AN: Thanks for all the wonderful comments, everyone!Obviously, chapter 10 hasn't happened in this part. I've had so much fun writing this. Thanks for reading!

Chapter 11

Rogan Ending

Rory slowly packed up her clothes, ready to go home. She hadn't talked to Tristan since he left the room the day she went out with Logan. She had done nothing but think over the past few days. She thought about Logan, she thought about Tristan, and she thought about herself.

She had been right when she told Logan she needed time. The past few days she spent time with the girls, going dancing, drinking, and getting a little sun. She did spring break the way she should have without Tristan. Slowly, she came to a few realizations.

Tristan was a good friend. He had been there to help her have a good time. But she didn't want a relationship with him. Honestly, she couldn't have one with him right now. As angry as she was, she still loved Logan. And that wasn't going away any time soon.

She knew that once she got back to New Haven, things would need to be straightened out. She hadn't forgotten about the bridesmaids. She wasn't over that. But she also knew that all relationships had obstacles. If she really, truly loved Logan, they would make it through this. And she did.

"Are you ready to go yet?" Paris called in the room, going over her checklist of items to remember to take.

"Yes Paris, packed and ready." Rory replied, rolling her eyes.

"Front and center Gilmore!" Paris barked out, pointing to a spot next to Madeline and Louise.

Rory sighed, walking over to stand beside the blonde and the brunette, across from Paris.

"She's still like this?" Madeline whispered, shooting a glare at Paris.

"You should see her when she's with my mother." Rory muttered, dropping her bags to set on the floor beside the other girl's stuff.

"This is ridiculous!" Louise huffed, crossing her arms.

"Trust me, it's easier if you go along with it." Rory said, shaking her head.

"Dirty clothes all packed?" Paris called off the list, pen poised.

"Check." The girls muttered, all obviously annoyed.





"Good! Let's go, if you don't hurry we'll miss our flights." Paris barked at them, shooing them out of the room.

"Yeah, because that little drill sergeant routine of yours didn't take up any time at all." Louise bit back, marching out the door. As much as she enjoyed spending time with Paris, she could only deal with her friend for so long. A week was about four days too much.


Several hours later Paris and Rory's plane landed in New Haven.

"Ready to head back?" Paris asked, yawning, as she looked at Rory.

"Actually, I need to go do something. I'll call you if I'm not coming back tonight, ok?" Rory told Paris as she pulled out her phone to call a cab.

Paris shrugged, heading towards the parking lot. She was ready to go home and sleep in her own bed.


Logan poured himself a shot as he sat alone in his apartment. He had come home several days before, intent on keeping his promise to Rory and giving her time. Home. It didn't feel like home. Not without Rory there with him. Her pictures made it home. Her fragrance made it home. Without her, it was a cold bachelor pad. It was a prison, haunting him with her memories. Without her, it was hell.

He frowned, hearing a noise in the hall and stood up to go check on it.

Rory stood in front of the door, debating knocking on it. She began her nervous pacing, a habit she had picked up from Paris.

What if he moved on? What if he was tired of waiting? What if he didn't want her anymore? What if-

"Rory, what are you doing here?" Logan asked, standing in the open doorway.

"Uh, I… you." Rory inwardly kicked herself. Where was the proof of the Yale education her dad was paying so much money for? When did she lose the ability to put together a normal sentence? "I need to talk to you." She finally spat out, taking a deep breath and following him into the apartment. The very apartment she used to live in with him.

She sat on the couch, looking at him. He was confused, that much was obvious.

"Are you still waiting for me?" She finally asked him, looking into his cocoa colored eyes, hoping, praying he would say yes.

"God, yes." He answered, leaning forward, bracing his elbows on his knees.

"I'm sorry, I really am." She said, still looking at him.

He let out a breath. So this was it. She was here to tell him she didn't love him anymore.

"I've been a hypocrite." She finally told him, looking down, ashamed.

Wait, hypocrite? That didn't sound like the beginning of a 'leave-me-the-hell-alone' speech.

"Ace?" He questioned quietly, almost afraid to hope.

"I was angry, so angry. I still am. But then, I realized, I love you. I really, truly love you. And if I want to be with you, I guess I'm going to have to accept that relationships take work. You didn't handle things well when we were apart, but I didn't do any better this time." Rory explained, sniffling.

"What does this mean?" Logan asked her, crouching in front of her, taking his hand and wiping the few stray tears from her face.

"It means I want to work things out. I want to work us out." She answered him, finally meeting his gaze. "That is, if you still want to."

"There's nothing in this world I want more." He answered her honestly.

Logan sat on the couch, pulling her into his arms and cradling her. They had a lot to work through. It wouldn't be easy. They had both done a lot to hurt each other. But he had faith that they would work through it together. They loved each other, and there was nothing in the world they couldn't get through, as long as they remembered that.