Her Fathers Daughter

By: Skyward

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Fine, geez! Happy?

If you like it where all the characters act like their supposed to, I'm not all that sure you'll like this story. This is my first fan fiction and I have absolutely no idea where I'm going with this story. A friend of mine just showed it to me and I decided to try it out. So if ya start yelling at me or something of the sort, you'd make a lot of money betting I'll be laughing. If you think this story is weird, just wait. I have another that is totally out of this world….Well, you can look at that in both a good and bad way. Anyway, if you want to review ya can, if not, don't think I'll be crying. Hahahahahhahahahaha! Enjoy…Or not. It's not like it's going to ruin my already awesome day. Blue skies and sunshine ahead!

Chapter 1: Prologue, Kakashi's Daughter

Kakashi trembled, finding it hard to believe what the girl in front of him was saying. 'It's not true. It can't be. That…that was a long time ago, a year, maybe even more. It's a joke. This can't be my child. It was an accident. I was drunk, with whisky and grief. She was too.'

"You're lying." Kakashi said, although his traitorous voice held some doubt in it. "Do you have any proof, and why do you come to me know? If it really was my kid, why didn't you tell me when you found out? It's been a little over a year since we…meet at that bar. Don't expect me to just take her without some kind of explanation."

The girl did not answer for a moment. She was pale and sickly looking. Her name was Umi. That was about all Kakashi could remember about her. She had green eyes and red hair. When she answered, it was in a whisper. "It's…it's a long story. Can I sit down? I'm not feeling to well." She looked at him pleadingly, and swayed on her feet slightly. Kakashi stepped back and opened the door, allowing her to enter. She stumbled in, clutching the bundle of blankets in her arms. Kakashi closed and locked the door before leading her to the living room.

Gently pushing her onto the couch, he left the room, returning with a straight back chair. Placing it right in front of her he placed himself upon it. Looking her straight in the eye he said softly, "Begin."

Closing her eyes, Umi swallowed hard before beginning. "It's a long story, like I said before. So I'll try to make it short. When I found out, I had every intention on hunting you down and telling you, but my father wouldn't hear of it. When I told him, I thought he would be mad, even horrified. But he wasn't. He was happy. He said that everything would be fine, and that we could keep the baby. At the time he was working on an assignment for someone, but I didn't know about it. If I had, I would have up and left at that every moment. It was something about sealing multiply spirits from another dimension into a living body in this world. Even know I don't fully understand what it was about and how he did it, but he did and that is all that matters. He died. About a month before I was due to give birth, he started doing strange things. He painted several designs on my stomach. He said it was a way to keep the baby health, a superstition, nothing more. That is what I though at the time. But I was wrong and he lied. Some how he had used his own life energy to lure these demons in to a portal he had created and seal them into the body of my unborn child. When I finally did give birth, it almost killed me. My father died of an unexplained heart attack about a day after, and the midwife, let's just say she died on the spot from all the power released. What happened after is still kinda fuzzy. When I woke up, I was in the hospital with a beautiful baby girl in my arms. She was mine, and I didn't care how different she looked. I didn't care if her body was covered in strange black designs. I didn't care if her teeth were sharp and sometimes she tended to bite me when I feed her. I didn't care if when normal babies cried, she snarled and hissed and growled and whimpered. I didn't care if her hair was an odd color. I didn't care if her beautiful green eye changed shades if you smiled or hugged her while her other always stayed the same emotionless coal black. I didn't care if sometimes amazing black wings shoot from her back and made people start calling her the child of the angel of darkness. I just didn't care. Many people feared her. It finally came to the point where I couldn't get a job because many thought that she caused bad luck. That's why. That's why I had to find you. I'm sorry. I haven't eaten in two days and I can't find a job. Please! Have mercy! You don't understand. I have no one else to go to. Just for a couple of days. Just until I get my feet under me again. Kakashi, I-"

Umi, who had turned teary eyed about half way through her story, was cut short on her pleas as she found herself being hoisted into the strong arms of the man in front of her. The child in her arms let out a small growl at the sudden movement. Kakashi, who had been listening to her story patiently, had thoroughly made his mind up on the matter and knew what he was going to do. "You're staying." Making his way to the bedroom, he gently set her on the bed and took the child from her arms. "What's her name?"

