Jisatsu Baru

Summary: Sakura lives with her poor mother, working at the local café for money, but when an opportunity arises for more money, will Sakura give herself away? ItaSaku AU


Itachi: 22

Sakura: 18

Rating: Hard M, swearing, drugs, alcohol, lemons later on.


Chapter one 'strip'.

Sakura glanced at the white face of her clock, and then looked up to see if her bus was coming yet. No sign, she sighed, the buses were always late! Sitting on the small, uncomfortable seat, she tightened her hold on her black coat.

It was early January and still very cold; bad weather to be waiting for a 10 minute late bus. Plus, slipping on ice after working in a dingy little café for the day, you wouldn't want to see a lot of ice for a long time or cold for that matter.

Finally, her bus turned up, glad it was here Sakura hurried on, paying the unclean looking bald man. Swiftly she walked over to a vacant seat, sitting down and staring out of the window, watching the ugly buildings pass her by.

It was a fifteen minute journey, Sakura was glad to get off of the bus; a baby in the back had been screaming the whole ride.

She now had a headache, another thing to add to her bad day happenings.

She was happy she was here though; this part of town was decent, Ino was lucky enough to have a man like Shikamaru. Her heels made clicking noises as they landed on the grey pavement, people passing her by always turned their noses up at her, just because she was in her greasy uniform!

She was used to it; she just kept her head down until she came to Ino's penthouse. Climbing the steep, white stairs she got to the large and also white door, giving a quick knock she heard shuffling behind the door.

A blond woman opened the door, "Sakura-chaaaaaan!" She squealed, hugging and ushering Sakura into her luxurious house. "Hey, Ino-chan; how have things been with you and Shikamaru?" Sakura smiled politely, sitting down on the comfy cream sofa.

Ino grinned, sitting on a chair opposite her female companion, "I'm excellent! Shikamaru and I are actually planning on having a baby…" she trailed off, still grinning. Sakura gave a surprised noise, "wow, I never got the vibe you were the baby type, are you sure about it?" Sakura's jade eyes took in the whole room, she hadn't been here in so long, plus the décor still amazed her.

Ino nodded, "I really love Shikamaru, I've never met a man like him, and you know that! You should really start thinking about getting someone, you know…ah, would you like a drink?"

Sakura nodded, shrugging off her coat, "Coffee, please." She mumbled, running a hand through her pink locks. She watched Ino make the coffee, silently wishing she could have the luck Ino had had.

"So…how are things going with you?" Her friend asked curiously. Sakura heaved a sigh, "not good, we seriously have no money, I'm trying to support my mum and little brother on my own with a stupid little job like this! Urgh, I wish I had stayed in university, my professor said I could have become a great doctor! But of course, I needed work at that moment as mums boyfriend had cleaned her out." Sakura scowled, leaning back against the couch.

Ino gave her a sympathetic look, handing her the coffee. They sat in silence for a while, Ino's frown of concentration making Sakura wonder what the blond was thinking.

"What's up, Ino?" She asked, inquisitiveness lighting her eyes as she sipped on her coffee. Ino gazed at her friend, "Sakura…tomorrow night, if I drove you, would you come to this bar, it's called 'Jisatsu Baru' with me and Shikamaru? I'll give you a dress and a pair of shoes to wear." Ino stated; lips quirking up into a smile.

Sakura raised an eyebrow, "you want me to come to a bar with you, and your man no doubt? What's going on?" suspicion leaked into her voice. Ino shrugged, lazily watching her friend. "Nothing is going on, you're paranoid" she scolded.

Sakura shook her head, "right," she mumbled. "Okay, I'm not working late tomorrow anyway." Sakura exhaled noisily.

"If you want, you could stay here for the night…?" Ino offered, sipping her own tea. Sakura was always welcome to stay; she was like a sister to Ino!

Sakura nodded, "I would like that a lot. I'm also really tired, so you wouldn't mind me retiring a little early, would you?" Sakura asked, the day wearing her out. Ino shook her head, "you can sleep in that favourite spare bedroom of yours." She stated, nodding in the direction.

"Where is Shikamaru anyway?" Sakura queried, Ino glared at the TV with her arms crossed, "he had some business in need of taking care of." She mumbled, pouting.

Sakura giggled, "you hate it when he goes away, don't you? But, anyway…about this bar, you just want me to come with you, right? It's just that, now I think about it, I've heard about that bar, young girls go in there and they never come out alone." Sakura stared at Ino questioningly.

