Spoilers: Lexicon of Love Pts. 1 & 2, and anything before.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in Degrassi; I'm just taking them out for a bit of fun...

Posting: Only with the permission of the author.

Author's notes: This takes place shortly after Lexicon of Love pt. 2. Alex and Paige have decided to start dating, and pretty much everyone knows about their budding romance.

Added note: Any sentences in italics are the inner thoughts of the characters, but not to be confused with the individual words in italics meant for inflection.

Also, this is my first attempt at fanfic; therefore, please handle me with kid gloves in your feedback. :)

Chapter 1

As the sun started to break free of the clouds, a young woman dressed all in black made her way through the side streets that would lead her to school. It's Monday morning, and I am here way too early, Alex thought as she leaned up against a car in the furthest spot of the parking lot in front of Degrassi. She had decided to walk this morning, needing some time to clear her head after having a rough night at home. Taking in a deep breath she closed her eyes, and quietly waited for the only person who she knew would be able to cheer her up just by her presence.

Paige Michalchuk. Just the thought of her name brought a sleepy smile to Alex's face.

Allowing her head to dip back slightly, she began to daydream about her new girlfriend. Girlfriend. Alex never thought she'd be daydreaming about a girlfriend, yet here she was picturing all of the contours of Paige's face just days after that fateful moment in the hall outside of Alex's apartment. She had actually been thinking about Paige a lot over the past six months, never being able to quite shake the feelings she had for her. Never in my wildest dreams did I think she might have feelings for me too, she thought peacefully while smiling to herself. It had only been a few days but already the two were inseparable while seeming quite comfortable in their new found relationship, and Alex couldn't be happier.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" Paige asked, as she eagerly walked up to greet the raven haired beauty whom she immediately spotted as the bus pulled into the parking lot. A wide grin spread across Alex's face as she brought her head down to meet Paige's equally wide smile.

"Oh you know, life, death - what not..." She stated while slowly taking off her sunglasses as she met the blonde's intense gaze.

"Really?" Paige asked not believing her. "And was I at all featured in any of this life, death - what not?"

"Hmmm...You might have, but you were definitely not wearing that" Alex teased as she played with the scarf Paige had wrapped around her neck.

"Hey!" Paige cried, as she softly slapped Alex's hand away. "At least I don't look like death warmed over." At this, Alex just rolled her eyes, but Paige pushed on, "And besides, I kind of have to wear this since SOMEONE decided to leave her branding mark on my neck."

Alex mischievously grinned, "I don't seem to recall you objecting at the time." Paige scoffed, but Alex continued "Yeah, I seem to remember SOMEONE'S hands raking through my hair while moaning, Alex, mmm, oh Alex..." she breathlessly imitated the blonde from the afternoon before.

Turning about five different shades of red, Paige could only shyly murmur, "Yeah, well..."

"Yeah, well...?" Alex breathed huskily.

"Yeah well, so I was enjoying myself. Happy now?"

Nodding she replied, "Oh yes, very. I love it when you admit defeat." She winked as she pulled Paige to her lips.

Reluctantly pulling away, the blonde furthered her questioning of Alex's attire, "So really, what's with all the black anyway?" Thinking for a second, she suddenly got a look of panic on her face. "Wait, are you ok? Is everything ok? Are we ok? You're not breaking up with me, are you, because we just started going out and pretty much everyone already knows about us, and you just kissed me, or maybe that was just a kiss off instead, or..." she hurriedly trailed off as Alex placed her hand on Paige's cheek and moved in slowly for a gentle kiss.

"I'm fine. Everything is fine. You and I on the other hand, are great." Paige's face lit up with delight, and she leaned in once again to meet Alex's soft lips with hers.

"Then really, what is with the clothes?" she asked pulling on Alex's hoodie where it was opened slightly revealing the form fitting tank top underneath.

"I just felt like wearing this today. Is it really that much of a fashion crime, cuz, you know," Alex coyly gazed into Paige's eyes, "I could just take it off if you'd rather?..."

Paige smirked, "You think you're pretty cute, don't you?"

"Yeah, pretty much." The two of them laughed, basking in each others presence of one another. "Damn, I wish we didn't have to go to school today, I wish we could just take off and hang out instead."

