Disclaimer: All the stuff about Dark Angel belong to Cameron, Eglee and Fox. No coyright infringement intended

AAww Baby

Max and Zack are living in their own apartment in Seattle. Spending a peaceful night at crash with the Jam Pony gang; Original Cindy, Herbal, Max, Zack, Alec and Cece.

Max and Zack entered crash smiling happily with their ringer entwined. The couple walk over and sit at the table where OC, Sketchy and Herbal were sitting.

"Hey boo's your late" Oc said smiling

"Hey gal, what's up" Max replied pulling a seat up next to her best friend with Zack on the other side of her

"Happenin mates" Zack greeted his friends "Hey Cindy"

"Hey bud, al get us a pitcher" Said Sketchy

"Where's Blondie?" Zack asked Herbal

"Hello ma brother, Alec's on the dance floor" Herbal answered pointing at Alec

Max and Zack turned around to see Alec and Cece dancing away to a slow song

Alec nodded to Zack as a sign of hello and Cece waved to Max and Cindy over Alec's shoulder, they smiled back at her. When the song was finished Cece and Alec walked over to the table with their hands around each other's waist.

"If I remember correctly, you owe me a game of pool" Alec said with a cheeky grin.

"Your on bro" Zack replied smiling

"I'm going to kick your ass" Alec commented while setting up the game

"Oh you can try" Zack shot back laughing

"So, who bets Zack will win?" OC asked

"Hell ye, he will" stated Max

"Ye right Alec will win fair and square" Cece answered

"No, no Max Blondie will win" answered Herbal

"None of them will win this game is going to go on for ever and ever" Sketchy moan making everyone laugh at his facial expression.

"So Cece when did you start seeing Alec?" Max asked

"Since last week, we decided not to make it official until we thought it would work out between us. Which it has" She replied smiling

"We thought you were boo, it was all over you two" Said Oc

"What do you mean you knew?" Cece asked laughing

"We could tell by the way you were looking at each other" Max answered her question smiling

A few hours went past Zack and Alec were still playing pool. Max went up to the bar and asked for a piece of paper and a pen. She also ordered a glass of water and ice. Picked up the pen and wrote:

Hi Honey,

By the time you read this I will probably be at home, I didn't want to disturb your game of pool because I know how competitive you and Alec and be. I'm just writing this small note to let you know that I've went home early because I'm not feeling very well. I know how worried you get about me but honest I'm fine please stay at crash and enjoy your self.

Love always Maxie xxx 

"Cece… Cindy can you make sure Zack gets this please" Max told them

"Sure, you look tired Max" Cece said concerned

"I am. Av gotta bounce" Max said as she hugged the both

"Bye Boo, take care" Oc replied

"See ya Maxie" Cece answered

"Al see yous at work tomorrow and try not to drink to much, bye" she said smiling at them as she put her coat on and left.

About 20 minutes later Zack approach OC

"Cindy, have you seen Max?" He asked sounding worried

"She left this for you" Oc handed him the note which he read straight away

"I've gotta go speak to you guys the mora" Zack said

"Zack I'm sure she's okay" Cece told him

"I have to go and make sure she hasn't been feeling very well lately" he replied looking over his shoulder at Cece and Cindy.