Chapter 8 Sweet little treasure

Saitou rolled his eyes as he stepped off the train, "Morons…" he grumbled at the idiots he had to deal with in Kyoto. Saitou sighed as he lit himself a cigarette and looked to his subordinate beside him.

"Well now what kind of trouble do ya suppose I could start up here?" Chou chuckled as he looked around.

"Start any and I'll throw you in a cell, understand me?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know calm down…" Chou sighed as he followed the wolf to the police precinct.

Arriving at the precinct Saitou gestured for one of his officers to step forward, Saitou then turned to Chou. "Officer Matsu here will show you around…" Saitou then left the precinct to head for home.

"Hey boss…How come you're sticking me with this little shrimp?"

Saitou smirked as he turned to Chou who was being glared by Matsu, "You're not going to take that kind of insult from this man are you officer Matsu?"

Chou quirked an eye then turned to Matsu who lunged forward grabbing Chou's arm twisted it then stretched out his leg and tripped the broom haired man sending him crashing down to the ground. "What the hell do you think you're doing squirt I'm a cop…" Chou growled.

Matsu turned quirking an eye he looked to his superior, "Thank-you Matsu…" Saitou chuckled as he turned and left the two to argue in the street. Walking home Saitou sighed as he found the house empty, "She better not be getting herself into any trouble…" he sighed as he headed for her usual spot by the river. He quirked an eye when he spotted Eiji whom was walking from school, "If you hadn't noticed home is the other way…" he smirked.

"Saitou-san…you're back…I know home's that way but auntie Tokio is this way…" he smiled.

"Is she now…Hn…" Saitou sighed as he walked beside the boy, his eyes narrowed a bit as he spotted a tiny little disturbance as they were about to cross the bridge.

"Is there something wrong Saitou-san?" Eiji asked as he looked up at the officer.

"Go to your mother I'll be there shortly…" he sighed as he made his way to the arguing people.

Eiji shrugged as he crossed the bridge and quirked an eye as he spotted several people surrounding his mother.


"You know she's kinda cute when she's sleeping…" Sano chuckled seeing a tiny frown on Megumi.

Ayame and Suzume sat beside Tokio and looked at her belly curiously, Kaoru giggled as she looked at the girls leaning down she gently shook the pregnant lady, "Miss…miss wake up…"

Tokio jolted awake lifting her arms she came a few inches shy in slapping Kaoru, "What get…oh it's you hi…where the hell am I…" Tokio yawned looking around, then spotted the two little girls, "Well hello…who are you?" she asked with a grin.

"I'm Ayame and dat's my sister Suzume…"

"Hello…" Suzume chirped.

"Well hello…I'm Tokio…" she smiled shaking their hands, then looked to the rest of the group seeing that Kaoru still looked a bit pissed. Tokio chuckled, "I'm sorry about earlier my husband keeps telling me that my mouth always gets me in trouble…" she laughed, then looked to Kenshin, "And will you at least give an effort in trying to defend yourself…I mean it's a wonder she hasn't broken anything of yours yet…"

"Well I do try my best that I do…" Kenshin chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head.

Megumi smiled as she kneeled down, "Are you alright?"

"Yes why wouldn't I be?"

"Well we just wanted to make sure…" Sano sighed as he leaned against the tree.

"I'm a doctor and I haven't seen you at the clinic…"

"Why would I go at the clinic I'm not sick…"

"No but you are pregnant…" Megumi pointed out.

Tokio blinked a few times, "I am?" she spoke in a surprised tone.

"Are you always this sarcastic?" Megumi sighed as Yahiko chuckled.

"Yes…My husband is also determined to find the cure…" Tokio drawled, "Look I eat healthy, I walk every day and I sleep a lot…if there's something wrong then I'll come see you…"

"You should have come to see me much earlier, when are you due?"

"In about a month…" Tokio shrugged.

"A month…I insist you come see me tomorrow…"

"My you're bossy…"

Sano barked a laughed and quickly found himself slapped upside the head by Megumi.

"Ow…" 'How'd she get up so fast?'

While they were arguing Tokio tried to stand up only to find that she couldn't, she smiled when she spotted Eiji running towards them, "Auntie Tokio…" he grinned as he walked up to her.

"Hi kiddo…" she smiled.

"You okay?" he asked kneeling down to her.

"Yeah I just can't get up…" she laughed, Eiji wrapped his arms around her and helped her to stand.

Kenshin's eyes widened as he suddenly recognized the boy, "Eiji!"

Eiji turned and looked to the rurouni, "It's you…"

"You know this kid Kenshin?" Sano asked standing up straight.

"Yes we met in Kyoto…Saitou said that he would send him to…his wife…" Kenshin's eyes immediately widened.

"His wife…wait you're Saitou's wife?" Sano asked surprised pointing a finger at the woman.