Ino smirked at her, "forehead girl, you think I would take you to a bar to just sell you off or something? Stop asking questions, what I'm doing is for your own good, even if I have to drag you there. Now, tomorrow we could go get a nice dress and shoes for you, and then have lunch on the heath, okay?" her friend smiled cheerily, listing the things they could do.

Sakura grinned, "I haven't been shopping in yeas Ino-pig! I would love to" she set her cup of coffee on the glass table. She stood up, stretching and yawning, "Well then Ino, I think I'm going to retire! Have a nice hot bath and then a long sleep." Sakura said in satisfaction.

Ino nodded, "you do that, I'm going to wait up for Shika's phone call," she winked at Sakura, shooing her off.

Sakura sighed, closing her eyes as her muscles relaxed under the hot water. She had been on her feet all day taking orders, she loved a good bath before going to sleep, but sometimes she got home so tired, she fell asleep before having a bath, or falling asleep in the bath!

She got out of the bath, getting on her underwear and crawling underneath the sheets of the double bed. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep; not knowing that the next night would change her life forever.


Ino dialled Shikamaru's mobile number; it rang three times before he answered.

"Shika-kun, tomorrow night get Itachi to go to Jisatsu Baru, I have something he has been trying to find." Ino calmly stated, glancing behind her to make sure Sakura wasn't there.

There was a pause.

"I cannot guarantee his arrival, but I will try. Is it that Haruno girl you have been speaking about?" The lazy man asked.

"Yes, it is…she doesn't know what she has to do yet, but when she knows the money involved and how Itachi treats a lady, I'm sure she will be fine about it. I miss you, you know…when're you going to come back?" Ino pouted, coming off subject.

Shikamaru sighed, "I know it's troublesome but I need to take care of this for Itachi, perhaps in a week or two. Now I have to go, the best time I could say to get there would be about 7:00pm, okay?"

"Sure, love you!" Ino said before hanging up. She felt a little guilty but she knew in the long run Sakura would thank her immensely for her doings. Even if in the beginning she feels lost and doesn't know what to do.


"Sakuraaaaaaaaa! This dress is really nice!" Ino yelled from across the expensive dress shop. Sakura gazed at the dress her friend was enthusiastically shoving in her face, "it's nice, but it's a lot of money…" Sakura trailed off with wide eyes.

Ino scoffed at her, "nonsense! I'm going to spend a lot on you today!" She then skipped over to another rack of clothing, searching for something else. "Sakura, pick anything you want!" She added, grinning from ear to ear.

Sakura looked through dresses, she turned back to Ino with a frown, "I don't particularly like anything here." She admitted, looking ashamed. Ino nodded; "to the next shop then!" she then briskly walked out of the shop, dumping everything she was holding.

They shopped for the perfect dress for what seemed forever, but only a couple of hours. In the tenth shop of their conquering, Ino found the dress she wanted Sakura to wear.

It was black leather, it only just covered Sakura's bum, in the middle there was a large split and it was tied up with black frilly lace so it wouldn't fall apart, the laces zigzagging over each other.

Oh god no, I'm not wearing that abomination of a creation! Sakura thought to herself incredulously.

Ino glared defiantly at her friend, "Sakura, you're wearing it! And I'm getting this one!" she said dreamily, picking out another dress for herself, it was the same as Sakura's but instead of the split going right down the middle, it went down her cleavage and then turned to slither down her back.

"We're going to look like sluts! We're only supposed to be going to a bar, not whoring ourselves off!" Sakura said in annoyance. Ino was silent, "Sakura, you're getting it. You'll see why later" Ino replied quietly.

Sakura stared at her friend, and then sighed, nodding her head; her friend could be very stubborn. Ino smiled brightly, "now, shoes! A pair of black high heels will be best for the both of us, also some black stockings." Ino confirmed, going over to the paying counter.

By the time Ino and Sakura got back to Ino's place, it was about 5:30pm. They just had about time to have baths, do their hair and get dressed.

By the time they had both had baths, it was 6:00pm, now was time for their hair to be done. First was Sakura, her hair was going to be curled and piled atop her head, little curls framing her face.

Ino was going to have her hair down and straight, not wanting to look too over the top; after all, she wasn't getting a man tonight, was she?

