"Bloody hell, you stupid boys wake up!" Severus Snape's agitated voice was the alarm clock for Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy.

Which, both were lying on the floor, in exact opposite sides of the room. Saying that neither wanted to sleep by the other git.

"Aw, now Sev," Harry awoke wiping sleep away from his eye, "that isn't away to get friends. Especially if you don't want to end up alone and dead."

"I would much rather be alone and dead then stuck with you two," Severus muttered.

"What was that, Sev?" Draco's said with a yawn.

Harry answered for him, "He was just saying how much he enjoyed our company." Harry sat up and grinned at Severus.

Severus just rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say. Get up, we need to eat before we head to the Ministry."

"The Ministry?" Draco asked questioningly.

"Yes, our dear Mr. Potter needs to pick up his reimbursement for being thrown in Azkaban."

Harry just smiled cynically, "They think money will solve what hell they put me through."

Draco moved and put a hand on Harry's shoulder, "It's the only way they know how."

Severus looked at the two boys and sighed, "Harry," Harry looked to the older man, "You could always give them hell back."

Harry grinned, "You always know what to say, my dear Professor."

"But of course," Severus said sweetly, "Now if you two don't get your lazy arses up I will not be responsible for my actions."

Draco immediately got up, "You better listen Harry, he is not one to mess with."

Harry just smirked, "Bring it on."

Draco just shook his head and left the room, head for the kitchen. As he headed down the stairs he couldn't help but grin, hearing Harry screaming, "UNCLE."

"Stupid greasy haired git," Harry muttered entering the kitchen glaring at the grin that Draco sent him.

"I warned you."

Harry just scoffed, "Finish up Sev said we're leaving soon."

Draco looked at Harry concerned, "Harry, eat something please?"

Shaking his head Harry looked away, "I have to see the Minister and that has destroyed my appetite."

Draco sighed, hearing the iciness creep into his friend's voice he pushed his plate away, "Let's go then, Sev gets impatient easily."

Harry nodded and followed Draco out of the kitchen. The trio stood in front of the fireplace, all traces of fun gone from the atmosphere surrounding them. They knew when to be serious. Severus and Draco could feel the tension flowing off of Harry in waves. They both shared a worried glance as Harry entered the fireplace first flooing to the Ministry.

After the three had arrived they came to the front desk got their visiting passes with little or no conflict. That was until Harry had to give them his wand.

"No, my wand stays with me."

"Harry come on it's standard procedure." Draco pleaded.


Severus sighed and shook his head, "Harry, you're being stubborn, if they don't give it back then you can spite them or something."

Harry raised his eyebrow at that comment and Severus raised his right back. With a dejected sigh Harry handed over his wand.

"See, Harry, it wasn't that hard."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Says you." He stared back longingly at his wand.

Draco patted Harry on the shoulder, "That my friend is what we call addiction."

Harry grinned and gave Draco a shove.

"You two behave, I don't want you both sent to Azkaban."

"Aw, Sev, we didn't know you cared?" Draco said grinned.

Harry just smirked as they entered the Minister's office. Harry felt a hand on his shoulder looking to Draco confused, he saw what or who Draco was staring at. There sitting in two of the three chairs in front of the Minister's desk were Albus Dumbledore and Sirius Black. Harry tried to hold back a growl.

"Ah, Harry," the Minister spoke nervously, "I didn't know you would bring Mr. Snape or Mr. Malfoy with you. They can wait…."

Harry interrupted, "They can wait in here." He spoke coldly.

The Minister seem to loose his nervous disposition and nodded, "But of course."

Dumbledore did not look happy about the change of events as two more chairs were brought up. Dumbledore's eyes wandered taking in the cleaner and healthier looking Boy Who Lived.

Harry's hair brushed and no longer mattered, he was wearing black pants and a green shirt underneath his black silver lined cloak.

Dumbledore's eyes darken noticing the hand resting on Harry's shoulder. The boy's new ties could mess with Dumbledore's plan for him.

Harry, Draco and Severus sat down. Harry wanted to sit as far away from Dumbledore and Sirius but settled for sitting between the two men.

"Alright then, Harry, you are here to receive your vault, your possessions, and your freedom. I, on behalf of the entire Wizarding World apologize for the unfortune that befell you."

Harry clenched his teeth hearing the man who sentenced him to hell apologize.

"You will of course receive, 1,000,000 gallons to make up for this mistake. We also…"

Before Fudge could finish Harry interrupted, "Oh, thank you, 1,000,000 gallons for your mistake which cost me 2 years of my life, thank the Wizarding World for it's generosity."

"Now Harry," Dumbledore began.

"What have I told you about calling me, Harry." Harry stood up seething, "You lost that right the moment you watched them throw me in hell."

"Harry, calm down," Sirius said finally speaking.