"Yeah...Take a long walk by the water, and have a picnic in the park..." Alex watched as Paige got a far away look in her eyes.

"And spread a blanket on the ground, and make out under a tree..." Alex continued the thought and waited for Paige to catch what she had said.

"Yeah...Wait, what?" Alex started laughing, as Paige slapped her on the arm. "I was being serious!"

"So was I!" Alex laughed, while Paige pretended to pout. "Oh come on, its kind of a nice thought...I mean, yesterday was good...?" she looked at her with pleading eyes.

Paige screwed her face up as if considering this before shyly replying, "Yeah, it definitely was, and it is a really nice thought. Today is going to be such a loooooong day." They longingly looked into each others eyes, just simply enjoying the nearness of one another. Paige went to pull Alex into a hug when she noticed her flinch. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" she asked with a deep look of concern on her face.

"Nothing, I just strained my muscles moving some furniture around last night. It's nothing." Tilting her head to the side with a shy smile tugging at her lips, she continued, "You called me sweetie."

"Yeah I did, and I'm not buying that moving furniture story." Pushing away hands that were trying to keep her from investigating her side, Paige started pulling Alex's hoodie up trying to see what made her wince at her touch.

"Wow, Paige, I've thought about what our first time will be like too, but I didn't expect it to be in the parking lot in front of Degrassi" she joked while trying to lighten the mood.

The blonde paused her searching to look up at her girlfriend, "Not funny."

"It was a little funny..." Alex warily smiled.

"Oh my god, Alex! What happened?" Paige recoiled in horror at the very large and dark bruise she had on her side. "Who did this to you? Was it Chad?" The look of concern washing over her face soon turned to anger, making her furious with wrath for the person who dare lay a hand on her girlfriend.

"Its ok, its no big deal. Just another casualty of living at my place. After it happened, I went and spent the night at a women's shelter." Seeing the mixture of emotions running across her face, Alex quietly tried to reassure her, "Really, I'm ok."

Still full of rage and concern, the blonde questioned "Why didn't you call me last night? You could've stayed with me! You shouldn't have to live like this - no one should have to live like this." Paige motioned to the bruise, and then looked back up at Alex, "That's it, you're spending the night at my place. We'll stop by your apartment after school and pick up some of your clothes, and you'll stay with me." She could see Alex was about to protest, but interrupted her before she could say anything, "Case closed, no arguments, so don't even bother objecting, and what do you mean you have thought about what our first time would be like?" Alex's words suddenly came flashing back in a rush of fear and genuine excitement.

Alex started laughing, "What, you mean to tell me you have never thought about it? Even after yesterday?"

Paige suddenly became very aware of the brown eyes burning into her flesh. "I, well, we..." she stammered as Alex continued to laugh, very much enjoying the reaction she was eliciting from the blonde. Paige looked at her with feigned anger. "It's just, we haven't been going out for very long, and to be honest I haven't even thought about it." Alex looked at her sideways, not believing her for a second. "Ok, ok - so maybe, I...Oh look, its Marco!" she nervously cried out trying desperately to change the subject.

"No, no, no, no, Michalchuk - don't even think you are going to change the subject on me," she bantered, grabbing hold of Paige's arm before she could run off. But it was too late; Marco was making his way over to the girls greeting them cheerfully as he arrived by their sides.

"Good morning, love birds."

"Morning, Marco!" Paige gleefully exclaimed, thrilled he unknowingly saved the day.

Alex on the other hand was still intently looking at Paige, but turned to greet Marco as well, "Hey Marco."

"So, how were your weekends? Good, I'm guessing..." Marco teased as he looked at his friends, and noticed a bit of what looked to be a hickey peaking out from underneath Paige's scarf.

"Good" the girls said in unison, while Paige fidgeted and Alex smirked.

"So, we should go inside, it's almost time for classes to start," she pushed passed trying to make sure she didn't get caught in Alex's line of questioning again. The three friends started making their way into school along the way saying their good mornings to other friends, and stopping just inside the atrium before going their separate ways.

"Ok, so I'll see you two in class later," Alex said before leaning over to whisper seductively in her girlfriend's ear, "Oh, and Paige - it's not a question of what it would be like, but rather what it will be like..." With that, she turned and walked off, leaving a blushing blonde, and a questioning Marco.

To be continued...