Integra laid in the vents, trying to keep herself from the hands of her uncle, Richard. She was dirty, but she didn't care.. She just wanted to get out of this alive, but.. she didn't understand why he was doing this.. He was supposed to be a guide.. support..! She hated him for this. She blinked.. remembering the words of her father. The honorable blood of the Hellsing family flows through you. Remember, Integra.. Be glorious.. "Father.." She pulled off her glasses as tears ran from her cheeks, blurring her vision.. She placed them back on, continuing to crawl through the vents.. hoping to find somewhere else to hide, and hoping they wouldn't find her.

She could hear the angry voices. He explained plainly why he was doing this.. "Twenty years," he said. "For my brothers demise.. I will not have this organization stolen from my by that brat!" Her eyes narrowed… Did he think this was a game? She continued, going as quietly as she could. She heard them talking about Walter returning and she hoped that he would have never left.. None of this would have happened if he hadn't. It had only been three days since her father's death, and it seemed like he didn't even care.. "That bastard." She whispered.

She blinked. If you are ever confronted with any such crisis, where all hope is lost, make your way to the forgotten underground prison… She continued, her mind set to getting there. She wouldn't let this bastard take this organization from her! Her father believed in her, and she would believe in herself! There, in one of the cells, lies your protection.

She dropped from the ceiling and looked to the door in front of her. It was huge, it was steel.. What possibly could be down here that could protect her? She didn't know how to use guns.. What could be --? Our greatest achievement. Her jaw dropped, seeing the symbols lined across the walls, over the door as well. Her heartbeat sped up and she swallowed hard. She placed her hand on the knob..

Bodies were being ripped apart, hearing people scream made her jump.. There was so much blood, such a darkness that overcame her.. She took a deep breath.. and started to open the door when she felt a piercing stare upon her back. "You've given us quite a trouble, Integra.. Now its time to end it. For my country, my queen, and my sacred hellsing family," he pulled a gun, pointing it straight towards her. "You will die."

"What kind of man are you?" She growled, trying to place a sense of fearlessness in her voice and on her face. "My father gave it to me... He knew you'd be reduced to this!"

"You… damn… brat!" He yelled, firing one that went right by her ear.

Her blonde hair shadowed her eyes for a moment as she grew angry, and hateful. Blood trickled down the side of her cheek. "Do you think I won't be willing to shoot a little girl?" She clenched her fists tightly as he placed the gun to her head. "Do you Integra… after all,

Her mind went back to the images as she heard another scream… That face. That blood. Her eyes widened and she could see him being captured. It was a relief, but… was he..? Her eyes hardened, and before her uncle could even think about pulling that trigger, she opened the door and jumped into the darkness, falling of what seemed to be forever and landing with a thump.

He stepped forward and shot towards her, the bullet shooting straight through her shoulder. She screamed, landing on the ground, holding her shoulder tightly feeling the warmth of the blood trickle through her fingers. She looked up to see a silhouette. "What… is that?" She asked. She turned to face her uncle, and then men that he had brought with him. "..You have a guest… It's only right to have an escort to have you see your father…" He pulled up the gun and she closed her eyes, readying herself for that shot. For her death. If it came, she hoped it would be fast.

oni smiled as he took some of her blood that had splattered on him not enough to even have the men see him moving until it was too late, her blood was pure and elegant, it was innocence personified, the man fired and the bullet stopped a few inches away from Integra's head before dropping to the ground, suddenly his gun was encased in black energy and was crushed and thrown against the wall the men pulled up their automatic weapons he smiled and stood drawing himself up slowly, "you would attack this innocent? You're not of hellsing blood your blood is old rotting with corruption, how pathetic." The men were extremely freaked out and fired but the bullets merely were reflected away and he moved to integra, "so your the lady of the house, it is a pleasure to meet you, what shall we do?"

He turned to the men and smiled slightly.

Integra gasped, the images going over her head over and over again… She turned… "A vampire? Is this the protection!" She yelled and turned back to the vampire. She picked up one of the guns and pointed it towards him, her heartbeat so fast she thought her chest was going to explode. She was shaking, and she didn't know how to use this thing… but, she would if she had to.

He raised his eyebrow, "it's inadvisable to shoot your defender dear lady and in the back no less." he turned his attention to the men who were backing away slowly, "yours shall not continue, you are unworthy," he moved behind him punching him hard in the back of the neck and then turned around disarming the other two and rendering them unconscious. He walked around in front of the man and said, "I have just immobilized your entire cardiovascular system, you will die now." He turned back to her and said, "Unless you wish to kill him it is your right."

He sat down and waited, for what would come next.

She blinked and looked to the men, lying on the ground… some convulsing. She backed away. "Who are you?" She stood, still holding the gun tightly. She was unsure of this, of course, she was unsure of everything. She looked to her uncle, who was a traitor not only to this family, this organization, but to the queen as well. It would be better for him if she just killed him now… But turned away, dropping the gun in front of her.

This man? This… vampire was what her father meant by protection? She closed her eyes for a moment, still holding her shoulder. She needed to ask Walter, he needed to get here. She was scared at being in this house only with this vampire. Many years had her father told her of the dangers of those demons, and now look. She stood straight. "I am Integra Wingates Hellsing," she said… "Head and Lord of this Organization. I order you to tell me your name!" She knew it probably wasn't a good idea ordering a vampire, and a strong one as well… But she would take no heed to his strength or his power… If he was her protection, she would have to deal with it. And she would take no orders from him.. She would be his master.

Oni studied her closely and gave a fangless smile, "my name is Oni, a servant of the hellsing family." He kneeled before integra. "I am to be your guardian and servant for so I am bound." he stood again and watched as the man collapsed blood trickling from his nose mouth ears and eyes, "he will die very shortly, what are your orders... master?"