Thanks for all the reviews everyone! Keep them coming! I decided two things before writing this chapter: David had to go, and they can't fight for too long because come on now! Enjoy!

9:00 a.m.

"Shepherd you're late."

"Sorry, sir."

"Where's Addison?"

"Who cares?"

"Hey, slow down now! What's going on with you? Attitude and tardiness; that's not like you. Speak."

"Me and Addison had a huge fight. I was only partially at fault but she threw the whole thing at me like a ton of bricks."

"A fight? That's why you're so pissy. OH, you have so much to learn. Whenever you fight, it's always your fault. Get used to it. You don't get to be right ever again."

"Chief it's not that simple. She overreacted. She was crying. It was a mess."

"Look, find her, apologize, and leave it up to her."

"No. I'm not caving. I don't want to talk to her." With that, Derek stormed off.

9:15 a.m.

"Addison, you're really late. Where were you?"

"I had to shower and get ready."


"And, I had to wait for Derek to leave. All of my stuff is in that godforsaken trailer that he loves. We aren't speaking if that wasn't clear."

"So I've heard. What's the matter with you?"

"Me? This is his fault. He's an insensitive jerk."

"You don't mean that."

"Don't I? Okay I don't. I mean he's like the greatest guy on the planet. But he wasn't last night. He was all jealous-boyfriend guy. I don't like that guy. This is what I was afraid of from the start. Being an "us" makes him different, more protective."

"Addison, what do you expect? He waited six years for you. You can't blame him if he's afraid to lose you."

"Yeah, well he should trust me a little more." With that, Addison stormed off. Richard knew if he was going to get them back together, he would need help. He went to his office and hit speed dial 1.

"Hey. I need your help. Can you come to the hospital?"

11:00 a.m.

"Stevens you're with Montgomery. O'Malley with Shepherd. Yang with Burke. Meredith with me. Karev…. Okay what are you fools all whispering about? Do you not hear me speaking?"

"Over there. Addison and Derek haven't even spoken. She looks pissed off. So does he."

"Trouble in paradise?"

"You're an ass Karev." Izzie shot him a dirty look. "But seriously, what's wrong? This isn't like them?"

"Seriously? This isn't a soap opera. They are two adults. Let them handle their own business without all of you staring at them like animals. Move it!" With that, the interns dispersed. "Stevens and O'Malley hang here for a second." Bailey moved towards the fighting couple.

"Alright what's up with you two? You're distracting my interns."

"Ask her."

"Oh, that's real mature Derek. God." Addison walked off, signaling Stevens to follow her. Derek barely watched her leave, just hurried off in the other direction. O'Malley jogged after him. Bailey stood their, alone and annoyed.

1:00 p.m.

Richard sat at his desk, mindlessly filling out paperwork when there was a knock at his door. Patricia was there when he looked up.

"You have a visitor."

"Thank you Patricia."

"Yes thank you."

"Anytime Adele."

"Thank you for getting her so soon. Come here." Richard pulled her into an embrace, gently kissing her cheek. "We have a problem. Addison and Derek aren't talking. It's only been like five hours and the tension is hurting my hospital. Neither of them is focusing. It's like having them as interns again! I need your help."

"Oh I remember there fights back in New York. And that was just as friends. Let me see what I can do. Give me fifteen to scope it out."

"You're like a little detective."

"What can I say: love's my specialty?" Adele winked at her husband and was off to find Addison.

1:15 p.m.

"Addison, Addison, Addison."

"Oh my god, Adele! How are you?" She asked, extending her arms for a hug.

"I'm good. How are you?

"I'm great now. God, the last time I saw you was…."

"Your wedding. I know. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It was for the best. Or so I thought."

"Hey. One fight is not the end of the world." Addison shot her a look. "Richard panicked. You know how men are."

"Oh yes. It's just so frustrating. He won't even talk to me. It shouldn't bother me because he was an ass. But so was I. I just can't give in. I don't know. Adele, I can't lose him. He's too important to me. Now I'm rambling. I'm sorry."

"Please. I've missed your ramblings."