When that was finished, they had to get dressed which was done quite quickly. Ino giggled at her friend, "Sakura, you look sexy!" She nudged Sakura, looking at herself in the mirror and winking.

Sakura stared flabbergasted; she had never ever dressed up like this! She glanced at Ino, "you look lovely Ino" she murmured, still shocked. Ino beamed, "of course" She cockily answered, "now, time for make-up!" happily, the blondette went to get her make-up.

Sakura settled on the chair, awaiting Ino. She would make sure Ino didn't cake the make-up on her; she already looked quite slutty but in a sexy way, but with a lot of make-up, it would really look bad.

Ino only put on a light skin colour for lipstick, mascara and black eyeliner on Sakura. For herself, she wore mascara, eyeliner and a dark colour for lipstick.

When this was all done, it was 6:40pm they had about 20 minutes to get to the bar. Luckily it was just about 20 minutes from Ino's flat.

Hurrying out of the door Sakura checked her hair and make-up with a squeal, "thank you so much Ino, I've never done myself up like this before!" she hugged her friend, making sure not to smudge their make-up.

Ino batted her off, "don't be silly, you'll thank me more later! Quickly now, we have to hurry!" Sakura didn't pay much attention to Ino's words as she saw Ino's car.

It was beautiful.

A silver Mercedes sports car, beautiful; Sakura had never been in one, hell she had never been in any nice cars! As she gawked at the car, Ino tapped her foot impatiently by the now open door of the car, "are you going to stand there and gawk, or are you going to get the fuck in?" She asked.

Sakura shook her head with a weak smile, "sorry" she mumbled, quickly getting into the car and putting her seat-belt on. Ino rolled her eyes, getting in and speeding off, heading for the bar.


Sakura stared at the outside of the bar. It was definitely not what you would expect with the rumours of woman in here. The front looked like an expensive restaurant…a very dark restaurant.

Sakura hesitantly followed Ino out of the car and towards the front entrance where some people were already going in.

Ino linked arms with her, batting her eyelashes at the bouncer; "hey darling, I'm Shika's" she smiled sensually. The butch man nodded, allowing them entrance quickly. Ino showed Sakura to the bar, ordering two drinks and looking around, locking her gaze on something, or rather; someone.

Sakura glanced at the object of Ino's attention. All she could see was hands folded neatly on a table; the rest of the person was in shadows. Sakura smiled at the barman as he handed her the coke, she gulped it down.

She was thirsty!

Ino leaned over to Sakura, "Sakura, come on" she whispered in her friend's ear. Sakura raised an eyebrow; Ino shook her head and headed towards the table occupied by the stranger.

Ino sat Sakura across from the person, herself sitting next to Sakura. She smiled; "hello Itachi-san" she murmured, blinking at him, trying to see him. Sakura gave Ino a confused look, "did we come here to meet him? Where's Shikamaru?" She confusedly asked.

Ino turned her head to her friend, "Shika will be coming any minute now." She stated matter-of-factly. Turning back to Itachi she stared intently at the darkness, "so, Itachi? What do you think?" She eagerly asked.

A long silence remained after Ino's question.

"…She will do." Was Itachi's impassive response; his baritone voice washed over Sakura, shocks bolting down her spine. How could just a voice do that to someone? He had the sexiest voice she had ever heard in her life!

Sakura's eyes narrowed, "what do you mean, 'she will do'?" she asked, suspiciously watching Ino as she couldn't see the man. Ino said nothing, but stared at her friend, "Sakura, you will thank me in the near future, remember I did this for you." Ino's answer only confused Sakura more.

Sakura gave a frustrated sigh, "stop talking in riddles, what the hell is going on?" She tried to raise her voice, but she didn't want to draw more attention to herself, all the men were watching her.

…Well her dress was short…

Itachi gave a small chuckle, "she doesn't know? You will have to tell her." He stated, picking up his glass of straight up whiskey.

Ino nodded her head, "Sakura, this man, well…perhaps I should start with the place. This place, the reason why women go here alone and come back out with a man is because rich men come here to pick up women who have…money problems. They give you whatever you need, and in return you…"

"Become their whores." Itachi calmly cut Ino off. Sakura's gasp of outrage and surprise was his answer, "how dare you Ino! I refuse to become your…your…whore!" she frowned, about to get up but Ino's tug on her dress stopped her.

"Who said you were good enough to become my whore?" Itachi asked his face blank of emotions even though they couldn't see it. Sakura glowered at him, blushing. "This was obviously the plan, I refuse…" there was a little doubt in her voice.