"Yes…" she answered still having an arm wrapped around Eiji's shoulders.

"Where is he?" Sano continued.

Tokio frowned, "Kyoto."

"Have you seen or heard from him since?" Kenshin asked.

"Eh…No…" Tokio answered a bit confused and a little irritated.

Sano sighed, "Well I'm sorry to tell you this but ah Saitou's…well…he's uh…" Sano sighed looking at the woman's belly.

"I'm what?" Saitou asked lighting a cigarette.

"Saitou!" Everyone gasped.

"I told you I could get out of any situation moron…why the hell are you worrying about me anyways?"

"Wait you mean you haven't gone back home until today?" Sano asked a bit pissed at the wolf. "It's been over five months…"

"What the hell are you talking about…he left a few days ago because the Kyoto police couldn't handle some idiot…" Tokio laughed.

Saitou smirked as he finished his cigarette and ground it with his foot, "Moron…" he sighed looking to Sano.

Tokio lifted a hand to her mouth as she giggled then looked to her husband, "I still don't get that broom head joke..." she smirked then craned her neck to look behind him, "Well I'm a bit relieved that you haven't sent a search party for me…" she smiled then turned to the group, "…it was nice arguing with you all…" she chirped and walked up to her husband whom laid a hand on her back and led her up the hill.

"It was nice to see you again Himura-san…" Eiji chuckled as he ran up the hill and followed his adoptive parents as they began walking home.

"Really can you believe that girl she's more violent then I am…" Tokio chuckled stumbling a few steps grabbing at her husband, Saitou took her hand and encircled it around his arm.

"Hn would it surprise you to know that the red haired man beside her is a well known swordsman?"

"If he's so well known how come I've never heard of him and why is he hanging around with that psycho?"

"He became a wanderer and is staying at her home which is a dojo…"

"Oh so he's teaching?"


"Then what does he do?"

"The laundry…" Saitou smirked.

"What…actually never mind, I've never heard of a famous swordsman named Kenshin…"

"He wasn't known as Kenshin during the Revolution…"

"No then who was he?"

"Battousai the Manslayer…"

"YOU LIE…that skinny little guy?" she turned to look at the rurouni.

"Yes him…" Saitou chuckled as he turned her back to continue on their way back home.

"He's the guy you brought to Kyoto for that battle thing right?"


Tokio stopped and faced her husband placing her hands on his cheeks she then felt his forehead, "Are you sure you're not delusional?"

Saitou rolled his eyes when he heard Eiji chuckle.

Half an hour later Saitou held the gate open and waited until the two walked through, Eiji ran up the steps and entered the house, Saitou smirked as he pulled her back, "Aren't you going to welcome me home?" Saitou drawled.

Tokio laughed softly as she pulled him down for a kiss, "Welcome home…" she breathed kissing him again.


The next day after sending Eiji off to school, Tokio headed for the market, and leaning against the clinic she sighed, "Oh this should be fun…" she grumbled when she spotted Megumi whom smiled and gestured for her to sit beside Kenshin whom was rubbing his jaw at the moment. Tokio leaned forward, "She didn't beat you up again did she?"

"What…" Kenshin chuckled when he noticed who was speaking to him, "Oh no…" he smirked, "I'm afraid miss Kaoru went on a rampage and ran after Sano as he was teasing her…again…"

"And you got caught in the middle…" Tokio laughed.

"Not exactly…Yahiko and Sano did they're in the other room with Megumi…" he smirked. "You can always tell since you can always here them arguing…"

Tokio chuckled softly as she eyed the man over, "How are your injuries faring?"


"From Kyoto…you and my husband fought a man…he said you were in worse shape then he was…"

"Oh yes…they're healing well…how is Eiji?"

"He still has nightmares but he's adjusting…" she smiled wrapping her arms around her stomach and hummed a small tune.

"Will this one be your first?" Kenshin asked gesturing to her stomach.

Tokio nodded happily, then looked up when Sano and Yahiko were shoved forward by an angered Megumi whom then looked to the young lady, "Now if you'll come with me…" Megumi smiled and sighed, "Thank goodness you decided to finally come see me…"

"Well the last thing I want is you tracking me down and getting myself dragged here…"

"I'm wondering how exactly could you…a sweet, pretty, innocent little thing marry a guy like Saitou…" Sano asked.

"Well that would be simple…see he asked me…" Tokio smirked as she patted the man on the arm and followed Megumi.

At that Kenshin chuckled softly as he stood and followed Yahiko outside.


A month later

Tokio slowly walked over to the police station ignoring the pain she felt at the moment, they had begun twenty minutes ago and Police headquarters was the closest place she could think of to go she just hoped the man she wanted to see was there…slowly entering the building she froze and leaned against the wall, a man wearing a red coat noticed her entering. Frowning a bit Chou stepped forward and bent down to be able to see her eyes, "Are ya alright there ma'am?"

