Disclaimer: I only own Konrad and the Messiah, Paul, Chuck, and Frank plus all of their cronies. The event that happened in this story is fiction and entirely my own.

This story is based after the movie and has a few things from the series. A mix between the two. It has Bo, Luke and Daisy from the movie and it has Uncle Jesse, Cooter, Boss, Rosco and Enos from the series – cause they're more fun to play. Just to confuse ya'll. This story sorta focuses on my own character Konrad. This story is set a year after the events of the movie.

A couple of months ago Daisy's older brother came back to live in Hazzard. Somehow I don't think this is just a family reunion. They are the Dukes you know, something must be up.

Luke's 24, Konrad's 23, Daisy's 22, and Bo's 20

Prologue: Platinum Plated Diamonds

Balladeer: Now we start the story off a few months before in Atlanta, where something big is about to go off. And it has something to do with those two guys in the dark grey sedan. I wonder what they're up too? Let's find out.

'You ready to pull the biggest heist in Atlanta's history?' Said the bald guy in the passenger seat of the grey sedan.

'Not yet, let's wait a bit longer.' Said his companion in the driver's seat.

'Come on, Chuck we've been planning this for almost a year. We already ripped some old lady off her late husband's inheritance. We have the cheque, let's go.' He insisted.

'All right Paul, let's get this over with.' Chuck said and got his balaclava and put it over his head. Paul followed suit.

Balladeer: Now I thought those two were up to no good.

They put their guns in their pockets and got out the car. They barged in the store called "Atlanta Jewellers" scaring the staff that were still there at this late hour. Paul and Chuck had done their homework and shot out the surveillance cameras.

'PUT YOUR HAND UP IN THE AIR AND DON'T MOVE!' Chuck screamed, pointing his gun at everyone. Someone whimpered. Paul moved over to where the diamonds were kept in a glass display.

'You, where's the keys?' He said pointing his gun at the shift manager. 'Open it!' He commanded. The manager fumbled with the keys in the lock, but managed to open it. Paul shoved him out the way and gathered the diamonds in a small bag.

'Ready.' He reported to Chuck. Chuck nodded.

'Now you all have a nice night now.' He said as they left the shop.

They ran to the car and speed out of there as fast as they could before the police showed up. They stopped in a near by car park and got out. They took the licence plates off and threw them into a near by bin, and then got into another car that was waiting for them. They took off there balaclavas. 'Let's go Frank.' Paul said as they took off the overalls that they wore for the robbery and put them and the balaclavas into a sack.

Frank pulled up to where their hide out that was near a garage. They went inside and hid the diamonds along with the cheque. They came out the backyard and put the sack into a cut out metal drum and burned the clothes. They discussed some stuff over melted marshmallows.

'Come on let's go inside.' Frank eventually said. They all got up and went back inside.

'Now' Frank began getting out some photos. 'I've tracked this car for two months now and it seems that the owner lives some where around here.' He said handing out the pictures to the others.

'That's a bit bold isn't it?' asked Paul. Taking a closer look at the car in question.

Balladeer: Considering that it was one of these hot dang new 40th anniversary Mustang GT-R's which was painted bright yellow with a black hood. It does stand out a bit.

'Use your head, dumbass.' Frank said. 'Because it stands out the cops ain't going to check it, they will think that we've used something less conspicuous.' Paul nodded.

'The best disguise is to be in their face, they won't notice.' Frank finished.

Balladeer: They may be thugs, but they're mighty smart thugs.

They passed the photos around.

'Now for the second part of the plan is that I saw this guy that owns the car go into that garage over there.' Frank pointed to the garage across the street. 'I went over there and checked it out. It seems that the car will be there for a service tomorrow night and picked up in the morning.' The other two listened intently. 'That's him, his name is Konrad Duke; he's the one that owns the car.' Frank said pointing to the picture that Chuck held.

Balladeer: Uh Oh, if these thugs want their plan to work they better choose another car, preferably one that doesn't belong to a Duke.

'When the mechanic has finished for the night…' Frank continued. 'We are going to go in there and weld this inside the front bumper.' He said holding up a small metal box. 'The diamonds are going to be in this.'

'How are we going to keep track of the car?' Chuck asked. Frank held up a small device.

'With this.' He saw the confused look of their faces. 'It's a tracking chip. That we are going to install in the car along with the box.'

'Ahh.' Both Paul and Chuck said.

'It's connected to a satellite that the Kingpin owns.' Frank said. 'We will stash the diamonds in there till the time is right and until the Kingpin gives us the order.' They discussed further issues before they were all satisfied that everything was planned out right and headed off to bed.

When it came to that night when the thugs were to stash the diamonds in the car, they had it timed down to the millisecond. They wanted nothing to go wrong now, they were so close.

From the window Frank watched the mechanic leave the garage and head off home in his car. Frank had the key to the garage copied so they would have no trouble getting inside.

'Alright, let's go.' Frank said to the others. He put his little tool box inside his jacket pocket, and left the house.

Chuck unlocked the door and Frank slipped inside, disarming the alarm. Once the coast was clear they all came inside and closed the door. They turned on a small working so as little light as possible was seen but enough to get the job done. They quickly got to work. Once they had finished they cleaned up the way it was and locked the place back up. They went back to the house to celebrate a job well done.

Tomorrow morning a car had stopped in front of the garage to let someone out. He had dark brown hair that came just up to his chin. He was about 6'2" with golden hazel eyes. He wore a tightish fitting black band t-shirt and baggyish jeans.

Balladeer: Now that handsome fellow is Konrad Duke. He lives with his aunt on his mom's side. His sister – the one and only Daisy Duke, who we all love, lives in Hazzard with Uncle Jesse as we know.

Konrad thanked his friend for dropping him off at the garage to pick up his car.

Balladeer: Which was known fondly to him as Messiah. Because that's what it says on the licence plates.

He said goodbye to his friend and walked up to the office and knocked on the door.

'Come in' said the mechanic. 'Ah' he acknowledged as Konrad poked his head around the door.

'Is she ready?' Konrad asked.

'Yes, I'll just have you sign some papers then she's all yours.' He said, handing Konrad the papers. Konrad did that and paid the bill. The mechanic showed him out to the garage. Konrad started the car and drove off, unbeknown to what it now carries.

Konrad went home to pack and to say goodbye to his aunt then headed off to Hazzard County to stay with his family up there.

Balladeer: The thugs were watching every move that the car made and keeping a close eye on everything that went on. Let's see what happenin' over in Hazzard.

'Yes, I'll just have you sign some papers then she's all yours.' He said, handing Konrad the papers. Konrad did that and paid the bill. The mechanic showed him out to the garage. Konrad started the car and drove off, unbeknown to what it now carries.

Konrad went home to pack and to say goodbye to his aunt then headed off to Hazzard County to stay with his family up there.

Balladeer: The thugs were watching every move that the Messiah makes and keeping a close eye on everything that went on. Let's see what happenin' over in Hazzard.

Please review and make me one of the happiest people around. :P