This is my first horror fanfic and it took me a lot of nerves to continue to write it.

One late afternoon at the outskirts of Konoha, Sakura is surprisingly doing a special mission with Sasuke. Since the day Sakura told Sasuke her feelings for him, they tried to stay away from each other. But now, she can't try to stay away from him, for if she do, it would ruin her whole life.


"Sakura, you would do a special mission to gather a rare species of plant that can heal all kinds of illness." A silver haired man said as he arrive.

"Kakashi-sensei, why do we..." Sakura tried to ask but felt embarrassed at her sensei's attitude- butting in without permission.

"We need it because Tsunade-sama is very sick at the moment. She has a very rare illness and the older medics tried to cure her, but they all failed."

"Why didn't you told us!"

"Because if we announced it to all, our enemies will have the courage to attack our village and if that happens, our force will be weaker"

"Okay, alright already. Well, am I the only one to do it?"

"No, you will be with Sasuke."

"What! Isn't there anyone else than him?"

"No one, PERIOD.


"NO BUTS." he sternly shouted at her face.

"What if I don't do the mission?" She persisted

"Then you would be a ninja no more" He said as he left Sakura standing beside the tree, mouth agape

End of flashback

She felt goose bumps all over her body due to the eerie silence that surrounds them. Another thing is the place they are asked to get the plants is at the garden of an abandoned house. It is rumored that the house is haunted and no one from those who enter ever comes back. Some also said that no one dared enter it since the whole family committed suicide during 1970s without known reason.

After a few hours, they finally reached the house right after sunset. It was big, but the cracks and the peeled of paint shows the evidence of how long it has already been standing. The rumors were right, even you're only outside, you will already get goose bumps all over you at no certain reason. Sasuke went straight to the backyard without any more talk; he really seems unaffected of the heavy atmosphere. They are covered with a very eerie silence. All they hear is the song of the crickets, a song of sadness...of great grieve. They already gathered many of that plant and were about to go when suddenly, a strong wind blew at them. They cannot pass by the great wind going directly towards them but they must bring the plants to Tsunade-sama so she would regain her strength. They called a bird flying by and instructed it to take it to Kakashi. In return, the bird nodded, as if saying yes to them. After the great winds, a strong rain. Sasuke grabbed Sakura to the back door for cover.

"What else are we doing? We should try to go now." Sakura said as she take Sasuke's hands from her wrist.

"Good going smart ass. And how are we supposed to pass through that storm?"

They felt silent. Anyway, Sasuke was right. They cannot go through because the storm that struck them is vicious and it was already too dark. But, what scared her is that the house is still standing, even though the storm is very bad. They really had no choice but to go inside, or else either of them will catch fever. Sasuke slowly opened the backdoor leading to the kitchen. The door produced creaky sounds. It was dark inside and all the rumors that the villagers told was getting in her mind again. Will she really go inside? Sakura was removed from her thoughts as two strong hands grabbed her inside.

"Ouch! Why did you pull me?" She asked boisterously

"It seems that you wouldn't enter even I ask you to do so" He replied mockingly at her.

"Its just, I feel uncomfortable here. As if, in every wall of this house, someone watches us."

"Its just your imagination." The sentence Sasuke told her that she kept in her mind as they walk inside the Dining room.

As they enter, they saw old furniture, broken plates and a wristwatch. Sakura looked at it.

"It reads 3:00 am" Sakura told Sasuke with a confused look

"And what?" Sasuke tried to ask the reason of Sakura's facial expression

"What could 3:00 am mean?"

"Maybe it is the time that clocked stop working"

"Maybe your right "

Sasuke took a drawing of a little child hanging from the wall. It is in a glass frame. It features a family: Father, a little boy, mother and a girl that is possibly older than the little boy. Sakura tried to look too when suddenly..


"Where did that noise came from" Sasuke sneered

"And where did that ball came from?" Sakura pointed at the ball

"It is not in there earlier." She continued with fear in her voice.


"I think we should get out of here now." Sakura insisted

Suddenly, a cold gust of wind surrounded them and the atmosphere grew heavy. With no signal, the door suddenly closed by itself. They tried to open it but it won't. Sasuke even tried to use his weapons but their weapons fell from them with no certain reason. They used their hands to locate where their weapons are because it is dark at that side of the house. To their surprise, they cannot find their weapons. Sakura started crying.

"I told you, we should have got out before we are trapped in this damn house." She tried to say in between tears.

"Alright. I'm sorry. I think we should just look for another way out.

They were startled when they here banging noises behind them. They turned to look only to discover that the windows are shut tightly. Sasuke tried to open it but even how hard he tries, it won't budge. To Sakura's despair, she broke the window, but they were spell bounded when the broken glasses repaired itself very fast. She tried to broke it continuously but it just repairs itself. When she was about to broke the glass again, Sasuke hold her arms to stop her.

"There is no way we can go out anymore, not unless we solve the mystery of their death." He said to Sakura while looking at the window.

"And how do you know?" She shouted at his face

All Sasuke did was to point in the window. Sakura gasped as she saw it. "No way out. Mystery comes first before escape." It was the sentence that is written in window, and it is written by hand...

First chapter finished. Well, I am looking forward for your reviews because it can help me have better ideas.

I give my thanks to my some of my oh-so-very-shy-cousins because they gave me ideas of what the story should be.