BABY? It's okay, I still love you.
Chapter one
"Are you alright baby?" Haruka came out of the shower to find Michiru twisting uncomfortably in the bed. Michiru let out a small noise of discomfort and Haruka moved around to check on her. She pushed Michiru's hair back from her face feeling her head. "You are burning up," Haruka sat down on the bed next beside her. "I'm going to call Ami." Michiru let out another whimper as Haruka picked up the phone from the bedside table. They normally didn't leave the phone so close to the bed, but Haruka felt better with the new phone being in every room so Michiru could get to it if she ever needed Haruka right away, since a new enemy was on the loose. As the phone was ringing on the other side Haruka reached around to rub Michiru's lower back where it hurt the most. "Ami?" Haruka smiled as she heard the beautiful young blue haired woman pick up. "Ami, can you come over, Michiru has a fever." She explained what she knew as Ami promised to stop by on her way to work. Hanging up Haruka smiled looking down at the beautiful smaller girl next to her as she pushed aside her hair. "What's wrong?" Michiru shifted once more trying to find some comfort.
"It hurts," Haruka looked down trying not to laugh, but appear to be somewhat compassionate. Haruka stood up to change, she slid on one of her t-shirts and a pair of cool basketball shorts before climbing in bed with Michiru to try and ease her pain. Haruka wrapped her arms around Michiru and pulled her close. The night before had been a long one, they had vanquished yet another monster their latest enemy had created, but not without injury. Michiru had taken most of it while Haruka tried to protect the innocent. Much to Haruka's displeasure Michiru had refused medical treatment, but instead insisted on going home and going to bed. The other Sailor Scouts had rushed off to check and ensure that Sailor Moon or Usagi was safe, as she had taken a great blow to her ever-growing belly. The doorbell sounded and Haruka pulled out from under the covers to walk down stairs. Haruka answered the door smiling as she noticed it was Ami and her son.
"Hey, come on in." Haruka invited them both in. Ami's son smiled as he stepped in. Haruka bent over to give him a hug. "You are getting bigger everyday?" The little boy smiled.
"Is she upstairs?" Haruka nodded as she led the way up the stairs. "How's Usagi doing?" Haruka asked as she led the way to the room.
"She's alright, she needs to stay in bed for a little while to ensure she doesn't have a miscarriage, but I think everything will be just fine." They made it to the room where Michiru was laying in bed. "Anson, why don't you stay out here." Anson nodded as he took a seat on the stairs. Haruka walked Ami in and left to take a seat next to Anson.
"Haruka-san, why do you and Michiru-chan live here all alone?" The young boy asked as he looked all over the machine. Haruka had been perfectly content with living in the apartment, but Michiru had wanted a home, a place they could live without others knowing their business. Haruka had worked hard to build the perfect place with the held of Mamoru's help. An indoor pool was on the bottom floor with a track built around it. Everyone did their living on the second floor, it was where the front door was actually located, the drive way would come up to it and the third floor was the two girls bedroom along with two full sized showers.
"I don't know, I like all this open space and as long as Michiru and I have each other then we aren't alone." The boy looked up at the tall slender blonde with short hair. "I have an idea, I think we might have some cookies down stairs in the kitchen, would you like some?" His face lit up, every time one of the girls brought their children over Haruka and Michiru would always have sweets to spoil them with. The two walked downstairs to find some milk and cookies, Haruka sat the young boy up on the stool so he could enjoy, while upstairs Ami was talking with Michiru.
"Well you certainly have a fever, one hundred and two, that's not good." Ami pushed Michiru's hair out of her face; Michiru was sweating by now, but shivering furiously under the covers. Michiru couldn't say anything as she felt tired and incapable of moving. She moved to her side and puked right into the trash that Haruka had moved the previous night for her. "I'm going to give you something that'll help the poison from last night move quickly through your system, but I don't think that'll stop you from throwing up." Michiru looked curiously at the blue haired woman. "Be honest Michiru, you didn't just start throwing up did you?" Michiru looked at Ami, she was amazed by the knowledge she had. "When I looked down your throat I could tell, how long have you been throwing up?" Michiru thought about it.
"About a month, every morning, but by the ten I feel better." Ami smiled, she knew the symptoms well, but Michiru had not yet caught on.
"Do certain smells or taste or sights make you sick?" Michiru nodded as she slowly caught on to where Ami was going.
"I can't be, I've been faithful to Haruka, I would never." Ami shook her head.
"That's none of my business, but you are defiantly exhibiting signs of pregnancy. I have a test in my bag, would you like me to leave it?" Michiru nodded, it would give her peace of mind to find out she wasn't pregnant. "Alright then, I'll leave here along with your medicine. Good-luck and take care." Ami left with that. Michiru eyed the test with disgust, she hadn't been unfaithful, but would Haruka believe her, and how could she get pregnant. Michiru threw the sheets off and walked wearily to the bathroom taking the test with her.
Haruka and Anson walked out of the kitchen as Ami came down the stairs. Ami smiled knowing that Haruka had been spoiling Anson once again.
"What kind of sweets did Haruka give you this time?" Anson smiled and Ami brushed the remaining crumbs from his cheeks. "Cookies?" Haruka smiled as Ami looked up at her. "Michiru's going to be fine, I left some antibiotics upstairs with her." Haruka nodded and walked Ami and Anson to the door.
"Thank you for coming by Ami, and tell Usagi to take it easy." Ami waved as she climbed into her little black car. Haruka watched as they drove out, before shutting the door and making her way upstairs. She could hear movement coming from the room and walked in to find Michiru sitting on the bed holding something. "Are you feeling any better?" Haruka walked over to sit beside Michiru who finally looked up. "What's that?" Tears were forming in Michiru's eyes as she met with Haruka's. "What's wrong?"
"You know I love you, I would never do anything to hurt you right?" Haruka nodded.
"I love you two, what's wrong?" Michiru swallowed.
"Will you still love me?" Haruka looked into Michiru's eyes as she could see some pain and hurt, but at the same moved to kiss her gentle lips. Michiru smiled hurt slightly by what she knew she had to tell Haruka. "Do you remember that party last month, the one where you found me asleep in the spare room?" Haruka nodded still concerned for Michiru. "I really don't remember that, the last thing I do remember is one of the men bringing me a drink." Haruka swallowed still listening. "Haruka, I'm pregnant." Haruka looked taken aback, but recovered quickly.
"You were raped," Haruka breathed as Michiru looked deep into those glowing green eyes, she nodded, it was the only thing she could come up with, it was the only time she couldn't remember and the timing fit. Blood had been coming steadily after that night, but she assumed it was her time of the month coming early. Haruka pulled Michiru close wrapping her leg behind her and holding her. "That's how your dress must have ripped and why your period came early." Michiru started to cry as thoughts of that night slowly started appearing. She pushed away to look at Haruka,
"What are we going to do about the baby?" Haruka looked down at Michiru, on the one hand the baby was something that might remind Michiru of that night, but on the other hand Michiru had always wanted a child, a baby, something Haruka never was capable of giving her.
"What ever you decided, I will be here for you." Michiru smiled as she leaned back into Haruka's chest. "I love you." Michiru snuggled into Haruka's chest.
"I love you to." Haruka and Michiru sat there in silence enjoying the others presences.