Ino sighed softly, "Sakura, Itachi doesn't treat his…err people he picks up from here like that. He actually doesn't do it often, he's done it about two times before for conveniences and he always treated them to trips and gave them everything. Your family will be fine after awhile." Ino smiled softly, reassuringly at her friend.

Sakura re-sat herself in her chair, staring at her drink. "I'm so tempted, but…it would be degrading…I haven't even seen you," she protested. Itachi leaned forward slightly, showing his arms that were covered by his white cotton shirt.

"You'll see me soon," he murmured, draining the rest of his drink and sitting back in his chair. Sakura lowered her gaze with a blush, he sounded very, very sexy.

Ino stared at her friend as she saw Shikamaru walk through the door. She got up and ran towards him as best she could in high heels, "Shika-kun!" She cried, jumping into his arms and kissing him on his lips softly.

Sakura watched with a small smile, before looking back at the outline of Itachi. "Well, do I have to do…anything?" She timidly asked, fidgeting with her hands.

"I will have my driver take us to a local hotel; you have to go through a small test before anything." He mumbled, calling Shikamaru over. Ino sat in Shikamaru's lap as he sat down. Sakura looked around curiously, "hey Ino, is this how you and Shikamaru met?" she queried. At her friends nod, Sakura pondered on it for a little while.

If she could get Itachi to love her as much as Shikamaru loved Ino, and…she fell in love with him, things would be pretty okay.

At the time she hadn't known Itachi, but as she did, her hope of him falling for her near deflated.

"Come on then Sakura-san, let's get to that hotel." Itachi's smooth voice broke her out of her reverie. Nodding her head, she cautiously stood up, finishing her drink and leaving it on the table.

Sakura didn't look at Itachi; she stared at the bottom of his pressed black trousers and black shoes. Why wouldn't she look at him? She didn't know herself; she just wanted to wait until they got to the hotel so she could see on her own.

She glanced at the black sports car with tinted out windows, was this Itachi's ride? Her thoughts were answered when the driver got out and bowed to Itachi, opening the back door for Itachi and her.

Sakura got in, staring out of the window silently, waving goodbye to Ino and Shikamaru. The ride was in silence, Sakura was quite glad it was over; the silence wasn't what you would call 'comfortable'.

He led her into the hotel, booking the best room they had for the night. While they waited for the room, Sakura looked around. It must have been a 6 star hotel from the looks of things; it was like a palace in here! Large, cream walls, cream pillars, cream sofas in the waiting room, marble made the floor and desk, the doors were large and made out of glass and huge paintings hung on the walls.

Itachi took Sakura's hand in his own, leading her towards the old fashioned gold lift. Sakura didn't protest, she let him lead her into the lift and out, down two halls to stop at a large, white door.

Itachi opened the door and as Sakura slowly walked in, she couldn't help but mutter 'wow', hoping he hadn't heard.

She stood in the middle of the room, gradually; she turned her head to look at Itachi.

Her jaw dropped. He…he…she couldn't describe him, he was sexy, handsome, gorgeous, beautiful…all packed in one. His scarlet coloured eyes watched her with little amusement, he had slightly tanned skin and long black hair that was in a low ponytail going down his back, she couldn't see how long it was. Raven bangs fell into his eyes, he had a perfect nose and his lips weren't too small or too big. He had on a white cotton shirt that wasn't tucked in, black pressed pants and black shoes.

A perfectly shaped black eyebrow rose as he threw his sheathed katana on the bed, giving her a small smirk at her response to seeing him.

Sakura looked away slowly, hands at her sides she glanced at the still standing Itachi.

His staring was starting to unnerve her.

"So…what do I do for this…thing?" Sakura asked shyly, staring around the nicely decorated room. The bed had plain white sheets, the floor was a deep red colour carpet and there was French furniture to fill the room.

Itachi watched her, tucking some black bangs behind his ear, he leered at her.

"Strip," his simple command had Sakura staring at him disbelievingly.


Authors note: I hope you liked it 3 I might be looking for a beta, someone who isn't busy and at least comes on everyday for an hour or so. But I do not know if I want a beta…I haven't even asked Mitsuki-oneesan. 3 Review's definitely make me happy; I'll try and get the next chapter up in two weeks, which will be on…April 6, but I might do it in a week…March 30. We shall see XD