AN: Here at last dear readers, is the end of our story. It's been a wild ride. I think perhaps when I finish the over hall and editing of the entire story I'll add a bonus chapter of some sort, but that is some ways on down the road. Until then you can always find me on tumblr or A03 under VKiera. My little shot fics often end up there. I'm half asleep currently, so I hope my once over edit will suffice for now. Once again, thank you and enjoy~

Epilogue: No Tomorrow, Only Today

It had been several days since they had returned to Cephiro from their quick trip to Earth.

Umi kept good on her promise and slept most of the first two days. Though as always Eagle beat everyone and slept for far longer. Long enough for Umi and Hikaru to start to worry he had relapsed, but Celf and the Master Healer assured them both he would awaken soon.

They'd all pushed their will powers to the very limit, fatigue of the heart took time to heal. Clef had to make Fuu promise to not use her powers, they had plenty of healers and she shouldn't worry.

Umi nearly hit Eagle when he awoke on the fourth day and then promptly burst into laughter afterwards, hugging him. He stayed in bed a little longer, but rose the next day and went with Lantis to check on the troops from Autozam.

The losses were not as heavy as he had been expecting, but he knew that would be no comfort when he had to make the communications back to Autozam to inform high command of those lost so their families could be notified.

The Cephirian population had mostly been unharmed, crops had been lost, but Farhen had sent a great deal of supplies. And with enough will power it would not take long for new crops to be sown.

They had told the other's about Camry's departure.

There was only one main issue left.


"What's to be done with Elantra now?" Eagle asked as he and Lantis returned to the residential wing, they had a council meeting with Farhen and Chizeta soon. Partly to communicate what aide might still be needed and also to officially make Eagle Autozam's permanent ambassador in Cephiro. The decision was made uniaterlily after it was revealed he could not return to Autozam.

"When we found her and brought her to Clef after you and the Magic Knights disappeared she was catatonic. She's still much the same now, the Master Healer is looking after her, but Clef thinks there may be very little we can do for her. She just stares straight ahead and doesn't move or speak. Prince Ferio probably put it best when he said she wasn't really there anymore."

'An empty body, like a bottle with it's contents poured out' Eagle sighed sadly, "As problematic as she was, she too was a victim in all of this. Though the person who was truely at fault we may likely never know. Though I'm very sure it had something to with the feather Elantra gave me."

"You gave that away didn't you?"

"Yes, as payment to the witch Hikaru told you about."

They were both silent for a moment.

"Have you told your father?" Lantis glanced his direction for a moment.

"Yes, this morning."

It had been a rather brief private conversation among the many other communications back home. His father had taken it surprisingly well.

"My son, you are alive and you are well. There were times where I doubted you would be either of those things. There is still much you can do for yourself and Autozam in Cephiro. Now, more importantly, when are you going to properly introduce me to the Magic Knight that Geo says you've become quite fond of?"

The words 'dammit' and 'Geo' crossed Eagle's mind.

He promised his father they would have a proper introduction after things had settled down a bit more and silently plotted revenge on his former first mate. Possibly by smuggling Zazu a nice large bottle of Cephirian wine for the trip back to Autozam.

"And have you told Umi yet about what Camry told you?" Lantis asked.

Eagle nearly tripped over his own feet at that, " haven't…"

Lantis shrugged, "I was only curious."

They stopped at the end of the hallway, "Hikaru and Fuu are up with Presea in the docking area, Clef said Umi was in the kitchen level. Want to go get them and meet us at the throne room?"

Lantis nodded, "I'll head up now."

It didn't take long for Eagle to find Umi, he really only needed follow his nose. She gone into a flurry of baking that morning. She claimed it was for all the visitors and everyone at the meeting later in the afternoon, but Eagle thought she probably found it relaxing after the trying last few weeks.

He smiled and leaned against the doorway, watching her bussel to and fro in the little corner of the kitchen she had cordoned off for herself from the rest of the staff. She hadn't noticed him yet. He eyed something cooling on the counter, it wasn't cake, but it still looked tasty.

He reached for one and quickly got the back of his hand slapped.

"Those cookies are for later Eagle." Umi glared at him, one hand on her hip, a spoon in her other hand.

"Cookies huh? Never had a cookie before, they look tasty."

She moved the plate out of his reach, "Later."

"Well the meeting is starting soon; are you bringing them with us?"

She removed her apron, "No, I already sent some of the staff up with some other things. We can have these with some of the coffee Chizeta sent afterwards."

Eagle only gave her a mildly disappointed look as they left the cookies behind and ascended the stairs.

They walked in comfortable silence, her hand had found his somewhere along the way. They were almost in sight of the throne room when she spoke, "Hey Eagle?"

"Hum?" he murmured a response, his thumb sliding over the back of hand in a light caress without even thinking about it.

"What was it that Camry told you before he left?

Eagle felt it rather unfair two people had nearly made him trip already today. He paused just as Lantis, Hikaru, Fuu and Ferio were coming up the hallway from the other end.

"'Well…" he hesitated rubbing the back of his head.

"Was it something bad he saw?"

"No, no, nothing bad. Not bad at all. Just well…"

"Spit it out already Eagle." Umi looked both mildly annoyed and amused by his discomfort and hesitation, apparently amusement was winning according to the quirk of a smile that was pulling at her lips.

Eagle took a deep breath, "Alright…"

From the other end of the hallway the others were just in time to hear Umi's rather loud.


"Oh dear, what do you think is the matter now?" Fuu flinched at Umi's outburst.

"Guess he told her finally." Lantis smiled.

"Told her what?" Hikaru craned her head up to look at him.

"Before he left Camry told Eagle that the two of them should think of a good name."

"A name for what?" Ferio was grinning, nothing was funnier to him than Umi when she got this way. She looked near ready to either fight someone or faint.

Lantis couldn't help but have a little fun at his friend's expense. "He said their first child's going to be be a girl."

"Oh..!" Hikaru smiled.

Fuu had the decency to blush and elbow a snickering Ferio in the ribs.

Umi finally seems to come back to her senses, "I CAN NOT BELIEVE HE TOLD YOU THAT!"

Eagle shrugged defensively holding up his hands. "Well, he did say before that not all futures are certain."

"What so now are you saying you don't want any children?" Umi demanded, hands on her hips.

"Uh, well no, but well, isn't this a bit soon to be considering it?" Eagle stumbled for words.

"Shut up man, before you dig yourself a deeper hole." Ferio chimed in.

Umi glared daggers. "Ferio, I swear if you blab this to anyone, especially Caldina I will end you."

"Oh really now?"


Fuu sighed, "Please do not cause an international incident at the council meeting please."

"No promises." Umi continued to glare.

Ferio was still laughing as they entered the throne room. Hikaru was practically beaming, it was going to be a long meeting. Umi sighed.

Eagle retrieved her hand and kissed the back of her fingers. "Don't worry about what our tomorrows will bring too much Umi."

"Because you can't promise for tomorrow?" She asked softly.

"True, but I can promise you today."

At that she smiled up at him.

They walked into the throne room hand in hand.

~The End~