"You look terrific, Adele really." Addison was interrupted by her pager. "I have to go. I'll call you."

"Thank you. And you better." They hugged once more before she scurried off to the NICU.

"Derek, you can come out now." Derek emerged from behind the wall.

"How did you know?"

"Saw you walk out when you heard my voice and pop back when you saw who I was talking to. Come here." Derek gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm that slick huh?"

"Always have been. Now what's going on with you two?"

"It's nothing. I mean I screwed up. I realize that. But so did she. I mean she lied to me. And then I confronted her. It got messy. She started crying. All I want to do is apologize, but I can't bring myself to. I can't cave."

"God you two are the same person." Adele muttered under her breath.

"Excuse me."

"Never mind. You should talk to her."

"I know. I can't. I don't want her to still be mad. I….Adele, I can't screw this up. I'd never forgive myself if I lost her. Tell me what to do."

"I already have. I'll see you later."

"Bye." Adele sauntered off, a plan already brewing.

2:00 p.m.

Addison and Derek both arrived at the chief's office simultaneously, both having been paged there. They didn't speak. Derek held the door for Addison and they walked in. Adele and the chief were waiting for them.

"Richard is this some kind of mistake?"

"What's going on? Why were we both paged?"

"Like you don't know." They both looked perplexed. "You two haven't been speaking for about seven hours now and I can feel the tension in the air. You're screwing with my hospital, especially the staff. They all want to know why you're not talking. And, to be honest, it's bothering me. I see the loss of focus in both of you. Now, you're going to sit here and talk this out until you reach an agreement."

"Richard this is juvenile. What if one of us is paged?"

"I'll handle it. I'm not joking around. I need you both on your games. If you're fighting, you can't possibly be. Stop acting like interns. I want my attendings back."

"And if we refuse?"

"It's not up to you. This door locks from the outside." With that, Adele and Richard left the room, leaving Derek and Addison annoyed. The door locked into place, and they knew they were stuck.

"Great. What the hell are we going to do now?"

"Beats me. We could actually talk about this." Derek suggested.

"I don't know if I'm ready to talk to you yet."

"Oh Addison drop it. I know I screwed up by not trusting you. But you're no angel. You lied to me about your past. We tell each other everything, and it seems as though you left out a big chunk of your life." He won't even look at you. Let the walls down. Apologize.

"Derek, I…." Addison's voice cracked as she tried to speak. Taking a deep breath to regain her composure, she tried again. "I'm sorry." This got his attention. "I'm sorry for not telling you about me and David before he did. I was afraid of how you'd react and I knew you'd want the whole story and I wasn't so sure that I was ready to go back to that place."


"I'm talking. I don't apologize much you know that. Enjoy it while it lasts," Derek smiled, dropped his hands to his sides and listened. "Most of all, I'm sorry for yelling at you. While I wish you could have talked to me first, I overreacted. I think I was just getting out my rage towards David on you. It's just things were going so well and then he showed up and I sort of disconnected myself."

"It's okay. I'm sorry for just assuming he was telling the truth. And for yelling at you in front of the hospital. But, if we are going to make it work, we need to tell each other everything like we used to. And more. I'll try and not be all jealous boyfriend guy in the future."

"How did you know…"

"I was behind the wall when you were talking to Adele. I didn't want to interrupt."

"Sure you didn't. Come here." Addison extended her arms, and Derek met them, gently kissing her on the cheek.

"It's just…" Derek's voice cracked, causing Addison to arch her head back to look at him in the eye.

"Derek, just tell me."

"I just don't want to lose you. It's hard not to be all jealous about you. Have you seen you? It's not unfathomable in the slightest that someone else would want you."

"You know what is unfathomable? That I would want them. I'm with you. I love you. Bottom line."


"I promise."

"Besides, if you went off with some other guy, he would never know how much you loved to be kissed right behind your ear, where your neck meets it." Addison arched her neck to the side as Derek moved in. She loved it when he did that, evident by the soft moan that escaped her lips.

"Guess I'm going to have to keep you around then." Addison smiled at Derek, and he smiled back.

