Another short fic. What do you think? Reviews!

Fleur gasped her last bit of air before the massive plant could devour her. A dreadful familiarity came upon her. She was reminded of the time she had been participating in the last task of the Triwizard Tournament back in seventh year. She had performed abysmally. However, the tournament HAD been tampered with, however this fact had only lightened Fleur's heart by so little. Especially since the price of the tournament was Cedric's life. As soon as she had seen Harry crouched over Cedric's lifeless corpse she had screamed. Death was so evident to her, it was as if she could feel the cold, clammy sadness when someone died. She supposed it was because of her Veela heritage, but her mother had repeated that it was not part of a Veela to be able to feel death. Perhaps she was an enigma, she had no idea.

Fleur grappled at the tendrils around her, desperately trying to break free her wand hand. Suddenly, a blinding flash of light surround her and the plant. The plant shrieked piercingly as it retreated, though leaving much of its green tentacles left strapped to Fleur. Under the mass of its leftovers, Fleur struggled to free herself. A hand plunged into the mass of roots, leaves and vines, only to grasp her arm and tug her out. Fleur gasped in sweet fresh air, falling to her knees. She caught her breath and turned to thank her rescuer.

'Thank you so much, it ambushed me…' she faltered at the sight of her rescuer.

'What? Can't girls save people too?' asked a grinning Hermione.

Fleur just stood dumbly for a moment, before a wide smile flashed on her features.

She leapt into Hermione's arms, who caught her with ease.

'Ermione! I 'ad no idea you were posted 'ere!' exclaimed Fleur.

Hermione chuckled as she let Fleur down.

'Yes, well. I was originally assigned for closer to the Ministry, but I argued until they finally let me get posted here at Hogsmede,' Hermione explained.

Fleur hugged her tightly again, 'Well, I am glad you are 'ere.'

Hermione smiled softly, proffering her arm, 'Let me treat you to a butterbeer?'

'Oui, thank you,' replied Fleur, accepting her arm.

Arriving at the Three Broomsticks, a tired looking Madame Rosemerta greeted them.

'Hermione! How glad I am too see you! How have you been? Ah, I still remember when you were still in Hogwarts! And Fleur! Looking, ah. Need some butterbeer?' gushed Rosemerta.

'Yes, thank you, good to see you again too Rosemerta,' replied Hermione as she and Fleur sat at a table near a wall.

'Thank you again, 'Ermione. I might not have survived this time,' murmured Fleur.

Hermione shrugged, ' I doubt it would have hindered you any longer, I just sped up the process.'

Fleur shook her head, chuckling.

'What?' asked Hermione suspiciously.

'Always the 'onest, 'umble 'ero. They think 'arry does all the work? Ha!' said Fleur.

Hermione blushed and muttered, 'Thanks.'

Rosemerta filled their glasses and left them to their devices.

'So, 'ow 'ave you been?' inquired Fleur.

'Ah, not much has happened. Harry is with Ron, they're both alright, I just couldn't go with them, I can't bear to think what would happen if I'd go with them to find the last Horcrux,' said Hermione.

Fleur nodded, she understood the feelings of helplessness. She felt a strange sensation down her cheek. A tear.

Some how mesmerized by it, Hermione lifted her hand slowly, bringing it closer and closer to Fleur's face. Hermione used her forefinger to wipe the tear from Fleur's face and looked at it, as if it had the answer to life.

'No one's ever cried for me before,' murmured Hermione.

Fleur was silent, unsure about the circumstances. She was hoping that she could, that she could show Hermione her feelings. How she had felt ever since that time so long ago. During the main part of the war, Hermione had stayed by Fleur's side the whole time, both fought off Death Eaters and rabid werewolves from each other's backs.

Hermione had always had a thing for Fleur, whether it was pure hatred at first during her school years, respect after graduating and now the possibly blossoming care for the woman across her right now. Fleur reached out her hand, surprising Hermione by caressing her cheek. Hermione leaned into Fleur's gentle touch.

They moved over towards each other, feeling heated all of a sudden. Fortunately for them, their table was rather secluded and Rosemerta made all arrangements she could to keep the other people drinking or chatting to each other.

'You deserve each other,' murmured Rosemerta, whipping back to pour drinks.

Fleur moved her head down hesitantly, but had her worries washed away as Hermione moved the rest of the distance and pulled her lips into an enchanting and electrifying kiss. Though gentle, it caressed both girls' senses. Their tongues snaked out suddenly, pent up lust and passion proceeded to guide them through their kissing.

Fleur caressed Hermione's back and gently tugged on her hair. Fleur groaned as Hermione licked up her neck. Fleur reciprocated with a suck and nibble on Hermione's shoulder. Fleur was shocked to feel her bra being undone at the back, Hermione's fleet fingers having a go at the task. Fleur gasped with a laugh and did her bra back.

'Uh, uh, mes ami. You have to wait,' murmured Fleur, into Hermione's ear.

Hermione mumbled under her breath about a 'tease'. Fleur just replied with a knowingly smile.

She got up and left Hermione at the table, who was about to get up and chase her, when she realised Fleur was only retrieving a key from Madame Rosemerta.

Hermione grinned wildly as Fleur grabbed her hand and lead her upstairs.

As they stumbled on the landing, Hermione clutched Fleur in a hug, kissing her passionately.

'Did you know that I've loved since that time?' murmured Fleur.

'That time? Really? I feel as if it's been forever,' replied Hermione.

Fleur nodded and bent her head to lavish Hermione with kisses.

'Imagine that, I could have been doing this much, much earlier,' growled Hermione as Fleur groped her.

'What fools we are,' commented Fleur as she and Hermione fell onto the bed.

Thought I'd leave you with a teaser end. But you know they are together, so.