Legal: All charatcers are owned by either SEGA, or Valve, unless stated so in this section.


Military Outpost 17



In Combat, Surrounded



Weapon Arsenal:

Gravity Gun, Colt .45, MP8-S12 Type D (prototype, incomplete)


(Music: Goldeneye Silo Mission by Rareware Ltd.)

8 robots all trained their weapons to the duo's heads. "Drop your weapons! There is no escape!" One of the bots commanded Gordon and Sonic.

"And If I don't?" Gordon asked slowly, edging his finger to the trigger of his Gravity Gun.

"Prepare to be terminated, scum," The apparent leader said, and it fired right between Sonic and Gordon, forcing them to scatter behind cover. Sonic came out of cover and hit one of the bots, but to no avail.

"I can't break their armor!"

"Yeah, you wonder why? You aren't even going for the weak point! Their neck is the weak point! Geez," Gordon sighed as he shot the nearest of the 8 bots right in the throat area, causing it to explode into literally hundreds of pieces, sending sparks showering onto its friends. The others took no attention, and kept firing on Gordon's cover location, paying no attention to Sonic. Sonic was not their main target.

"Why are they only bothering Gordon?" Sonic thought aloud. "At least this lets me take advantage of them!" With that, Sonic dashed towards his nearest metal-plated adversary, and he cut the neck in two, and the robot exploded. Sonic, not wasting a second, quickly spun through another before the remaining 5 turned their attention to Sonic as well now. Gordon quickly cut down another robot with his Colt .45, and he popped in a fresh clip before resuming his barrage.

The final four bots quickly adjusted their tactics and ran for the door, which they'd accidentally closed, trying to make a run for it. This was halted when the door slammed open with someone's kick from behind it, and the bots all feel back down the stairs, where Sonic and Gordon took care of them with extreme skillfulness. The final robot only had time to get up and run to the other side of the room before Gordon shot it with a perfectly placed shot.

(Music: Thunderstruck by AC/DC)

Gordon turned back to the doorway, where now he saw 2 anthropomorphic animals similar to Sonic. But, neither were hedgehogs though. One was an orange 2 tailed fox-like male, and the other was what seemed to be a brown colored squirrel, or something of the kind, female. The female was wearing a blue vest, unlike how the fox was only wearing gloves and shoes, but no shirt of any sort. 'What is up with this world? I'd though I'd meet a human civilization, not a ton of animals moving around like humans!' Gordon thought to himself.

"Hey guys! You come for the party too? Sorry, me and my new friend, Gordon, just finished this place!" Sonic began to talk to the newcomers.

'Apparently, he knows these guys...' Gordon thought more.

"Friend? This human's your friend? You don't even know this guy!" The female began to yell at Sonic, and Gordon looked really confused.

"Uh, hate to butt in, but, is something wrong?" Gordon interjected.

"Yeah! It's you! Who are you, and who do you work for?" She continued to only get more angry towards Gordon.

"Sally! It's okay! He's helping me!" Sonic ran in between Gordon and Sally, who Gordon previously didn't even know her name. "He helped me shut this place down!"

"Fine, but I don't like this... Not one bit. It doesn't make sense for a human to be helping us." Sally turned around and began to head up the stairs and out of the room.

Sonic shook his head, and just followed her up the stairs. The fox looked at Gordon, and then silently followed. Gordon just stood there, contemplating what was going on. Perplexed, Gordon finally ran up the stairs, and after the 3. He caught up soon, where he found Sonic trying to talk to Sally, as she was yelling again about Gordon. The fox turned around and saw Gordon coming, and went to Gordon.

"You might not want to be too close to Sally when she's really mad. Lately, she's not been herself, so she explodes at random times." The fox told Gordon, who just nodded.

"Well, that explains a bit. But, why does she hate me? I didn't do anything, did I?" Gordon looked over the small fox, and still saw the other 2 talking.

"It's not you. It's just that, well, a human named Eggman just attacked our hometown again, and this time, he took her father hostage. It wasn't really him, but, it was some of his robots, we think... These new bots are a lot stronger, and no one could beat them!" He began to look somewhat sad, but the look went away real quick.

"He's attacked before?" Gordon tried another question.

"Yeah, lots. He even turns some of us into robots ourselves!" The young fox began to sniff a little bit, but he sobered quickly again. "Say, I never got your name. What's your name?"

"Gordon Freeman. What's yours?"

"Miles Prower. But, I like to be called Tails." Tails answered, and Gordon nodded.

"Nice nickname. I suppose it's because you've got 2 tails?"

"Yep. Well, I think Sonic's finally got Sally to cool down now." Tails began to walk back towards his friends, and Gordon followed.

When they got over to the 2 others, Gordon began, "Well, I think we're done here for now. What's next? This place is gonna be done for with how we destroyed it so much, so I'm thinking we should get outta here."

"Same here, I'm gonna get outta here!" Sonic said as he ran off towards an exit.

"Don't think I trust you fully yet..." Sally said as she ran after Sonic, but not nearly as fast.

"Well, that settled it..." Gordon said as Tails began to walk the same path Sonic and Sally took to leave. Gordon followed, and soon all 4 were outside of the complex, and in the middle of a forest. "You know, those robots look VERY familiar to me..." Gordon said as they closed the door on the factory.