This is my first Inuyasha story. This is an Alternate Universe so yes
the characters are ooc.
Disclaimer-I do not own any of the characters of Inuyasha or the
song from Anastasia.
Remember Me
Chapter 1
"Sesshy! Sesshy!" yelled a six-year-old Inuyasha running down the hall to his
older brother's room. Bursting into the empty room, the young half demon was
caught from behind and swung in the air. The child giggled and wrapped his
arms around Sesshomaru's neck. "Sesshy!"
"Inuyasha, what are you doing here?" asked the sixteen year old Sesshomaru
tickling his little brother. "You know father does not want you to disturb my
"I know," the little hanyou said pouting. "But you study too much. All that
studying can't be good for your brain."
Sesshomaru tightened his hold around his brother's waist and buried his nose
into the thick silver mass of Inuyasha's hair inhaling the child's scent.
"Come out and play with me Sesshy." Inuyasha looked up at his older brother. He
was so beautiful. The hanyou believed himself to be the luckiest boy in the world
to have such a brave, strong and beautiful brother. Inuyasha stared intensely into
his older brother's face as though trying to burn his imagine into his young mind. Long,
silver hair that glowed like the moon hung down the elder demon's back. Golden
amber orbs that shown like the stars when happy but became chips of ice if made
angry. Inuyasha reached up with his small clawed hands and stroked the side
of his brother's face.
Sesshomaru sighed closing his eyes and leaned into the gentle caress.
"Sesshy, do you hate me?" Inuyasha continued to caress the lavender strips on
the demon's cheek and the crescent moon on his forehead.
Sesshomaru eyes snapped opened and he stared in shock at his younger brother. "Why
would you ask something like that?"
"Well, I overheard some demons in the village talking. They said that I was a filthy
half breed and that everyone hates me." Little Inuyasha was fascinated by how soft
the strips were compared to the rest of his brother's face.
"Listen to me otouto; I will not lie to you. There are those demons and humans
that will hate you because you are half human," said Sesshomaru capturing
the small hand and kissing the palm. "But you know that what they think is not
important. Mother loves you and so does father."
"What about you, Sesshy?" Inuyasha stared up at him with those big, doe eyes.
"Do you love me?"
Sesshomaru held the younger boy tightly in his arms and kissed the top of his
head. "Of course I love you. You are my baby brother and I will always love
"I love you too Sesshy," said Inuyasha planting a kiss on his brother's lips.
"Do you really love me, little one?"
"Yes I do." Inuyasha wrapped his legs around Sesshomaru's waist.
"Will you always love me?" Sesshomaru said letting a ghost of a smile touch
his lips.
"I will love you until the end of time and even then my love will last for you,
forever." Vowed the little hanyou. "Because when I am older I will be your
Sesshomaru snorted. "You're pretty sure of yourself, little one."
"Of course I am," Inuyasha said with a mischievous smile. "No demoness in her
right mind would put up with you."
"Why you ungrateful little pup." Sesshomaru began to tickle the little boy. The elder
demon felt his heart soar when his otouto laughed. It was a sound of innocence which
made Sesshomaru very happy.
"Brother sing our song. Please." Inuyasha rested his head against his brother's
Sesshomaru sighed and began rocking with his brother held tightly in his
Dancing bears
painted wings
Things I almost remember
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December
Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory
Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart
Used to know
Once upon a December
Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully
Across my memory
Far away, long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
Things my heart
Used to know
Things it yearns to remember
And a song
Someone sings
Once upon a December
Little Inuyasha snuggled closely to his brother as
he let his favorite song wash over him. "I like that
"I like it also. My mother use to sing it to me every night
before I went to bed. She told me that the song was an
old song sung by her mother, her mother's mother and so
"Is there a story behind that song?"
"Yes, it is said a long time ago someone had kidnapped
a princess from my mother's clan and that my great great
grandmother would often be heard singing this song,"
said Sesshomaru.
"Because she use to sing this song to the little princess
and she only wished for her beloved granddaughter to
come home."
"And did the princess every come home?" Inuyasha asked
raising his head to stare at his brother with shining eyes.
"Yes she did," said the elder demon kissing the small cheek of
his brother. "And they lived happily ever after. Now, it's time for
you to go."