Umi was still in a sort of daze. Kakashi's question awoke her slightly. "Name? I…I never gave her one. Kind of stupid I guess. What do you mean I'm staying?" She hoped it meant that she could stay for awhile, maybe even longer. Life was hard. It was even harder when you were 17 years old with a child to rise by yourself.

"It means your staying. We'll talk with the 3rd tomorrow and make everything legal. As for the child, I'll name her. Know you take a shower." With that he set the child on the bed. Walking over to Umi he unceremonially pulled her shirt from over her head and tossed it into the garbage. Umi, basically standing half naked in front of a 18 year old man was about to protest but didn't get the chance. Kakashi had already yanked off her filthy skirt, tossed it in the garbage with her shirt. Picking her up bridal style, he quickly made his way to the bath room and set her in the tub. Starting the water, he told her quickly, "You'll need to keep your under clothing. You can use my cloths for know. Know scrub. Towels are in the closet. When your done, come out." With that he was gone, only to return a minute later with a set of clean cloths.

Sighing, Kakashi closed the door to the bathroom. Suddenly a smile appeared on his face. Glancing at the baby on the bed, his eyes turned soft and love filled. He hadn't even known her five minutes, nor looked her up close, and he already loved her. She seemed fine for the moment so he quickly went to the kitchen and made a sandwich for Umi. She must be hungry. Taking the food and a glass of water in to the bed room, Kakashi sat down next the child to wait for her to get out of the bathroom. He didn't last two minutes.

Umi was currently washing the suds out of her hair when Kakashi nearly scared her out of her wits. "How old is she?" Umi gave out a slight gasp and fell backwards in the tub in surprise. Kakashi caught the back of her head easily and steadied her. He didn't seem phased that he was holding a completely naked woman in his arms. She had discarded her underclothing to take her bath. Deciding that this was not the time to be modest, she answered and continued to scrub her skin clean.

"She is seven months old." At that time she noticed the plate set on the side of the tub. Drying her hands on the towel Kakashi gave her, she quickly started to eat the sandwich. It took the edge off of her hunger. While Umi was eating, Kakashi was starting his examination of the child. She was very unique. She was also his child. That was for certain. Her left eye, it was black like Umi said. It was the undeveloped form of the Sharingan. Her hair was pink. Pink like cherry blossoms. 'I could name her Sakura for her hair and Sakura sort of sounds like my fathers name. Well, at least they have the same first four letters. Sakura, Sakumo. It'll work.' Deciding on the name he decided to see how it sounded out loud.

"Sakura Hatake." Umi glanced up at him, uncertain of what he meant. Looking at him questioningly, Kakashi seemed to sense it and answered, "That is her name." Umi smiled and continued her bath. It was a good name. She had no complaints.

By the time that Umi was clean, Kakashi had still not left. He had discovered Sakura's teeth. She already had several baby teeth and they were pretty sharp. He had been poking and prodding them for about two minutes when Sakura had found no humor in it and decided to display her wings to him. He had been fascinated by them and was currently carefully examining them with his fingers. He still wanted to further investigate how she was able to keep them dormant in her body because when they had suddenly protruded from her back he had been quite surprised.

Sighing, Umi grabbed the towel by the tub and started to dry herself. Kakashi was paying her no heed at the moment so it didn't matter. Quickly getting dressed, she carefully took Sakura from Kakashi's arms explaining that it was time for her to feed the girl. As she found out, Kakashi didn't really understand what most people would call personal space and she was too tired to explain it to him right now so she allowed him to watch her nurse Sakura.

At the moment, no words could describe Kakashi's happiness. He hadn't had this much fun in as long as he could remember. Umi was starting to show signs of drowsiness and Sakura was already asleep. Carefully taking the child from her mother's arms, Kakashi gestured with his free hand for Umi to go to the bedroom and sleep. She paused for only a second in uncertainty, but seemed to think better of it and continued to the bedroom.

