RS: A pointless 151 word drabble. Enjoy!

In the Firelight

It had been weeks since he last saw her, and when he finally laid eyes on her again, she was in the firelight.

"What are you doing here?"

Her tone was guarded, distrustful. It sent cold shivers down his spine. She looked more beautiful than ever standing a short distance from the campfire, its flames throwing shadows against her soft features. Her posture was hostile, legs spread into a slight straddle for a sturdy base and hands clenched tightly into fists. Her sparkling sapphire eyes held an angry shine in their depths. For a moment he couldn't find his voice, to far taken with her presence to be able to respond.

"I… I came to see you."

Before the girl could respond his mouth was on hers, covering it possessively. He poured his heart and soul into it, in raw animal passion. It wasn't long before she melted under his hot advances. Their tongues performed a private dance, battling each other for dominance.



They breathed out the same sentence.

"I love you"

The End

RS: That's it. Just a little reminder that Jet's human too.