"Go-ro…Fuji-ta…I…" was all she could say as she dropped to the floor and screamed out in pain.

The broom haired man quickly grabbed her before she landed on the floor, leaning her back he looked her over and noticed that she was pregnant, he looked at her stomach then at her eyes and sweat covered face, "Eh are you in labor?"

"Yes…" she breathed with a tiny smile, 'you idiot…' then looked up at the man's hair, 'Right…broomhead…okay now I get it…' she groaned as she began breathing heavily.

Two other officers approached and helped lift the woman carrying her into another room laying her down on a sofa like bed. "You're going to be alright ma'am…Haku get a doctor, Ichiro get some blankets and hot water…" he ordered then looked at her, "Remember ta breathe…" Chou instructed.

Tokio glared at the man with the dozen swords strapped to his person, "Goro Fujita…" she repeated.

"Ma'am?" Chou quirked an eye taking a tiny step back.

"GET HIM IN HERE NOW…" she screamed breathing heavily and groaning out in pain.

"Yes ma'am…" Chou whom was now a bit frightened of the woman before him quickly got up and left the room, a few more officers entered the room wanting to help the woman but the moment they laid their hands on her she snapped back at them.

"Eh boss?" Saitou heard from behind his door as well as a gentle knock,

"What is it?" Saitou frowned as he looked through several files.

"Eh a woman just entered the precinct asking for ya?"

Saitou looked up, and after a long pause he sighed, "Well what does she want?"

"I've no idea…she's screaming for ya and well she just went into labor…"

"What?" Saitou frowned as he stood up and followed the officer, his eyes widened a bit when he entered the room with all the yelling.

"Don't touch me…" she hissed in warning at the officer before her who slowly backed off his arms before him just in case she decided to throw something which she apparently did finding a cup beside the sofa.

"Everyone out…" Saitou ordered as he approached his wife. "Tokio?" he whispered sitting down beside her.

Tokio breathed rather quickly as she grasped his arms when another wave of pain hit her, "Oh kami…" she breathed.

Saitou looked to Chou. "Well did any of you have the good sense to call for a doctor?" he asked.

"Yeah he's on his way…" Chou answered.

Saitou then turned to his wife and raised an eyebrow, "Please tell me you didn't walk all the way here?"

"Of course not…" she breathed, "I swam…then when that got tiring I jumped and crawled…I blame you for this you know…Oh…"

"Really and why is that?" Saitou had a small grin on his lips wanting her to focus on the argument he had started so she would try and forget the pain she was feeling.

"If you hadn't come home all hot and bothered nine months ago, I wouldn't be in this predicament…" she growled in a whisper.

Saitou chuckled, "If I remember correctly you were more then willing…" he whispered in turn.

"Oh shut-up…" she hissed.

Saitou leaned down to her ear whispering so low that she was the only one that could hear him, "In fact as I recall you were the one who began the whole ordeal…" he chuckled laying a soft kiss below her left ear, "You wrapped your arms around me nearly ripping my uniform apart and kissing my neck and chest. I distinctly remember that…" he smirked as he could feel her digging her nails in his arms.

"Oh I'm so going to…" was all she said as she screamed out again.

An old man entered the room with a small smile, "Oh well it sounds like I got here just in time…" he turned to the officers still in the room who were hardly listening to the little conversation between husband and wife, "Would you all please leave…I highly doubt this young lady wants an audience when she's delivering this child…" he chuckled as he stepped forward and laid a hand on her forehead, "You as well sir…" the doctor told Saitou who kept his eyes on his wife.

The moment he was about to stand Tokio clutched to him pulling him back to her, "No…" she pleaded, "I can't do this…" she whispered.

Saitou ran his hand on her left cheek, "If you can handle me as your husband as well as raise a twelve year old son I'm sure you can birth this child." He drawled.

"Oh you are such an insensitive asshole…" she growled.

The doctor looked at the two and frowned a bit, "Doctor I'm afraid she might become violent if I leave…" Saitou smirked as he watched her eyes forming a glare towards her husband, "She attacked my officers as they tried to help her…" he continued.

"You just wait until this baby's born…" she warned.

"Oh and what will you do?"

"I'll beat the living…Oh god…" she gasped.

Saitou leaned down as he was now a few inches from his wife's lips, "You'll beat the living what?…Hn interesting…You better hurry and give birth to this child then…" he smirked. "I'd like to know what exactly it is that you're going to do to me…"

Tokio glared at the man and took a deep breath through her nose, "You're going to regret it the moment this kid is out of me…"

"Really…I highly doubt that…" he chuckled leaning down and molding his lips to hers in a possessive kiss.


