Disclaimer: Konami owns Silent Hill. Heather and Alessa belong to them, along with any recognizable characters. I own all original characters. I make no money of off this fic.

AN: Well, it's been a long time, hasn't it? ;D Three years, in fact. I want to thank everyone who's reviewed this story, especially everyone who's reviewed recently, and those who have kept this story on their f-list for being patient. I've edited all the previous chapters to put more mystery on Alessa, for those new to the fic, and I think I've gotten it to a point where I'm perfectly satisfied with them. Now I'm ready to move forward. No more waiting a long time between updates. I've also gotten a few new ideas from certain horror movies, so you may see some hints about what's been going in the background in this AU world I've created, depending on where the story takes me. This is mainly a filler chapter, to lead into more substantial story points, but I think there are a few interesting things here in terms of the girls' personalities. As for Alessa's choice in TV shows, I think she'd enjoy a show about like this about lighter things, and average dramas, compared to the stuff she's had to deal with. ;D

I hope you enjoy the chapter, despite it not being the epic update that it probably should be after such a long lapse. ;)

Chapter 5 – The Mystery Deepens

The two girls stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Neither one moved an inch in the slightest direction. A few random shoppers stared at them curiously as they passed by, wondering what the story was behind the standoff in the center of the mall. To any of those strangers, it must have looked like a pair of twin sisters was having a glaring contest over some inane teenage argument.

Alessa was at a loss on how to react. What was she supposed to do for a momentous occasion like this? She half expected a shock of thunder to punctuate the earth-shattering scenario, she thought wryly. How often did someone meet their double in real life?

Heather was experiencing a similar problem. It was eerie how much Alessa looked like her. Had she still worn her hair long, the freckles on her face would have been the only difference between them. Once again, she wondered whom and what Alessa was exactly. Just what was the connection between them?

The silence carried on for a minute longer, until neither girl felt compelled to let it linger any longer. If they stayed there gawking at each other like that, they would be there all day. Someone had to break the stillness. Alessa chose to be that person. So did Heather.

"Who are you?" was the statement that echoed simultaneously. The girls stared at each other, taken aback at being perfectly in-sync, before trying once again.

"I'm sorry!" Heather and Alessa blurted out in unison. They stared bemused at one another for a brief moment, before they both broke down in laughter.

"I'm sorry, I just had to say something," Alessa said.

"No, I'm sorry. I came here looking to see if I could you, and when I saw you, I just…"

"I understand. Believe me, I understand," Alessa said, though the tone belied the emotions she felt upon seeing this 'other her' with her own eyes.

There was something almost predatory in the way Heather and Alessa circled each other, staring with ill-disguised wonder. They couldn't deny the tension that existed there, despite the brief moment of humor. This was a unique situation, and there were no ordinary circumstances in meeting someone who looked exactly like you, no matter the setting.

"I knew I'd find you here," Alessa said. "I sensed somehow that you'd come back here looking for me."

"Very astute. My dad didn't believe me when my when I said you'd be here," Heather said. She stared at Alessa with sharpened eyes, giving her a faint mixture of satisfaction and amusement at being proved right.

"Of course, you wouldn't have had to search for me if you had just remained here while we first met," Heather remarked, subtly smirking at her 'other self'.

Alessa winced; she'd certainly overreacted on that one.

"I'm sorry. I…"

She trailed off. What did one say when they were in this situation? Bad enough that this was her duplicate, but she wasn't particularly good at dealing with new people, period.

Alessa held in a swear word of frustration. Damn it, this wasn't going at all like she planned. She was supposed to take charge of the situation, not let the other person lead her around like this.

"It's okay," Heather waved it off. "I understand."

"So, are you sorry you tracked me down? Or are you sorry you stared at me like a weirdo for 5 minutes?" Heather asked wryly. Alessa chuckled to herself, though she shifted a bit uncomfortably.

"No, I mean…I shouldn't have run off like that. I should have given you a chance to explain who you were.

"It's okay. It's not like I was subtle; I followed you around like a stalker," Heather said. "I would have been creeped out too."

Shrug. "Still, I should have just stopped and listened. You can't believe how much I've wondered about you over the past day," Alessa told her.

"Oh, I think I can," Heather said slyly.

"What's your name?" Alessa asked.

"Heather. Heather Morris."

"Alessa Summers. Glad to meet you," Alesssa stuck out her hand, which Heather took quite gladly. They were startled at the tingle that went through them as they made skin-to-skin contact, though neither felt brave enough to bring it up. Not yet, at least.

"Heather, I'm sorry about before. I overreacted. The truth is…I was just shocked when I saw you. I didn't know how to deal with it. I just needed to get out of there."

"And that running bit was the best you could come up with?" Heather inquired, amused.

