Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis or Harry Potter and if I did I would have been the happiest person on earth! Lol! Think of all the merchandise I could have! Haha! Anyway I want to praise Konomi Takeshi and J.K. Rowling for having done such great stories! Wish I could make one myself someday!

Allow me this time first to thank some persons who inspired me to start my own fanfic again. Thanks to my good friends Eiriel (of "Secrets of the Manor", which tickled my HP fanaticism again) and SakuraJen (Love Guru!) who always share their stories to me! Reading those made me want to write again! Also thanks to emerald-rei who is the author of "The Prince of Tennis Play" and Kagome Taisho who is the author of "SAKUNO Chronicles" because I truly enjoyed reading their stories and those inspired me to make my own POT fanfic.

I know that this is not the only anime and Harry Potter crossover story, and I have seen some fanfics with a POT-Harry Potter crossover but mine is different from those stories. So I do hope nobody would accuse me of stealing anything. Thank you very much.

The setting for the POT world is after episode 10. So there won't be any other characters from Fudomine, St. Rudolph, Yamabuki, Hyotei, Rikkai etc! I'm sorry for the fans of these schools. As for the HP world that the Seigaku regulars would be entering, I decided to use the "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" setting. I might change some events from these stories from time to time.

Hope everybody would enjoy and please R&R! I know I'm not perfect and may commit mistakes so I would be glad to receive comments to help me out.


The Seigaku Tennis court was all fired-up; each member of the team burning with eagerness to improve on their tennis skills. The regulars were busy implementing Inui's new training program involving a bandana wrapped around their eyes.

"Nya Inui! How the heck will we hit the ball if you want us to be blindfolded?" Kikumaru exclaimed while waving his hands in the air.

"I know that your eyesight is very sharp, Kikumaru. But we should not rely on visuals alone. There's a 30% chance that every opponent you face in the upcoming tournaments will use eye-straining techniques, especially if they are aware about your extraordinary eyesight. There's a slim chance for it, but we should not let that happen. Try to use your ears. Try to hear the sound of the ball's movement." Inui explained.

While the regulars' rigorous training was ongoing, the other members were playing on the other courts; still hoping that one day they could join the ranks of the regulars. As usual, the freshmen members were busy fetching tennis balls and admiring their senpais.

It was just truly an ordinary day. Their minds focused on the upcoming District Tournament. But that mindset was changed when suddenly Coach Ryuzaki entered the court accompanied by Captain Tezuka and Vice-captain Oishi.

Coach Ryuzaki then clapped her hands and said, "Okay, that's enough for today. Everybody could go home except for the regulars."

The happy faces of the regulars suddenly changed into frowns, they would have really wanted to rest after that grueling practice.

"Inui, you should also stay." Inui then adjusted his glasses and went where the three were standing.

"Please, can't you guys go any faster? Gather here quickly!" Coach Ryuzaki shouted.

Their very slow walking pace speeded up right away and they all gathered in front of the three most important persons in their team.

"I have a very important announcement to make so please listen carefully." Coach Ryuzaki paused for a few seconds then continued. "All of you have been chosen to participate in an exchange student program between Seishun Gakuen and a school in London for one school year."

There was complete silence. Their faces showed signs of worry.


"I know what you want to say Kawamura. You want to know what will happen in our participation in the upcoming tournament, ne? It has already been settled that all of you won't be able to play in the District Tournament. I will just call for another ranking competition and pick from there who will be representing our school." Coach Ryuzaki then gave out a sigh.

Hidden under the white cap, Ryoma's lips curled after hearing Coach Ryuzaki's explanation.

"Sou na, so we won't be able to fight our way to the Nationals? How sad." Momoshiro blurted out his disappointment souring his remark.

"This was the principal's request. We have to abide by it. The exchange student program wanted athletes from the participating schools. The principal believed that our tennis club regular members are the best representatives for our school. You should appreciate this invitation." the captain with a very stern face said.

"Also, treat this like we are going straight ahead to an international tournament. Look, we are not just representing Seigaku here, it's as if were representing Japan! I'm sure there will be competitions there so this is our chance to show London how great Seigaku tennis players are! The experience will surely be rewarding." Oishi said.

The words of the captain and vice-captain lightened everybody up. Several scenarios were already cooking up in their minds: Kaidoh thought that he would wow the British crowd with his Snake shot; Momoshiro daydreamed that lots of British girls would admire him; Kikumaru already saw himself and Oishi as the best doubles pair in the world; and as for Ryoma, he was readying his mind to beat more talented and older tennis players in London.

Inui's voice suddenly disturbed their daydreaming.

"Ryuzaki-sensei, I was wondering why I was called-up in this meeting along with them."

"Come on Inui, you are their team manager now that's why you'll also be going with them. They will need you there."

"Sou ka, arigato sensei for believing in me." Then Inui thought, "Yosh! I'll be getting more data, data, data, data!"

The atmosphere was cheerful now unlike a while ago. Coach Ryuzaki just smiled at the sight and thought, "I don't really want to let these guys go, but I can't hinder something that will help them improve more. God, please guide my students."

"What's the name of the school and where in London is it located?" Fuji inquired.


"Yo! This is Echizen Ryoma. In the next chapter, we will know the name and place of the school in London where we will be staying for one year, or will we? Also, Ryuzaki-sensei will introduce to us a very mysterious man. Watch out for all of these happenings in Chapter 2: The Secret. "

"What if it's not a nice school?"