This is the epilogue of BOTH ToD stories, 1 and 2. To everyone wondering why the ToD orb behaves like the Ring in Lord of the Rings, I did it on purpose. Last, but not least, thanks to everyone who made it this far for (1) reading, (2) reviewing, if you did, and (3) hopefully, laughing.

The Epilogue

Part One. Akatsuki H.Q.

The Akatsuki was in quite a state.

Itachi had resumed his daily activities. . . Or so he thought. Ditching the purple pyjyamas, he began losing sleep, wondering if Deidara was in his room, watching his every move. Thankfully, the despicable bomber hadn't revealed his persistent infatuation to a certain pink-haired shinobi (Oops! I said it! Sorry Itachi!). . . . Or had he? Anyway, he began to pester- I mean, ask, the Akatsuki Leader if dango could be a daily addition to the menu.

"No." said the Leader simply. "And oh yeah, where are those pink ribbons in your hair?"


"Yeah, there are pictures in Deidara's blog."


Itachi proceeded to investigate how much damage had been done that day by surfing the net. He made a mental note to himself to murder Deidara as soon as he saw that the blog had LOADS of pics. He smiled, however, when he saw a few of the sweet-looking Kisame and Anko pics. He HAD to wonder, though, how Deidara had a video of Orochimau's escapades and the extremely funny one of Kisame and the singing frogs.

Just as he'd logged into that fishing site, Kisame entered Itachi's room with some mission scrolls.

And lo and behold, the site featured Shark's Fin Soup.

Itachi nearly died that day, his Akatsuki robes ripped half to shreds by Samehada. he ran out of his room, shutting the door, and leaning on it.

"Deidara. . . . ." said Itachi, with a vengeance. "When I get my hands on you. . . . !"

His monologue was cut short by Kisame's sword piercing the door inches away from his face.

"We're not done yet! Trying to do me in, HUH!" he shouted, as Itachi made a mad dash for Zetsu's room. Zetsu was the only one Kisame feared besides the Leader, and there was a possibility that he (Zetsu) could talk things over with Kisame while Itachi went into hiding.

Deidara, sitting in a tree near the base's main building, proceeded to type into his internet journal.

"Dear blog, today was much more interesting than usual. Itachi nearly got murdered today by Kisame, and now that darling Uchiha's running for his life, poor thing. Sasori-kun's out on a mission and won't be back until tomorrow, and I miss him already. . ."

His typing was cut short by several loud explosions, and cries of "COME BACK HERE AND FIGHT YOU COWARD!", "ZETSU! HELP!", "IT'S DEIDARA'S FAULT!", "Don't mess up my room, I just had the carpet dry cleaned-Oh NOW you've done it, Kisame, you'll be paying for this!", and the occasional "DEIDARA! You'd better not show your face around here ever again!"

Deidara giggled. He loved chaos. Especially from fellow Akatsuki members.

Part two. The Hidden Sound.

Jirobu was hanging around the courtyard (don't ask) when he heard voices.

". . . . Kabuto, I want to talk to you in private. Meet me in my quarters later." said the distinct voice of Orochimaru.

The rock-throwing nin turned a shade greener in disgust and alerted Tayuya.

"What? A day back and they're fooling around already?" she said, practicing her flute. "Pass the message to the others."

"I already know!" said Kidomaru, hanging from the ceiling Spider-man style. "My webs act as sound broadcasters too, you know!"

"Do you happen to have one in Orochimaru-sama's room?" asked Tayuya.

"Go out with me and I'll tell you." grinned Kidomaru.

Tayuya ignored the spider nin and conjured up a spirit that flew to Sakon and Ukon's room with the message.

Meanwhile. . .

"You still reading those, ni-san?" said Sakon, on the computer.

Ukon nodded. "Amazing. All those opinions girls write about guys are completely wrong, except for a few. But I've got to admit, Tayuya-chan doesn't use any techniques mentioned in the mags to reason with us. Wonder why. . ."

"Let's see, who did you say was right?"

"Somebody called 'Red Melody', I think."

Sakon leafed through a mag. "Red Melody? That's Tayuya all right. Here's an article she contributed. . ."

Ukon read the article, which was about boy's behaviors and what they meant.

"This one's really accuate!"

"Of course it is, she lives with US, doesn't she?" smiled Sakon.

A few minutes later, the brothers received Tayuya's message.

"WHAT!" they said simultaneously.

In Kimimaro's room. . .

"Sakon and Ukon again. I wonder what's going on. I hate being sick. . . ."

Tayuya entered the room.

"You'll be glad to know that Oro and Kabu have been having a very good relationship ever since yesterday." said the redhead.

She was followed shortly by Kabuto, who looked slightly sweaty.

"Okay Kimimaro, time for your checkup." said the grey-haired nin.

"Don't try anything funny now, Kabuto-san." said Kimimaro nervously.

"What do you mean?" asked Kabuto.

"It's nothing!" said Tayuya, sweatdropping. Suddenly, her mobile phone rang.

Tayuya's ring tone happened to be the Macarena. . . . Sung by Gai-sensei and the two frogs.

Kabuto turned around ominously.

"Tayuya. . . . Where did you get that?" he said, with a murderous look.

"Ehehehe. . . A friend sent it to me!" said Tayuya.

