Title: One Flight Down
Chaper: 4. I'm Not OK
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Chad stops at a cafe to get a drink and hears a familiar voice. Chelsi, Jelsi.
Other sites the fic can be found: Fandom: High School Musical
Disclaimer(s): I don't own anyone in this story. Someone else owns everyone and everything in this story. The idea is mine and so is the song Kelsi's writing/sings to Chad.

Chad woke up to the sound of a door slamming and stood up quickly, opening the door to Kelsi's room to find her rushing out of the apartment in hurry.

She had a mess of blonde and brown curls pulled back into a terrible ponytail with her purse clutched in hand. She was dressed in a periwinkle camisole and had on a tea length blue jean skirt on with her four inch heals to make her a little bit taller so their wasn't so much of a height difference between her and Jason when they were together.

"Kelsi!" Chad called after her.

"What!?" Kelsi shouted in frustration, turning around and looked at Chad as hot tears welled in her eyes. The overwhelming feeling she had gotten when she woke up was coming back to her. She blinked, forcing back any bit of crying so it didn't ruin her delicate makeup.

Chad got closer to her as she started sweating and her face flushed. "Are you okay?" he asked in concern, pressing the back of his hand to her forehead to feel for a fever.

"I'm fine," Kelsi snapped, pulling back from him. "Don't touch me," she added sharply, averting her eyes to the floor to ignore any eyecontact with him as she started crying.

"Kelsi..." Chad started softly, cupping her cheek and tilted her head up to face him as she kept crying. "What's wrong?" he questioned gently as she kept her eyes closed.

Kelsi pulled back swiftly and looked at him with fury. "I said DON'T!" she screamed through sobs, clutching her chest as she started panting. She squeezed her eyes shut tight as tears fell quickly down her cheeks and memories flashes through her mind which had only happened one other time. She screamed out, falling on her knees and then dropped her head, sobbing as she covered her mouth in fear.

Chad stood there in shock, not knowing what to do and kneeled beside her, rubbing her back. "Kels'..." he whispered, trailing off.

Kelsi fell against Chad, who sat back and held her close. "I got you," he whispered softly as she cried on his chest painfully as her flashbacks settled down and left. "There we go," he said with a gentle smile as she eased into slow, deep breaths. He rubbed her back comfortingly and kissed the top of her head.

Kelsi stood inside the cafe, working behind the counter. Only two or three costemers stood left at two in the afternoon and Kelsi was busy cleaning off the counter when Chad came in. He got behind the counter and wrapped his arms around Kelsi from behind, placing a kiss on the side of her neck.

"Hi," she giggled softly, leaning back in his arms only to recieve another kiss on her neck. She grinned, turning on her heals and kissed him forcefully.

Chad pulled back. "So you're feeling better?" he asked, looking into her eyes.

Kelsi laughed softly as she nodded, "I'm fine. I got cleaned up, took some asprin, and now I'm good." She kissed his cheek and continued cleaning the counter.

Chad stood there, watching her wipe the counter off and shook his head as she took in slow gasps. "Kelsi, you need to go upstairs and sleep," he said, taking her hand only to have her pull them away. "Kelsi..." he started.

Kelsi walked out from behind the register and started for the storage room. "We're out of mocha," she said, going into the room and Chad followed her. "What kind of a fucking coffee house are we that we don't even have any mocha?" she asked herself as she searched the shelves.

Chad sighed, starting to beg her, "Kelsi, please..."

Kelsi rubbed her forehead as she kept looking, tears welling in her eyes. "We don't have mocha," she sniffled, forcing back tears as she turned to him. He finally noticed how pale and clammy she was and pulled her close. "We don't have mocha," she sobbed, holding onto him shakily.

Chad clutched her close, running his hand through her hair as she cried on his shoulder and kissed the top of her head. "I know, Kelsi. I know," he whispered soothingly as she sobbed her heart out. "Let's get you upstairs," he said, scooping her up in his arms. She opened her mouth to complain. "I'll call Jason and it'll be fine," he assured, kissing her softly on the lips. She closed her eyes, returning the kiss and then snuggled up in his arms. "There we go," he said, carrying her to the back and upstairs to the apartment.

By the time they got to her room, Kelsi was fast asleep in his arms with her arms limply wrapped around his neck. Chad smiled softly to himself, setting her in bed. He pushed her hair out of her eyes and checked her for a fever. She didn't feel too warm, but she was extremely pale. He pulled the blanket over her and tucked her in as she shifted uncomfortably, making a soft whimpering sound.

"What's wrong?" Chad asked softly, looking down at her in concern. He sat down and got in beside her. "What is it, Kelsi?" he asked, pulling her in his arms. Kelsi immediately calmed down in his arms and he laid down, holding her close and let her rest with a smile on her face. A smile he put on her lips.

Chad kissed her forehead as hair stuck to her sweaty face and neck. She moaned painfully, cringing a little and snuggled closer to him, grabbing the front of his shirts with her fists. He kissed her tenderly on the lips and she gladly returned the kiss, opening her eyes when they parted.

"Hi," Kelsi said shyly, looking up at him sheepishly.

"Hey," Chad smiled, kissing her forehead again and rubbed her back as they cuddled up in her bed under the covers. He rocked them a little and placed a kiss in the crook of her neck. She placed her head in his chest and went back to sleep