Ch Ch. 6 of Going Somewhere!! Hope you like!! Plz R&R CodeRomance

Next Day: New York: Hotel

"Ugh! I didn't think it would be this hard to sleep with a broken arm. Boy, I feel stiff everywhere," Yumi complained. They were all sitting at a table in the breakfast room at the hotel. A man sat in the shadows near their table.

"It's ok Yumi, you'll be fine. It's just the first night. Always takes some getting used to," murmured Odd.

"And how would you know?" asked Aleita.

"I've broken my arm before, playing soccer. It wasn't a pretty sight at all!" Odd grinned.

"Yeah I was there. And I am so glad it didn't happen to me!" Ulrich laughed. He looked at Yumi. "Don't worry, Yumi, you'll be ok." He kissed her on the cheek.

"Yeah, but it itches!" whined Yumi.

"Well, we'll have to keep you distracted then." Ulrich grinned. "So Einstein, what are we doing today? Got anything planned?"

"Well, Aleita did some research before we left on each city and she found some of the best sights to see. I thought we would go to the Empire State building, Ellis Island to see the Statue of Liberty, and then maybe Yankee Stadium. I don't want to do too much today. Just thought we would take it easy. Tomorrow I thought the girls would like to maybe go shopping and perhaps go see an opera show. Then there is the Unisphere, which was built during the 1964-65 World's Fair, Brooklyn Bridge and the Queens library, which is something Aleita and I would like to see. There is also the Radio City Music Hall, home of the Rockettes, Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum, Bronx Zoo, and Fifth and Madison Avenue, basically Madison Square Garden. Then the whole culture thing, you know the different markets and such. So there is plenty to do, just name where you want to go and we can go!" Jeremy said.

"We don't have to walk the whole time do we?" questioned Aleita

"No, we can take the Metro, the bus or a taxi." Jeremy smiled.

"Well I think we should head for Ellis Island first before it gets too crowded." Odd said with a mouth full of food. "I really don't want to be waiting in lines forever 'specially since I get hungry real fast!"

Ulrich and Yumi laughed. "Yeah that sounds like the best idea so far."

"Ok then let's get going." Jeremy was just about to stand up when a waiter came over and handed something to Yumi.

"Sorry to disturb you Ma'am, but this just came for you at the front desk." The waiter said Yumi.

"Oh that's ok thank you very much." Yumi smiled at the waiter and opened the note. She gasped as she read what was written. "Oh no, Aleita you were right!" Yumi sobbed.

"Yumi what is it? What does it say?" Ulrich asked, concerned. Yumi handed him the note and buried her hands in her face. Ulrich took the note and read it.


If you want to see your parents again, you will send Aleita to this Address:

456 S. Main Street

Millerton, NY 43355

No funny games, Jeremy, Odd, and Ulrich! I know you all very well.

If Aleita is not at this address in 130 hours, your parents are…well use your imagination!


P.S. If you decide not to follow instructions, not only will your parents be dead, but all of New York, Chicago, Tampa, San Francisco, and Los Angles as well. I have the coordinates! So you had better beware!

Ulrich gulped as he finished reading the note. "This is bad, really bad," he passed the note to the others. They all groaned when they read it. Jeremy was already typing in the address to find out where Millerton was located. "Well the town is just outside of the city not to hard to find." Jeremy murmured

Aleita sobbed. "Oh, Yumi this is horrible. I will have to go to this address. I don't care what he does to me."

"Aleita no! You are not going to this address! We will figure something out I'm sure." Yumi looked at Jeremy. "Right Jer, we have to! If anyone can figure it out Jeremy can."

"Yeah Aleita, don't worry we've beaten XANA before we can do it again!" Odd said.

"It will be ok everyone." Ulrich stated. "I think for now we should go sight seeing to get our minds off of this. We have 5 days to work with this so it will be just fine."

"Yes I think Ulrich is right," Yumi smiled through her tears. "Come on everyone let's go."

They all got up and headed out of the hotel. They walked onto the street and Jeremy directed them to the right. "This is the way to the ferry to Ellis Island."

"Jeremy! I thought you said we didn't have to walk!" groaned Aleita.

Everyone laughed slightly. The mood lightened a bit after they had read the note. "I know Aleita, we are walking to the subway station." Jer said.

"Well, come on then, the faster we walk the quicker we get to the station." Aleita called as she walked ahead.

No one noticed a lady in dark clothing follow them in

They followed behind for a while pointing out things that were different from Paris. (Kadic High is in Paris right?) New York was very cool compared to their native home.

"Hey look at those cows!" Ulrich called at one point.

"Yeah what's up with that?" Odd laughed.

"They're just statues," Jer smiled. At last they got to the 23rd street station all in one piece.

"Ugg finally!" Aleita groaned. "That took forever!"

"Really, Aleita! We only walked 2 blocks it's truly not that far." Yumi smiled slightly.

"I know but I hate to walk." Aleita smiled back. "Come on I want to sit down." They went down into the station. No one noticed a lady in dark clothing follow them in. They bought their tickets and caught the train to the docks. They arrived at the docks where the ferries leave from to go to the island. "Let's go. I want to see it, hurry up!" Aleita laughed and pulled Jeremy along with her. They caught the ferry and they all lined up along the back side.

"Look isn't it beautiful," Yumi exclaimed. She pointed to the city that was now drifting away from them as they sailed toward Ellis Island.

"Not as pretty as you!" Ulrich smiled, staring at her and pulling her close.

"Oh please!" Odd groaned, "Enough lovey dovey talk, that's just gross! I'm going to get something to eat. My stomach's telling me it's time."

They all laughed, "Odd, your stomach is always telling you it's time to eat!" Jeremy said.

Odd shrugged. "Whatever, I'll be back. You all want something?"

They shook their heads no. Odd headed into the ship to see if there was some place to grab some grub.

They all arrived at Ellis Island ten minutes later. Odd had found some food and was stuffing his face with a hot dog. They got off the boat and headed toward the entrance to Lady Liberty. They spent about 2 hours at Liberty before heading back into the city to the Empire State building. They stopped several times in shops and food venders to satisfy Aleita and Odd.

As they entered the building a man and a woman watched from the shadows. The woman looked at the man who nodded. She followed them in and slipped into the elevator with the group of friends.

As they took the elevator to the top of the building Jeremy stared at the wall and contemplated a way to take X.A.N.A down. There has to be a way to do it without harming Aleita or Yumi's parents, he thought while scratching his head. There weren't any activated towers so I don't understand how he is behind this. Then he snapped his head up. He just had a horrible thought. SHIT!

Jeremy looked at the others, "Hey guys, we have a problem." The others all looked towards him.

"What Einstein?" Ulrich asked.

"I think Aleita had it right. X.A.N.A has found a way to attack without activating a tower."

Aleita gasped, "But how?"

"I'm not sure, but the only way I think he could do it is if he's taken on human form."

There were several gasps from the elevator. The woman in the corner stared wide eyed at them. The others all closed their eyes and sighed.

"Damn, what a crappy vacation!" Ulrich muttered and Odd grumbled.

The others smiled slightly at that. "We'll talk more about this after we're done here, at the hotel." Jeremy said with a significant look.

The elevator stopped and they got out. The lady followed at a short distance.


"Did you send the note?" X.A.N.A demanded of his minion.

"Yes, sir! Received and read, sir!"

"Good, now only a few more days and world domination will be mine! MAWWHAAA!"

A/N: ok guys I'm terribly sorry for the LONG wait! I hope I still have readers out there! Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please let me know what you think! Thanks, CodeRomance