A week later

Sitting in the living room late that night Saitou gently rocked his little girl in his arms holding her rather possessively as she looked at the man whom held her. Running his thumb against her cheek, he pulled the blanket to cover her more fearing that she might be cold, Saitou smirked as he continued telling her a story, for some reason she kept quiet every time she heard his voice.

Telling her about the wolves of Shinsengumi and how the leader of the pack defeated many foes while being irritated by an annoyance named Okita, Saitou smirked, "Aren't you tired yet kitten?" he asked with a tiny grin.

Kaiya only gurgled in reply, Saitou stopped talking when he sensed movement within the house, looking up he spotted Eiji rubbing the back of his head grumbling as he made his way into the kitchen. "Nightmares again?" he asked.

Eiji jumped and looked in the living room, "Don't you ever sleep Saitou-san?"

"Not at the moment Kaiya was fussing and since I was already up figured I'd let Tokio sleep." He whispered looking at the boy, "You really should try and get some sleep...we have a very long day tomorrow…" he chuckled.

Eiji quirked an eye, "We do?"


That morning, Saitou sat outside and held his little girl while Tokio and Eiji finished eating their breakfast, "Well I'll be I take it my wolf will become extremely protective…" Tokio chuckled as she kneeled down and kissed the top of her little girl's head, then leaned up and kissed her husband.

"Like I wasn't when I married you…" he smirked.

"Oh come now I'm just an annoyance remember…" she giggled running her hand through his hair.

"Of course you are…" he chuckled then turned to look at her, "But you're my annoyance…" he smirked.

Tokio laughed softly, "My husband…always the romantic…" she whispered leaning her head on his shoulder and watched their daughter sleep. "So where are you taking us today?"

Saitou quirked an eye as he regarded his wife and refused to say a word, Tokio sighed as she rolled her eyes, "Why do I even bother asking…" she chimed and held out her arms to get their little treasure ready for the trip. Saitou frowned as he reluctantly gave her back to his mother watching as she stood and entered the house, taking out a cigarette from within his gi Saitou sighed as he lit it and watched a few people walk by.

Several minutes later Saitou still leaned against the engawa finishing his second cigarette and watching as Eiji walked around the yard apparently bored out of his mind, waiting for his mother to get ready. Saitou had decided to spend a quiet evening with his family today wanting to surprise his sweet little wife he had called for a carriage whom now stood in front of the gate waiting.

Saitou chuckled as he heard the door close behind him, turning he watched as Tokio cradled their daughter in her arms and carefully stepped down the steps Tokio sighed as she eyed her husband, "Alright we're ready…so where exactly are you taking us that is such a secret?" she asked handing him a cloth bag which held the baby's things.

"Hn like I'd tell you…" he smirked as he laid a hand on her lower back and led her towards the carriage.

"Can I at least have a hint?"


"Argh you're no fun…"

"All to irritate you with dear…" Saitou chuckled helping her to step within the carriage then called for Eiji nudging him within he then told the driver to drive off as he settled beside his wife.

Tokio quirked an eye at Eiji whom was grinning madly, "You know where we're going don't you?" she asked with a tiny huff.

"Well yeah…"

"So tell me…" she ordered rocking Kaiya in her arms.

"No it'll ruin the surprise…" he smirked.

Tokio sighed as she narrowed her eyes and looked to Saitou, "Gathering up followers are we?"

"Of course not…" Saitou chuckled as he leaned to the right and ran his thumb against Kaiya's cheek eliciting a tiny yawn from the child.

An hour later the carriage stopped and Saitou smirked, Tokio raised a brow, "Now what?"

"Give me Kaiya…" he chuckled as he held out his arms, Tokio huffed as she gently placed their little girl in daddy's arms, Saitou chuckled as he opened the door gesturing for Eiji to get out first, Kaiya began to whimper a bit, Saitou lifted her to his lips and gave her a tiny kiss, "Shshshshsh…" he whispered as he stepped out and waited for Tokio to follow.

Tokio narrowed her eyes as she followed her husband then gasped as she immediately noticed where they were. "Is this?"

"The ocean, yes it is…now will Kitty step out or will she enter the carriage again?" he asked with a tiny chuckle, "Perhaps she's afraid to get her paws wet…"

"Oh…you…" she laughed stepping down from the carriage and walked to her husband turned to him grasped his face pulled him down and kissed him deeply.

Saitou smirked, "Anything else you've never seen before?" he asked a bit curiously.

"Ooohhh I'm thinking…" she grinned staring at the light blue water.

"Eiji take her to the beach before she melts in this heat…"

Eiji snickered as he ran up to her and grasped her hand, "C'mon auntie Tokio…" he pulled on her arm. "Can't believe you've never seen the ocean before…" he chortled.

Saitou sighed as he looked to Kaiya, "I do hope you grow up to be just like your mother…" he chuckled tickling under her chin making her laugh he then looked up and followed his wife and eldest son a tiny smirk on his lips.

The End…