No own JN. Read and Review.
Chapter 15: Death's dangerous passage

Darkness was all Cindy could see. As soon as she opened her eyes, blaring lights shone on her. Cindy had no idea where she was or how much time has passed since she fainted. She absently looked around for any signs of life. The only life she found was in Goddard, who was wildly barking. It was at that moment that Cindy remembered where she was and why she was there. Her eyes rapidly looked around her environment. She noticed that she was locked in some kind of cell. She also notices that there is a giant blinking gadget in the room next to her, and inside lies the electrolife devise that she so longed to have. Finally two people enter the room. They are wearing masks, so their identities remain hidden. They press a few buttons on a counsel. The wall behind Cindy opens, revealing a hallway.

"You may go, if you can get through what I like to call the 'passage of death'. All is not what it seems." said one of the masked persons.

Cindy looks around the room one more time to see any alternate routes. Seeing no other choice, Cindy and Goddard begin their walk down the "passage of death". As soon as they leave the cell, the wall closes behind them, making a loud thud, in turn causing them to jump and howl, respectfully. Cindy and Goddard try to turn back, but they can't. They are trapped on the "passage of death". They walk for a little bit, and are suspicious when nothing bad happens. Suddenly, Cindy steps on a floor button and the walls start to spit fire. Cindy and Goddard are lucky, as they move out of the way just in time.

"We have to be more careful!" admits Cindy.

Goddard quickly uses his built in fire extinguisher to put out the flames that deny them continuation of their journey. Cindy and Goddard then carefully continue their search for an exit. Suddenly, Cindy hears a faint whistling sound. Cindy then sees tiny arrows, coming at her, aimed right at her head. Goddard, detecting this, covers Cindy and himself in an impenetrable bubble, which protects them from the arrows. The arrows merely bounce off the bubble and on to the floor. Cindy then examines the room, still in the bubble, for any more traps. It seems pretty safe. She asks Goddard if they can move in the bubble, but when Goddard shakes his head no, Cindy defeated-ly asks Goddard to deactivate the bubble, which he does immediately. Cindy cautiously moves forward, Goddard following quickly behind. They walk slowly, until they hear a rumbling sound behind them. They turn around and see a two ton boulder behind them, chasing them. Cindy immediately orders Goddard into fly cycle mode, which he does. When he does, Cindy hops on, and they fly away from the rock. The rock is slowly gaining momentum, so the gap between the rock and Cindy with Goddard was closing. To make problems worse, Goddard was running out of fuel, so he was slowing down as the rock was speeding up. Cindy decides that it would be faster to run than fly, so she hops off Goddard, and both of them make a run for their lives. That was working until Cindy saw another boulder coming at her from the opposite direction. Cindy and Goddard were trapped between two 2-ton boulders. They were about to be crushed when a mysterious man jumped, from out of nowhere, between the boulders, and pushed Cindy, Goddard, and himself into a hidden crease inside of the wall. Just as they entered the crease the two boulders smashed together. Luckily, the two people and one canine were safe. Just as quickly as the man came, he vanished. Cindy and Goddard, recovering from the push, look around and to their dismay, they find the exit. They immediately run to the exit. When they exit, they are at the queen's burial chamber, where the mysterious life-saving man was waiting for them. They all share a polite intruduction.

"Don't worry, I come in piece. My name is Corey. It's nice to meet you." said Corey, extending his hand.

"It's nice to meet you too, Corey. My name is Cindy, and this is Goddard." said Cindy, accepting Corey's handshake.

"The pleasure is all mine" said Corey, firmly shaking Cindy's hand, then letting it go.

"So, why are you here, and why did you save my life?" asked a semi-confused Cindy.

"I'm here under a governmental mission, to protect you and to stop whoever the normal bad guys or girls are." said Corey.

"What government are you from?" asked Cindy, scared and afraid.

"The american government." said Corey, proudly.

All color suddenly drained from Cindy face.

"I'm not going to arrest you. I know that you snapped and hurt and killed a lot of people, but the government realizes what you are going through is hard, and we know that you are trying to make it better. We heard your story, and we believe it. I can see in your eyes, and their telling me that you are scared. Please, don't be alarmed. If I wanted you dead, I would have let you die. If I wanted to arrest you, I would have done it be now." said Corey.

Color returns to Cindy's face. She is relaxing a little bit.

Can I really trust this guy? He seems honest, but there is something I don't like about him. I can see in his eyes he is hiding something. Still, for the time being, it looks like I can have a new partner.

"Well, as long as you're not going to arrest me, you might as well help me." said Cindy, a hesitant tone present in her voice.

"Certinly, I'll help." said Corey.

Without another word, Cindy and Corey are off on their separate missions; the mission to protect Cindy, and the mission to get the electrolife device.