Making the Band: Ch. 1 Welcome Back To A LIVING NIGHTMARE

HI EVERONE, where I got the idea for this I do not know. It was a random thought when I was listening to music (Hawaiian music I live in Hawaii so some of the songs featured you might not know).

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts. The chances of me actually owning Kingdom Hearts are the chances of Riku going out with me. I don't own the songs that are used. I MAY know the people who wrote them (yah right).



"Sora, Sora, SORA GET UP," yelled a sixteen-year-old girl banging on my door or you could just call Alexis, my sister.

"I'm up," I yelled back still in bed.

"But not out of your bed, come on I don't want to be late and if you don't get to school on time Mom is going to ground me and…"

"You have a party to go to next week, I know."

"I'll give you to the count of ten if your not ready I just might call KAIRI and let a small secret slip."

I shot out of bed ran out the door and into the bathroom. "That not fair, you know that."

"Let's see," she got her cell phone, "phone book," I striped and jumped into the shower washed quickly, dried and changed into a blue shirt, basketball pants, and white shoes (I'm wearing socks you just can't see them), "I'm scrolling down H, I, J, K." I shook up my hair making it even more spiky (hey chicks dig the spiky hair).

"Done," I came out of the bathroom smiling.

"Okay, lover boy lets go," she walked by pulling me by the ear.

"Ow let go ow ow ow ow ow let ow go," we walked down stairs. Sorry if I didn't give you a proper introduction. My name is Sora Hikiraki age fifteen; I live on Destiny Islands with my Mom and Sister. My Mom works a lot so it's usually just my sister and I. Today was the first day of school of my sophomore year.

"Were here, Sora, Sora," she said as we pulled up to my school. I wasn't paying attention I was look at the most wonderful girl in the school. "Staring at our little girl friend aren't we."

I just nodded, truly I wasn't listening I was just staring at Kairi; I had a crush on her since she first came to Destiny Islands when we were both five. We been best friend for so many years, but I was to afraid to tell her how I felt.

"Hey, Kairi," she yelled from the car.

"Alexis what are you doing why are you calling her over here," I panicked.

"Well, you need to get out of my car and go to school because I have twenty minutes to get to my class."

"Hi, Alexis, hi, Sora," she was blushing when she said my name.

"What's up," Alexis asked Kairi.

"Nothing much, I was just talking to Namine," she pointed to a bench underneath a tree where Namine was sitting and Roxas my cousin was walking over there and sat down by her and they started kissing.

"Looks like some people hooked up over vacation,"

"Yep, they got together towards the end of vacation," We were standing in front of the car, Kairi was explaining how they got "together" after about three years of having a crush on each other.

I was looking at Alexis she had the evil smile. She walked towards the car's window and honked the horn so loud that everyone in the world could hear. "Roxas just because you enjoy this doesn't mean you have to blind everyone with your love life," she yelled at Roxas. Roxas keep kissing Namine and gave the middle finger to Alexis. "Go get a room before I find one for you," she yelled back.

"What about you and Riku," Roxas yelled back.

"What about me?" said a voice behind me.

"Riku, finally someone who hasn't gone crazy on me," I yelled in relief. "OW," Alexis slapped me in the back of the head.


I'M DONE thank god, I know it's short but it's just the begging. I need reviews people and please no flames this is my first fic. The next one will start with them at school and making a band for the talent show,