"It's an effective response for getting away from someone you don't like," Alessa said wryly.

"Or someone who scares the hell out of you?" Heather asked, with one raised eyebrow.

"Exactly," Alessa responded.

"Hey, I don't blame you. I wouldn't want some strange stalker following me around either," Heather said with a shrug.

Alessa and Heather stared at one another's features, entranced once again by their undeniable similarities. It was almost like looking into a mirror, Alessa reflected, gazing with unabashed curiosity at her alternate. They circled each other slowly, looking like a pair of predators circling each other for a kill. The whole scene must have been rather comical, though neither girl could care less. Their focus was squarely on the situation at hand.

"There's quite a large resemblance we have here," Heather remarked. Alessa could only nod.

"Of course, there's one notable difference between us," Heather said. Alessa raised her eyebrows in inquiry. Heather nodded with her chin at Alessa's form. Alessa looked down…and then she realized what Heather was getting at. There was one part of her body that was noticeably different from her double's: Alessa's chest was clearly larger than Heather's.

"Oh," Alessa said, suddenly feeling self-conscious. She wrapped her arms around her chest, trying not to make it too obvious she was embarrassed about her…endowments.

"Hey, don't sweat it, I was just pointing out something," Heather said. She didn't want to embarrass Alessa, it was just impossible for her not to notice that one little detail about their appearance.

"Okay," Alessa shifted from toe to toe. God, this was awkward. She had been so excited about tracking down her double today, so eager to talk to this mysterious young woman, it hadn't occurred to her just how awkward the whole thing would be. How did one talk to a person who was a literal carbon copy of you?

And then there was the creepiness factor. She had to admit, there was something disconcerting in talking to someone who was like into your own reflection in the mirror. Not to mention, the really important question that lingered in her mind. Could she really trust Heather?

"You uh…you want to sit somewhere and talk? Maybe get something to eat?" Heather asked.

Alessa hesitated. "Uh…sure, why not?"

"Great! Oh yeah, before I forget," Heather reached into her backpack and pulled out a familiar silver and black object.

"My cell phone?"

"Yeah. You dropped it yesterday when you were running away," Heather explained.

"I know. I just wasn't sure whether you had it or not."

"Well," Heather smiled, "I thought it might give me a hint about who you were."

Alessa took the proffered phone. She found to her chagrin, the phone refused to turn on.

"I was wondering whether you'd go through my stuff," she muttered.

"Sorry," Heather gave her a sheepish look.

"Ah, it's my own fault for leaving it here," Alessa waved it off. "At least you didn't go through my contact list. Did you?" she asked with a suspicious tone.

Heather shook her head. "No."

"Good," Alessa breathed a sigh of relief. "I was kinda worried about some sick deranged being tracking me down and showing up at my house."

"No, I'm just your run-of-the-mill deranged being," Heather remarked with a smirk. She gestured in the direction of the food court. "You want to…"

"Oh sure."

They wanted to order some pizza, but it was too early in the morning. They settled for talking in the food court while they waited for the stand to open.

"So what do you do?" Alessa asked her new friend.

"Um, I'm a student actually. Or rather, I'm supposed to be. I decided to take a year off before going to college. What about you?"

"Oh, me too. I needed a break after school. High school was hell," Alessa replied.

"Tell me about it. So you're just taking some time off?"

"Yeah. Right now I'm just taking it easy."

"So, uh, you live by yourself?"

"No, I live with my dad. We share an apartment together," Heather replied. "You?"

"I live with my parents," Alessa responded. That caught Heather's attention. She didn't have parents; she'd never had them in the plural sense of the word. She sometimes wondered what it would like to have a mother in her life; someone she could talk besides her father about things.

"What are they like?"

"Oh, they're nice. They're very open and understanding. They're not trying to get me out of the house like other parents would. My dad's a little crazy, but he's really a nice person."

"Yeah, mine too. You wouldn't believe how overprotective he can get," Heather sympathized.

Alessa wondered how much protest Heather's father put toward this meeting. Probably a lot, if he was anything like her parents.

"So where do you live?" Heather asked.

"Um…around the northeast area, in the Chasedale section of the city," Alessa replied, a bit uncertainly.

"I've heard of that place. Pretty upscale neighborhood," Heather said, with an eyebrow raised in inquiry.

"Yeah well, my dad has some money, and… well, it's a nice place to live," Alessa defended.

"Hey, I'm not arguing. I was just saying," Heather raised her hands.

"Sorry," Alessa said, feeling a bit embarrassed. "It's just that when I tell someone where I live, who isn't part of a certain social circle, they usually have a negative reaction, if you know what I mean. I don't like being judged simply because of where I choose to live," she elaborated, feeling the need to explain herself further.

"I know what you mean," Heather stated.


"Mm-hmm. I live in the west part of the city, in the Bergen Street section of the area."

