AN: Well, here's the next chapter (finally got D away so I could write…) Anyway, after this, updates on my stories are going to be waaay less frequent as I am planning my wedding. So, enjoy this… I might have time to update "Emeralds" before the real craziness starts, but I'm sorry to say all my stories will be… postponed… sort of. Sorry to all my adoring fans… And you may all take some cookies –offers plate of cookies- Love you all!


"Zack, get off of me right now," Cloud repeated. Fuck, he knows he's driving me crazy… neh…

"Just give in, Cloud. I promise it'll be fun."

Fuck… this isn't working…wait… yeah, that'll work… hopefully… "Riku!" he screamed. "Riku, help!"

Riku crept out of his room cautiously; a little afraid of what he might see. Oh shit… "Um… help?"

Zack groaned. "Great, now we have to ask the kid to join in or I'll feel like a total jerk. What d'ya say, kid?"

"Riku, get him off of me!"

Riku didn't move. He was just a little unsure of what was happening. Okay, lemme get this straight… number one: my boyfriend is possibly getting raped. Number two: the other guy wants me to join in. Number three: Cloud wants me to get the other guy off of him, but he's not even strong enough to do that… what the fuck? "Um… get off of him?" Riku said, rather unconvincingly.

Zack snorted and Cloud groaned in defeat.

"Riku! Do you honestly thi– "

"Kid, you're not exactly the most convincing guy, so don't try to get me off of this hot piece of ass."

"I knew I had a nice ass, stupid Cid," Cloud mumbled to himself. "Zack, just get off."

"Not likely!"

"Um… do you guys want me to just leave you alone?" Riku asked, really confused.

"No!" Cloud shouted the same time as Zack yelled, "Yes!"

"Riku, don't leave me with him… please?" Cloud pleaded with his very confused boyfriend.

"Come on kid, you know how it is. Just let me have a little fun with him, then you can have him back."

Riku just shook his head and walked back into his room. As he closed the door, he heard an anguished cry from the other room. "NOOOOO!" Riku sighed. What was I supposed to do?


"Are you sure about this, Le?"

"Yes, Aerith, besides, I spend more time at your place then I do at that dump anyway. It makes sense to move out."

"But you do know this is yet another step up the commitment ladder?"

"Yes, I don't really care."

"What about Cloud?"

"What about him?"

"How will he afford to live?"

"He'll manage… he's got Riku now."

"Riku's young, and I'm not sure how much Cloud makes, but I doubt what I pay Riku is much higher."

"Whatever. It's his own fault. Besides, I've been paying for all that shit for too long."

"He can't help that. It's not his fault that Cid pays him so little… maybe we should talk to him…"

"Listen, if worse comes to worse, he has friends. There's Cid, yeah, and Sephiroth, and then if he's really in trouble he can come to us…"

"Cid's a tightwad, Seph's offered enough times, Cloud hates charity, remember how reluctant he was to accept it from you?"

"Yeah… but I think if I wanna stay friends with the jackass, I'd better move out."



After a bit of a battle, Cloud found himself in his boxers, still pinned under a similarly dressed Zack. After that struggle, Cloud gave in. There was no way out; as much as he wanted to deny it, Zack could still get him going, and now that he was wearing next to nothing, there was nothing stopping the older man from getting what he wanted.

"Zack, please," Cloud tried pleading one last time through heavy breathing.

"Please what?"


"Mmm, how 'bout… no?" Zack kissed his way down Cloud's chest, biting gently at a hardened nipple.


"Relax, babe, this'll be fun."

"D-don't – nng!" Any thoughts preventing Cloud from agreeing to this had left his mind as soon as Zack's hand reached under the waistband of Cloud's boxers.

"Ready to give in yet?" Zack asked again, as seductively as the first time.

Cloud could barely nod, knowing he'd lost.

At least, he thought he'd lost. Until the door opened and Leon and Aerith walked in.

"What the fuck?" was all Leon could say. Aerith was a little too shocked to say anything.

Zack looked up. "Oh fuck… hey guys!"

"Zack?" Aerith said with disbelief. "How…?"

"What the hell are you doing? Where's Riku?"

Cloud was still rendered mute from what Zack was continuing to do to him, even after the couple walked in.

"The kid? In the bedroom I think…"

"Riku!" Leon yelled.

Riku walked out of his room. "Hey Leon, Aerith."

"Do you have any idea what your boyfriend is doing out here with his ex?" Leon asked.

"I don't really want to… but yeah… there was nothing I could do about it…" Riku said quietly.

At this moment, Cloud groaned, covering Zack's hand in pearly white liquid. Everyone turned to look at him. The blond was breathing heavily and was thoroughly flushed.

