According to Elric-Chan, this story is good enough to put on here. I wrote it last year while around two in the morning one night, so don't be surprised if it seems odd.

This story is simply about anime characters in the Norwood High lunchroom. I might even go outside with it if I decide to write more of this story.

Right now, it's short and stupid. But whatever, I don't have many stories on here, and this has been sitting in my folder since last year...

The lack of variety of Characters in this story is because I don't get the chance to see much anime that isn't aired on adult swim. Sorry if your favorite character isn't mentioned!

Characters may be OOC. This fic includes extreme hate for Justin White.



"This crap is NASTY." Wolfwood moaned. He pushed his plate away from himself.

"This pre-packaged stuff is okay!" Vash said, his mouth so full of donettes that he could barely talk, a circle of White powdered sugar around his mouth.

Knives was looking around at all of the kids. "" He yelled and tugged his hair.

Justin White walked up to him. "Your funny looking, Mister."

Knives stared at him.

"Are you aware that your eye is twitching? Justin said.

Knives proceeded then to beat him ferociously, then ran away screaming maniacally.

"I was...only trying to help!" Justin yelled after him.

"This stuff is pretty good!" In the lunch line, Inuyasha and Hige stood, pulling hamburgers apart and eating the meat. The lunch ladies cowered in the corner. "I could eat this stuff all day!" Hige said through a full mouth of hamburger.

Rachel (Elric-Chan) stood there, staring at the two. "Dreams DO come true..." She said, with happy tears streaming down her cheeks.

Justin White was in line behind her, with a bloody nose inflicted by Knives. He grabbed a half-burnt grilled cheese sandwich and put it on his tray. He looked up and saw Inuyasha and Hige. "NO! More crazy cartoon people!" He ran off, almost dumping his food.

Inuyasha stared after him, a burger hanging out of his mouth. Hige pointed to it. "Uhhh... you gonna eat that?" He asked. Inuyasha shrugged and pulled it out of his mouth. "Human here looks kind of hungry." He said, nodding to Rachel, who was still standing there staring at them.

Inuyasha held it out to her, covered in saliva, and she took it, not wanting to be rude. "thankyou!" she said very fast and walked off with her tray, looking at it like it was gold. Inuyasha snickered. "She's nicer than kagome."

Kagome, who had behind the counter, yelled "Sit Boy!" and he went crashing down to the floor. "I take it back!" he yelled. "You better!" She said triumphantly. Hige gaped at her. "Miss, uh-"

Just then, Edward Elric came running from the back of the cafeteria. "The crazy people who call themselves science teachers have been making chimeras!" Alphonse ran after him. "Brother, wait up!" everyone stared at them.

Suddenly, A bunch of bird-rat chimeras came flying out behind them. Everyone screamed.


okay, That's all I have right now. I'll write more if anyone likes it. Please don't flame me! Review if you like it!