"Ah," Alessa nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, it's not exactly an ideal neighborhood, is it?" Heather smirked. "But it's really not that bad. I mean, the worst stuff happens more than a few streets up from where I live. Just because we had some bad things happen, people have a bad impression of it. And then they take pity on you when you tell them you're from there. I'm not a charity case just because we can't afford to live someplace better, and I'm not some rebellious teen punk either," Heather declared intensely, the slight anger showing in her attitude. But then she calmed down, realizing what she was doing.

Alessa admired Heather for her stance. It wasn't nice to be judged on your appearance or your background, solely, rather than who you were as a person. And she had a feeling Heather had been judged a lot. She wouldn't have had that reaction if she hadn't.

"How long have you lived here? In Central City, I mean."

"A long time. About 10 years, I think," Heather responded. "We haven't always lived at that apartment, though. What about you?"

"About five years. We moved into that house in the fall of 2000." Technically it wasn't a lie. Her father had lived in there for several months before that time frame, and when they were finally together after several years, he brought her with him. Alessa wasn't really consulted on the decision, but then, it wasn't like she had an option on where to live. She went where her dad went, even if it was a weird place she never would have considered living in before – it was as simple as that.

"You like it?"

"It has it perks. I don't have to worry about crime or break-ins. And the house isn't bad either," Alessa answered.

Yeah, I'll bet, Heather thought with some sarcasm, though she tried to keep it reigned in.

"I had a hard time getting here actually. Dad wasn't exactly sure this was a good idea," Alessa commented.

"Mine too. You wouldn't believe the amount of protest my dad put up for this. Did your folks try to convince you not to come?"

"Are you kidding? They spent a while hour trying to convince me not to do it, or at least to take one of them with me," Alessa stated.

Heather smiled slightly. At least they had that in common.

The conversation turned awkward. What else could they say to each other? Obviously their parents didn't want them here. Why should they disobey them this time? There was no real reason for them be here except for their curiosity. Why were they drawn to each other? On Alessa's side, that was obvious, but was that enough reason to be here with a complete stranger? She found herself doubting her desire to know more about Heather's life last night. Regardless of what Heather was, did she really need to be socializing with her? Wasn't it enough to satisfy her curiosity and ascertain that Heather was what she thought she was? Her dad would have left it at that had it been one of his doubles he was facing.

A thought suddenly struck Alessa. "Hey, uh, you like Degrassi? The new version?"

Heather's eyes lit up. "Yeah. How'd you know?"

Alessa smiled. "I had a feeling."

They talked for what seemed like hours, going over their favorite things. Their favorite shows, their favorite movies. Each girl was amazed at how easy it was to talk to the other.

Alessa was relieved Heather didn't seem weird. This didn't seem like a cult member. She was actually a pretty decent person.

"I was glad to meet you, Heather," Alessa said.

"Yeah, same here. Hey, why don't we keep in touch? I'll give you my phone number and we can get together sometime," Heather suggested.

It might have been foolish – giving out her phone number to someone she just met. But something told Heather Alessa wasn't the threat her father thought she was. She was a good person.

"If it's okay with you," she added.

"Yeah, sure."

"Here's my phone number. Don't be alarmed if you get my dad. Just tell him you're a friend of mine and you should be all right."

"Okay." Alessa wrote down Heather's number.

The girls shared a look of mutual admiration.

"It was really nice talking with you, Alessa. I so rarely get to talk to any kids my age," Heather commented.

"Yeah, same here."

"Call me," Heather said, giving Alessa one last glance. Alessa nodded and watched as her double walked away. That wasn't so bad. She was expecting the worst, but instead Heather turned out to be a decent person. She was looking forward to seeing her again. Sooner rather than later, if possible.

There were still a lot of questions to be answered, both for Heather and for herself. Alessa hadn't told Heather the truth about her past, or the mysterious connection between them. And she had a feeling Heather was hiding more than she let on. How else would she know to meet her there, unless she sensed it in some fashion?

But despite that detail, she was really looking forward to seeing her again. It was nice to talk to someone her age, for a change.

She didn't have many friends, something that had always been a problem in her life. The only ones she had were the people who took care of her, the ones who loved her unconditionally. Everyone else shunned her for the most part, sometimes snidely making comments about her, other times full-out tormenting her until she struck out at them in anger. It was only occasionally on which she found someone she could relate to.

And now she had someone with whom it seemed she could have that connection again.

She didn't know what had brought them together, but she wasn't about to turn down this opportunity to get to know her double. Satisfied with the way things had progressed, Alessa decided to check out the rest of the mall's stores. She was always up for a little excursion to clear her mind.