Quite coincidentally, Kimimaro's phone rang the text message alert, which was. . .

". . . pink." said the recorded voice of Orochimaru.

Tayuya burst out laughing. "Yours is worse than mine!"

Kimimaro laughed hard. "Yours is just as bad, admit it!"

"You-you know?" said Kabuto. One nin could be taken care of. But two? Tayuya was hard enough to fight.

She nodded.

"Anyone else!"

"All of the Sound Five (or Six) know." said Kimimaro, smiling in pity. "I don't envy you, Kabuto, but everyone thinks you and Orochimaru are-"

". . . . oh no, I was afraid of this. . . ."

"Don't tell him!" said Tayuya, worrying for her comrades.

"It's not that!" said Kabuto, repacking his medical supplies.

"What is it then?" asked Kimimaro, now curious.

"If word gets out thenI'll never live it down!" said Kabuto frantically, running out of the room.

"Don't tell me. . . ." said Kimimaro, looking sick, but this had nothing to do with his illness.

"They really are. . ." said Tayuya, looking green as well. "Or maybe it's just Kabuto, but still. . ."

Part Three. Konoha.

The day after both catastrophies.

Tenten was at her usual hangout, but something was different. Girls were all whispering around her.

Kiba approached her. "Hey, Tenten, what's up?"

Now, the girls looked at the two. They whispered more.

Tenten glared. "Do you realize that almost all of Konoha has seen pictures of us supposedly making out!"

"Um. . ." said Kiba. "Ah, look at the time! I'm late for training! Bye Tenten!"

"Look at them, they're so sweet together. . ." said one girl.

"Do you have a deathwish!" said Tenten angrily.

The girls looked at the kunoichi, scared out of their wits.

Before she could lay a hand on them, Neji and Lee came along, together.

"Good morning, Tenten! It's such a youthful day today! Don't you think?" said Lee.

"Why were you two together?" asked Tenten.

"Neji and I always meet up on the way for training!" smiled Lee. "He knows the quickest way to get here!"

"Now that I think about it, the two of you ALWAYS come together to training!" said Tenten. "Is there something going on? You guys can tell me, I won't tell anyone."

The two blushed slightly.

"Why there's nothing going on between Neji and I, Tenten! Just youthful rivalry, right, Neji?"

"Hmph." was Neji's reluctant reply.

"I DO recall not seeing both of you at your usual hangouts yesterday. . ." said Tenten, giving them a knowing smile. "Were you guys doing something?"

"As a matter of fact, we were!" said Lee.

"You WERE!" said Tenten. She hadn't expected THAT.

"Yeah. We were spying on the Godaime's party, which ended up with Iruka-sensei's house, you know. . ." said Neji. "None of the jounin know, so it'd be best if you didn't tell Gai-sensei." said Neji.

"Oh." said Tenten. "Anything interesting happen?"

"Kakashi-sensei took his mask off. Interesting enough?" smirked Neji.


"That's not all! We think Sasuke and Naruto-"

"Did it." said Neji.

"Did what?"


"What it?"

"You know, IT!"

Tenten's expression changed from confused to shocked.

"THAT it?"

"Yes, THAT it."

"Oh gosh, does Sakura know?"

"I told her! She didn't seem to understand!" said Lee.

"Ino knows as well, she's just in denial. Personally, I'm glad they're together, I'm tired of seeing a Sasuke fangirl every direction I look." said Neji, walking off to training. Suddenly, his phone rang.

Of course, it was Gai and the Macarena.

"Is-is that Gai-sensei!" said Tenten, trying to stop herself from laughing.

"Yes, it's him. We have a video, you won't believe it until you see it." said Neji, genuinely smiling and laughing as well. (Cue Neji fangirls!)

"It looks like I missed a lot!" said Tenten. Suddenly, a pink flyer hit her smack in the face.

"What's this. . . ?"

"Naruto's doing, I bet!" laughed Neji once more. It was a pic of Shino in the pink skirt. And beside it was a pic of the Kankurou-Shino moment.

Below it, was the caption: "See the unbelievable here, at www . dattebayo . com !"

"I'd better check that site later!" smiled Tenten.

Later. . . . .

"www. . . What was it? ah, dattebayo. . ." said Tenten to herself.

The webpage was full of scandalous info. Various links were: "Tenten and Kiba making out!" , "Orochimaru's fave color!" , "S-class info on the famous S-class criminal, Uchiha Itachi!" , "What Rock Lee looks like in his underwear!" (Tenten: "Yuck! Don't want to see THAT again!") "Iruka-sensei's guilty pleasures!" , "Shino in a miniskirt!" , "Sasunaru mania!" ("Now why on earth is that idiot embarrassing HIMSELF? Oh well, must be Temari.") , "Kakashi Unmasked! Total number of hits: (the number went up every few seconds)" , "What Gai-sensei sings in his spare time: Macarena frog medley, guest starring Hoshigaki Kisame!" , "Link to Dara's blog" ("Who's this? I'll ask Neji tomorrow.") and one in particular that caught Tenten's attention, "Anko and Kabuto making out in a closet!"

"Oh boy, looks like Konoha's never going to be the same ever again. . ." said Tenten, snickering to herself.


And that marks the official ending of this fic! Thank you for your time! And I hope you liked it!