"Aaaawwwww!" pouted the pup. "I want you to come out and play with me. You
have been in this room all day. You need a break."
"No, I need to continue my studies." Sesshomaru leaned close to Inuyasha
puppy dog-ear whispering. "Besides, if I am to take over from the old
gray dog. I will
need to be well educated."
"Oooohhhh, I'm gonna tell." Inuyasha said with wide eyes.
"No you won't because if you do. I will not give you the present I brought
for you."
The little hanyou's eyes widened in excitement. "Gimme!"
"No, not until you promise not to tell." Sesshomaru kissed the hanyou on the
"Okay, I promise I won't tell the old gray dog," said Inuyasha whose eyes were
still shining with excitement over the present his brother had for him.
"Close enough but don't call him an old gray dog in front of him, okay."
The little half demon nodded his head. So, Sesshomaru placed Inuyasha on the
floor and went into the other room. A few minutes later, he returned with his
hands behind his back. He knelt before his little brother placing a hand on his
"Now Inuyasha, if I give you this present you will have to leave me to my
studies," said Sesshomaru smiling. "Once I am finish. I will take you to the
village to play with your little friends. Will that be okay with you?"
"Oh yes, big brother that will be okay."
Sesshomaru brought his hand from behind his back and held a bright red ball
in his hand. Inuyasha squealed in delight as he grabbed the ball and began
throwing it up into the air.
"Now, go out to the garden and wait for me there."
"Okay." Inuyasha leaned forward and placed a kissed on his brother's
lips. He turned and hurries outside to play with his new ball.
Inuyasha was out in the garden playing with his ball when it rolled over to a
grove of cherry trees. The little hanyou sniffed the air and smelled another
demon. The scent was close.
"Hello little one," came a voice from the tree. Inuyasha looked up and saw a
young demon with long forest green hair and eyes to match sitting in the
tree. His eyes were narrow like those of a snake but they were quite friendly
looking. To Inuyasha innocent eyes, the demon's clothes seemed to be made
of spun gold. Unlike his red fire rat clothes the strange demon's clothes seem
to shimmer in the light. On his feet was a pair of black, soft
shoes the likes of which he has never seen before. The stranger's feet were
wrapped snuggly by the strange footwear.
"Hello," said Inuyasha looking up at the strange demon. "Who are you? Are
you a guest of my father?"
The demon seemed to think about that for a second before smiling pleasantly
at the hanyou. "Yes I am. My name is Yin."
"My name is Inuyasha."
"Yes, I know who you are," said Yin holding his pleasant smile.
Inuyasha frowned. What a strange accent. He definitely did not come from
around here. "Are you from the South? I have never seen clothing like that
before. And I have never heard that kind of accent before either."
"No, I'm not from around these parts. I am from a country across
the sea called China." The strange
demon jumped down from the tree and landed in front of Inuyasha. The hanyou
stared at the strange clothing. His hakama and haori was definitely foreign with
its tight collar and the strange things that held his haori together. He had no
obi tied
around his waist to keep, his haori closed. The cuffs of the sleeves were
folded back and
there were two slits on either side of the haori,
and it was long. The strange haori reached down to just
below his knees and in the center was an embroidery of a dragon. Looking
at the haori
and hakama, to Inuyasha, the material looked like scales. The cuffs at
the ankle of the strange
hakama were folded up. Yin knelt down before the little hanyou. He reached
into a golden
pouch that hung on his hip and pulled out a sucker.
Inuyasha eyes widened with glee as the ball slipped from his little fingers
and he took the offered candy. "I have plenty of different other kind of
candies. Have you ever tasted chocolates?"
Inuyasha shook his head staring at the demon in wonder.
"I think you would like it. Would you like some to give to your family?
and friends."
The small boy stared up at the smiling demon. "Well, I'm not sure if I should . . ."
said the little hanyou hesitantly. His eyes widen greedily as he stared at the
second sucker Yin took out of his pouch. "I guess it will be all right. You are,
after all, a guest of my father." The man handed the sucker to Inuyasha.
"Thank you." He bended down to pick up his ball.
"Well, nothing's too good for the great dog demon's youngest son." He put his arm
around Inuyasha's shoulders and lead him into the forest away from the safety of
his home.