As Heather walked away, she contemplated what had just taken place. That wasn't so bad, she thought to herself. She didn't seem like a bad person. A little sappy, but not everyone could be as sharp as Heather. Of course, her father would say that was being "blunt", but what did he know? In Heather's experience, you couldn't afford to be overly polite to people. Sometimes you just had to tell it like it is.

She wasn't expecting things to go this far. She was expecting to solve a mystery and maybe get to know another person better. Instead she'd made a new friend, and here she was handing out her phone number to someone she only met just a few hours ago. She didn't know why she felt compelled to give Alessa her number. She only knew this was one person she definitely wanted to keep in contact with. There was something…special about Alessa. She didn't know what it was, but something told her it would be worth her time to get to know this person. They were already friends and this was just the first time they'd met for more than five minutes.

It was weird. Heather didn't make friends easily. She wasn't into a lot of the things other girls were into. Hair, make-up, dating, girly things of other kinds…none of that fascinated Heather when she was in high school. She preferred to be herself, unorthodox interests and all. Yet with Alessa she was completely comfortable. There wasn't a need to explain why watching a Star Wars movie was more enjoyable than going out to hunt for guys in the mall, she just knew. She knew what interested Heather and what didn't, because she had those interests herself. Of course, they had only scratched the surface of what was to be discovered about each other. There was the feeling they could go for years and still not learn everything there was to learn about each other. But it was a start. A very good start indeed.

Heather walked into the apartment in high spirits. Harry was waiting for her, as expected, and he immediately got up to greet her at the door. Heather nearly rolled her eyes at how eager her dad appeared to hear what she had to report, as though she was carrying urgent news on the most important matter imaginable.

"How did it go?" Harry asked, visibly anxious to hear her response.

Heather shrugged in response. "It went pretty well, actually," she said. "She's actually a very nice person. A little sappy, but everyone has their issues."

"Really?" Harry raised his eyebrows, in slight disbelief.

"Yeah. I don't know, we just talked for a while," Heather said with a shrug, "comparing notes about what we like and don't like. She loves pizza by the way, just like me. She also doesn't really go for girly things, actually. I don't think I saw an ounce of makeup on her," she said. It was a fact that Heather cared little for things like makeup, and Harry knew that better than most. He approved of her not wearing those things, because in his opinion, she didn't

"So that's what you've been doing all this time?" Harry asked, crossing his arms over his chest thoughtfully.

"Yeah. We were just talking about different things, sitting in the mall. She told me about her parents, we discussed movies and TV shows we like, all sorts of stuff. Her name's Alessa. Alessa Summers," Heather said.

Since she was setting her keys down on the counter, Heather didn't notice the way Harry's eyes lit up in recognition when she mentioned Alessa's name.

"Alessa?" Harry asked, sounding casually interested.

"Yeah, strange name, huh? I'd expect it to be an Alessandra, but it isn't shortened for anything. I don't know why her parents didn't just name her Alyssa. I kinda like it better than Alyssa, I just don't know why they didn't name her the more obvious choice. Anyway, she was real nice. She was just as interesting in finding me as I was in finding her. And wouldn't you know it, her folks put up just as much protest as you did. Hell, her parents actually wanted her take a stun gun, like I was some psycho who was going to try to attack her in broad daylight…" As Heather continued, she didn't notice the way Harry's face took on a troubled expression, the more Heather talked about this girl she had met and found she had so much in common with. He was lost in his thoughts about what this could mean, until he noticed Heather was saying something that alarmed him a bit.

"You gave her your number?" Harry asked, with something resembling slight concern in his voice. Putting aside his troubling thoughts momentarily, he focused on what Heather was saying.

"Yeah, I didn't see a real reason not to. She was very nice, and she's not some psycho out to kill me or anything. It was nice to talk to someone else my own age," Heather said, recalling the ease with which she talked to Alessa at the mall. Harry was definitely concerned by now, but he wasn't going to show it openly, in front of his daughter, if he could help it.

"Well, I'm glad things went so well for you then," Harry said, masking his concern under a neutral tone, along with a smile just to throw her off if she became suspicious.

"I'm going to go to my room. I think I'd like a little time by myself," Heather said, moving in the direction of her room.

"All right, I'll call you when it's time for dinner," Harry told her. With her attention directed elsewhere, Heather didn't notice the look of concern on Harry's face, which remained as she proceeded into her room. Harry's brow was furrowed in quiet concern, as he thought over everything he knew of the past he had still not shared with this young girl he considered his daughter. He mulled over every thought of what he remembered of those years, and the details he had learned about this young girl, that she had no idea about, and he had hoped wouldn't quite some time.

Alessa…Dahlia's daughter…

Next chapter: What secrets does Heather herself have? And how will that affect her growing relationship with Alessa? How will Heather's first impression of Alessa's life go? Stay tuned for the answers to these questions, and much more! - PH316 ;D