lee had a secret; he was a star wars addict. Rock Lee said to himself, "Wow! I'm a Jedi!" He was awed by the clothes and the light saber he had. Rock Lee thought, "Hm..I should try if this works." He looked around his surroundings to see if there were any enemies, but as a result there wasn't any.

So Rock Lee raised his right hand and said in a mellow way, "May the force be with you…." Then, Rock Lee soon started celebrating because he loved the way he said it. But since it's his dream, he controls what happens…not always. Rock Lee turned around and noticed a bunch of monsters ready to attack him, which he didn't want in his dream.

Rock Lee tried to stay as calm as a Jedi, however, he soon got his light saber and tried to attack a robot with it. The sad part was that the way he angled the light saber was the wrong way! Instead of the light saber facing north, it was facing south. So when Rock Lee turned it on, it hit his stomach, but not as much.

The monsters seem to go closer and closer to his range, and Rock Lee turned around his light saber and started attacking with it. The good part was that he was able to figure out how to use it well. Rock Lee thought while fighting, "Agh! This light saber is actually heavy!" He kept fighting like a determined yet professional Jedi until something happened.

The Salon Moment….

Rock Lee woke up! But how he woke up was due to Neji's hard slap on his face. It left a mark on Rock Lee's face, but it woke him up. Neji saw Rock Lee's eyes opening and said, "FINALLY. Gosh! You've been sleeping for quite some time. What in the world happened to you!"

Rock Lee woke up but with a shining face, even though that mark was still in his face saying, "I love the dream I had!" Neji was quite baffled by what he said and asked, "Uh…what dream?"

Rock Lee replied while having a stunning smile, "It's the best dream! You were there and so was Sasuke, and so was Naruto..and Sakura!"

Neji replied, "Sure.." Neji was still confused at the same time thought that what hit Rock Lee made him get so perky and hyper. So Neji took Rock Lee by the back and started dragging him to go all the way back from the emotional Gai and the calm Tenten.

Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke:

Meanwhile, while the arena was quivering and shaking, so was the trio. They didn't know what was coming, but they had to remain ready, like a ninja. Soon, a big glove hand jumped out of nowhere and started moving. Naruto asked Sakura and Sasuke, "Hey, is that a right hand or a left hand?"

Sakura shouted, "That's not important Naruto! I think we have to battle this thing before we leave!" Naruto nodded and started out the first move by attacking straight at the hand, however he didn't know that the hand was floating. So only attacks that work in the air can work in this battle.

Sasuke, who obtained Mewtwo's powers, jumped up and started flipping as if he was a floating ball therefore attacking the hand. However, the hand started attacking by having each finger spark lasers. It made both Sakura and Naruto try to avoid them.

Then Sasuke started summoning a dark orb and shooting at it at accurate as he can to the hand. But while he was doing that, Naruto felt like Sasuke was taking all the 'fame' so Naruto started running straight ahead, but unlike the last time, he leaped like a swift fox and kicked the hand as hard as his legs could.

Finally, Sakura summoned magically a turnip and started going in the hand's range and throwing at the hand. So overall, Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura were trying to work as a team to defeat the hand, in which minutes later was successfully accomplished.

The mysterious voice said, "Well it seems that you have defeated me with good team work. As a result, I will teleport you back to your own world. Mission accomplished." Lastly, the vortex soon opened, therefore Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura went inside it and was therefore teleported.

Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke:

While Kakashi noticed that the Nintendo DS unexpectedly turned off, Kakashi looked up and noticed his students in front of him. Naruto had a giant smile in his face and said, "I miss you!!" Sasuke remained his usual self and thought it was quite awkward of what Naruto just did. And Sakura, well, she hit Naruto's head because Kakashi remained so calm. This was the end of an interesting yet weird mission that team seven have ever encountered.

SY: This is the end, the finale. I know I'm going to miss all the reviews, but fear not! You will probably see me writing different fanfics, like a bleach fanfic and maybe poems! And if you have a chance (like if you want to read this again), please check my other fanfics, some which are old. But overall, I'm going to miss you all!