"I guess so. Now that we're all better, should we tell Richard to let us out of our time out?"

"We could. Or we could take advantage of the time off and all the space to make sure our relationship is all better. Besides, I owe you from yesterday."

"Right. We never did get to finish our time together in the on-call room. You're brilliant, you know that?"

"So I've been told. Now get over here." Taking a fistful of lab coat, Addison pulled Derek towards her, their lips meeting in an intense moment of passion. Clothing began to be thrown about the office. Lab coats, sneakers, the works. The two made their way to the couch, stumbling around the coffee table. Addison was straddling Derek's lap, his hands making their way up and down her thighs. Addison ran her lips up and down his jaw, driving him wild. Deciding it was his turn to be on top, he managed to push himself off the back of the couch and stand up, all without dropping her.

"Derek! What are you doing?"

"Oh you'll see." With her still in his arms, he made his way over to the chief's desk. Delicately putting her down, he moved his lips to her neck.

"Derek! We are going to get in so much trouble. Richard notices everything! Sex on his desk won't escape him."

"We'll just have to be very careful then won't we?" Knowing where to go to occupy Addison, Derek moved his lips down. She began to run her fingers through his hair, clearly in a state of euphoria.

"Alright. Whatever you say. Oh, I love it when you do that."

"I know." He whispered into her neck. Addison, regaining some of her exposure, began to run her fingers down his sides, pulling his scrub top up and out. She ran her fingers along the hemline of his pants, up and over his strong abs. Derek responded by moving his hands to her face, moving his soft fingertips over her cheeks as their lips met. Breaking the kiss, Derek bent back to look at Addison square in the eye.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I've missed you."

"I didn't go anywhere."

"I know. But still." Derek flashed his beautiful blue eyes and classic smile at her.

"God, you really are McDreamy. You know that?" Pulling him back to her, Addison snaked her arms around his neck and kissed him with all the passion she had. When they finally broke, Derek was breathless.

"Wow, Addi that was…wow."

"So I'm guessing you two are better." Both Addison and Derek spun around at the voice coming from the door. They both turned bright red at Richard's appearance. "Are you two on my desk? For the love of God, out!" He yelled. Both obliged, grabbing their lab coats and running from his office, laughing hysterically. Adele came up behind Richard, laughing as well.

"So it worked huh?"

"A little too well. On my desk. Seriously?"

"Relax sweetie. At least their happy."

"Yeah, whatever. They knocked over your picture." Adele just laughed at her husband as he went to rearrange his desk to his liking. On the other side of the hospital, Derek and Addison found an empty patient room to finish what they had started before.

"Think he was mad?" Addison asked, pulling Derek's scrub top over his head.

"I don't care." Derek responded, resting his hands on her waist as he moved her scrubs off her body. Lifting her on to the bed, Derek was quickly on top, having his way with her.

Twenty minutes later, both Addison and Derek walked out of the room at a stagger as to not attract to much attention. They met up at the Nurses' station, Derek swiping his hand over her backside as he passed her.

"Hey beautiful."

"Fix your hair. You look like you just had crazy sex with a beautiful woman right over there." Addison said, moving around him to put a chart away. Derek smiled at the memory. "You hungry? It's like 2 and I skipped lunch."

"Not for food."

"Derek! It's been like ten minutes."


"Buy me lunch and we'll take it from there, k?"

"If I must." Addison slapped him. "Just kidding. I would love to buy you lunch. Come on." Taking her hand in his, they walked towards the elevator bank, passing Bailey's interns on the way.

"Guess the trouble passed." Karev said, out of range of the attendings.

"That was quick."

"You didn't hear? Richard locked them in his office to talk it out. He made me bring my lab results to him instead of Addison." Izzie chimed in.

"Really? That's unconventional."

"Well it was awkward with them fighting."

"Think they did it on his desk or something?"

"Grow up Karev." Yang said as they all passed him by, disgusted at the thought. Alex pondered it for a moment, before catching up to the group.

Okay! Hope you all enjoyed. I'm open for suggestions on what to do next so please review with what you got for me. Thanks!