Sighing, Kakashi set Sakura down on the kitchen table before going back into the living room to retrieve some books in there. It was currently 8 P.M. and he had a long night ahead of him. Setting the books on the floor by the table, he gently unwrapped the blankets from around Sakura and activated his Sharingan. It was in this way that way that Kakashi memorized the many black symbols that were engraved in the child's skin since before birth. After returning the child to her mother, he began his search.

Kakashi skimmed through the ancient scrolls and books at an extraordinary rate. It was 1 A.M. in the morning when he finally learned the meaning of all the symbols except for one that was placed on her forehead. Gently rubbing his eyes, he reviewed what he had just learned. He had scribbled all of his findings on a blank scroll to show to the Hokage if it was necessary. If possible, Kakashi wanted to keep his findings to himself. There were six demons that he discovered that were sealed in the child.

First, on her back, was Sea, the dragon of courage. She controlled water and was said to have been killed by a god, sentenced to a life of imprisonment in the dimension of solitude. She was said to have become enraged upon hearing that her clan had been slaughtered by the god and attacked his army alone, wiping out half of his forces before dieing.

Second, on her right arm, was the symbol of the Unicorn Lamini. A master of healing, she was said to have refused to treat an evil king and as punishment was sent to the dimension of solitude by the king's army of sorcerers.

Third, on her right leg, was the symbol of the hippogryph known as Hypera. She was known for her amazing speed, but in the end it was this that caused her down fall. She was caught in a snare made of the strongest steel chain and the momentum caused her to break her neck. The hunter who had laid the snare grieved for the animal and decided to beg his friend the magician to send the soul of the animal to a place where she could fly forever and never be caught in a snare. The magician sent the animal to the dimension of solitude, were there was said to be endless skies and no other living animal.

Fourth, on her left leg, was the symbol of the phoenix called Sun. It is said that she grew annoyed with the people of her planet because of their lack of wisdom. Having the wisdom that can only be gained by immortality, she tried to teach them wisdom, but they would not be taught. Feeling as though she had failed, she sent herself to the dimension of solitude as punishment, no longer enjoying her life in world that she lived. It was only after she was gone that the people realized their foolishness and became wise.

Fifth, on her left arm, was the symbol of the Pegasus known as Mystic. She was known for her innocence and purity. The queen of her land grew jealous of her beauty and grace. Not wanting to have her in world of her kingdom, yet not wanting to kill something so innocent and kind, she sent her through trickery to the dimension of solitude, were she would never have to look at her again.

Last but not least, the infamous nine tailed fox, Red Vix was sealed in her stomach. She was called either Red Vix or Red Vex. She was known for her enormous temper. She too was banished to the dimension of solitude because she lost her temper and tried to destroy her world. It kind of reminded him of holder of the Kyuubi.

From what he could conclude, they all came from the dimension of solitude after being sent there from six separate worlds. None of them came from this world. They were all females. They were all forms of mythical creatures. Most had a specific power or characteristic. And most importantly, they were all powerful. 'Who ever hired Umi's father was obviously trying to create a fighter of immense power, wisdom, and skill.'

Kakashi sighed and stuck the scroll in his pocket. It was a difficult situation. His daughter would bring great power to the village, but she would also cause many people fear if they knew her potential. The two strongest clans, the Uchiha and the Hyuuga, would not stand for her that went without saying. They would consider her a threat to their reign as the most powerful. "But how to hide it?" Kakashi muttered to himself as he switched off the lights to the kitchen and living room. Making his way to the entrance of the bed room, he leaned on the door way and watched his new family sleep. A beam of moonlight came through the window and illuminated Umi's face. It only covered half of Sakura's, leaving the bottom half of her face hide in shadows. "A mask like mine. It could work. But we will have to keep her away from people until she is big enough to wear it. The 3rd will understand. I know he will." With that, Kakashi made his way to the bed and carefully slid in under the covers on the side opposite of Umi and Sakura. Smiling beneath his mask, Kakashi silently fell asleep watching his daughter's slow, steady breathing.

Well, there it be. That's all I've ta say in da matter. Skyward