Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, ok? trots off to dream about Warren Peace

What Layla was REALLY thinking at homecoming

I can not believe this. I'm kissing Will Stronghold! Me! I, who have been in love with Will since the first grade, am now currently joined to him at the lips. He's running his fingers through my hair and trailing his hand down my arm. This is everything I've ever dreamed of. So WHY am I not ecstatic? Why am I not shaking, hearing my heart beat in my ears and feeling the blood rush to my head? Why am I not experiencing any of the classic signs of hopeless infatuation I have been the victim of every time he's touched me before? And WHY ON EARTH am I getting visions of black leather, dark eyes and long streaked hair? For heaven's sake, Layla! Pull yourself together! You're kissing Will Stronghold! Now is not the time to be thinking of Warren Peace, Will's ENEMY, of all people! Ok, this is ridiculous. I'm in love with Will. Always have been, always will be. Yep, that's right. So why do I wish I was kissing Warren Peace instead?

Fortune Cookie

The paper felt brittle, like a dry leaf as she held it in her palm. She felt her heartbeat race as memories began barrelling out of her subconscious and into her mind.

Flashes of large, strong hands exploding into a fiery blaze, dark eyes narrowing, obscured by strands of black, red-streaked hair, and his face, twisted into a snarl as he threw himself into the thick of the fight. His brutal, terrifying rage as he attacked and the flames flickered not only in his hands, but in his eyes.

A single tear leaked from her eyelid as new memories began surfacing. His dark eyes crinkling into laughter, his explosive hands, warmer than summer clasping hers, protectively. His arms wrapping around her, drawing her closer until his rough lips met her own, those same lips whispering that he loved her. When had she ever said it back to him?

Layla stared down at the fragile paper in her hand. A fortune cookie slip, yellowed with age. 'To let true love remain unspoken is the quickest route to a heavy heart'. And for the first time since that fateful night at the Paper Lantern, Layla truly understood what it meant.

…So. Thoughts? Flame if you must, at least it shows you've gone out of your way.