Harry turned on him, "And you, you with your lies of how we'd become a family once you were freed. The moment you were free you chucked me into prison. Telling me I was a murder, a freak."

"Harry, I didn't mean it."

Harry just glared coldly at him, "Like hell you didn't."

Sirius just hung his head dejectedly.

"Well then, I guess that having Sirius registered as your guardian was not part of your plan?" Fudge spoke up hesitantly. Dumbledore shot a glare at the Minister.

Draco stood up and quickly grasped Harry's shoulder, "Harry calm down, will get your stuff and go, just hang on a little bit longer."

Harry sat down stiffly Draco did as well his hand still resting on Harry's shoulder.

Harry looked at the Minister in the eyes and spoke coolly, "I will never have Sirius Black as my guardian."

Dumbledore made to speak, but Fudge cut him off, "Then who is it you wish to be your guardian for two weeks until you turn 17?"

Harry opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted.

"I will be his guardian."

Harry grinned at the older man. Severus allowed a small smile back.

"Now wait a minute, Snape was a Death Eater, and I am his Godfather. He cannot over rule me." Sirius face was reddening.

"Yes, Cornelius, Sirius is Harry's Godfather by law."

Fudge glanced at the two levelly and said, "Well then, it's a good thing I'm Minister and can over rule such things." He then turned to Harry and Severus.

"I grant you Severus, custody of Harry Potter. I will fill out the forms and such."

Harry glanced questioning at the Minister. Fudge just smiled, "I hope that you can forgive me for my part in this Harry, I am sorry."

Harry grinned at the Minister, "Don't think your completely off the hook."

"Wouldn't dream of it, now your possessions shall be sent to Snape Manor and here is the key to your vault." Fudge handed Harry the key, "Good day to you all."

Draco let out a whoop, Harry turned and grinned broadly at Draco, while Dumbledore, Sirius and Severus sat there dumbfounded.

"That means get out of my office."

The five men the office to youngest of them laughing, "Dray, did you think the Minister had balls like that?"

Draco smiled, "Not in my wildest dreams."

"Why did I agree to both of you again?"

"You love us Sev!"

Severus just rolled his eyes, as the three head to leave.

"Harry, wait."

Harry stopped dead in his tracks, not even turning around, "You old fool, leave me alone. I will not have you ruin my life any further than you have already. If you come near me or my new family I swear I will not be responsible for my actions."

"Harry?" Sirius said weakly.

Harry gave no answer and continued on his companions following him silently. The three of them got their wands and left the Ministry not another word spoken between them. They arrived to the Manor and Harry immediately headed to his and Draco's room.


Harry stopped and turned to face Draco and Severus, "Yeah?"

"Did you mean it?" Draco asked hopefully.

"Mean what?"

Severus rolled his eyes, "That we're your new family you dolt."

Harry grinned and grabbed Draco into a hug, "Of course, Dray."

Draco hugged him back, and heard Harry whisper in his ear, "You're not alone any more."

Draco just held Harry tighter, holding back tears from his eyes. Severus just stood and watched the two orphaned boys finally found some peace. For that moment at least.

AN: Sorry about the chapter... it sux... I know... umm... I better warn you I've started on the next chappie and that chappie has a twist... I really big one... it involves... well I guess you'll have to see... oo look a weasel... I think weasels are stupid to bad they aren't all dead... GRINS... sorry for my bad grammer and spelling...

blocpartyaddict: I dont like Hermione

Amanda den Hartog: I haven't decided...

Heather: Your welcome

amanda burke: I updated

tessa3: Threesome.. interesting

Ez: Again with the Threesome

eternaliris: He won't forgive him... not even Fudge (opps... wasn't supposed to share that... oh well maybe you'll figure out my future chapter then)

leosands:congrates... you picked up on that... that's the chapter involves Fudge (GRINS)

I-Y-T-Y: Thank ye... can I use Bumblebee in my story... (I'll give you credits...)

RStone8: Gracias... yeah

logi: Voldeymorts dead... already... in my story... um... so is Malfoy's family...

Weirkat: You all like the threesomes it's starting to tempt me...

athenakitty: Lookie there he got reimbursed... Thank you for the idea... here's the credit to you... ATHENAKITTY GAVE ME THE IDEA TO HAVE HARRY REIMBURSED! ALL CREDIT GOES TO HER FOR THIS CHAPPIE! it inspired me... (winks)

DestinyEntwinements: I updated again for you... I luv slash... did I update soon enough?

alwaysariyana: I mean it the threesome is really attracting me? I think a few more reviews and I may have to do it... maybe... (SMIRKS)

Siri02: Gotta love my Harry... I update soon enough...


Please review it helps me update faster... and it makes me sad to see I got so many hits yet not even a 10th of them reviewed...