"I'll just wait outside…" Aerith said quietly before stepping back into the hallway.

"What the hell did you think you were doing, Cloud! I know you can be an ass, but this is just low! And with Riku in the next room?"

"Shut it, Leon, it was rape…"

Leon looked at Zack, who grinned in return. He turned to Riku who shrugged, as if to say, 'Well, it's true…'

"Riku, can you go wait with Aerith? I need to talk to these two," Leon said quietly, dangerously.

Riku nodded and joined Aerith in the hallway.

After the door closed, Leon said, "Explain. Zack first."

Zack shrugged. "Decided I'd come for a visit… then I saw Cloud… and I guess I just couldn't help myself." He grinned sheepishly, hoping Leon would accept that.



"What do you think he's saying?"

"I don't know, I can't hear through the door, quiet!"

"Aerith, maybe we should just let them talk this out…"



"I told you, he fucking raped me… thank god you walked in when you did, who knows what might have happened."

Leon sighed. "How did Zack get in?"

"I never changed the locks… couldn't be bothered…"

"By that, I think he means he was broke at the time."

"Stuff it, Zack."

Leon sighed again. "Okay, why did you come back?"

Zack thought about this for a minute. "Well, I thought it would be nice to see how stuff was going around here. So, you're dating Aerith now? She still wild in– "

"Zack," Cloud growled. "Don't even."

"Aw, does Cloud still care about his first girlfriend?"

"Shut it, Zack!"

"You dated Aerith?" Leon asked Cloud. "When was that?"

"Before we met you, in high school."

"Yep and before I met Cloud, I was with her. When she introduced me to blondie, here, I couldn't resist… he was so cute and innocent then."

"Whatever, why are you here?" Leon questioned.

"Oh, right. Well, work was always better in this area, so I thought I'd move back."

"So why the hell are you in my apartment?" Cloud muttered.

"'Cause, I already had a key plus the rent was really cheap here… even though I was paying for everything then."

"Wait… you want to move back in here… with me?" Cloud asked slowly.


"Good, Cloud needs a new roommate anyway. He and Riku probably can't afford living here," Leon said. "I'll just grab my stuff. You two and Riku can sort this out." He walked into his room, and started packing his stuff.

"He's hot… love the whole leather thing he's got going on," Zack said, licking his lips. "So Cloud, how 'bout another round?"

"Get the fuck off of me."

Leon returned to the room with a large bag full of his clothes and other belongings. "Okay, one more thing before I leave: no more rape."

"Aw! Why not?" Zack asked playfully.

Leon rolled his eyes. He's worse than Cloud… "See you later," he said, leaving.

Riku walked back in and closed the door behind him. "So… what now?"

Zack jumped up and headed for the bathroom. "I'm gonna take a shower."

When Zack closed the bathroom door behind himself, Riku walked over to Cloud. "You're a mess…"

"Listen, Riku, you know I didn't want to do that with him."

"I know."

"You mad at me?"

"No." Riku want into the kitchen area, got some paper towel, and dampened it with warm water.

"You're not?"

Riku shook his head and kneeled down next to Cloud. "I know you need a shower, but this should do until he comes out." He started to clean Cloud up with the paper towel.



"'Love you."

Riku looked up from what he was doing. "What?" It was the first time Cloud had said that to him. "Did you just say…?"

"Yep, I love you."

"I… love you too."

Cloud pulled Riku towards him and kissed him… just as Zack, (in nothing but a towel), walked out of the bathroom.

"'Left my bag out – Aw! How cute!"

Cloud broke the kiss and glared at Zack. "Get dressed and get out." He pulled Riku onto the couch and wrapped his arms around the younger man protectively.

"Nah… according to Leon, you need a roommate. And I need an apartment."

"I don't – "

"Maybe he's right, Cloud," Riku said quietly.

Cloud let go of Riku and looked at him. "Are you crazy? Did you just miss that whole thing that just happened?"

"I know, I really don't want him here either… but we're homeless unless he stays."

"Yeah, the kid's right. I promise I'll be good. Please?" Zack asked, attempting to be cute.

Cloud rolled his eyes. "Fine."


Okay, well, that's the end… of this chapter. I probably won't be updating for a while since I've got a wedding to plan (May 28th!) I love everyone who's been reading this, you guys rock! Hopefully, I'll get another chapter up before the wedding… but I might not have time.

Anyway, I know Riku's being very calm about this whole… situation… but he knows there was nothing he could do about it. Don't worry, just 'cause Leon moved out, doesn't mean Cloud's going to stop bugging him. And I gotta tell you, the line about Zack being wosre than Cloud… Totally D's idea. Seriously, I love him… and his sarcastic comments about my writing. Anyway, hope you liked this chapter.