Title: Distasteful Things
Author: Green Eyed Monster (GEM)
Email: Complete
Pairings: None
Spoilers: None
Season: Before the movie
Sequel/Series Info: None
Rating: K+
Content Warnings: None
Summary: He was given a target. And an order to kill.
Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1, its characters and all related entities are property of Stargate SG-1 Productions (II) Inc., MGM Worldwide Television Productions Inc., Double Secret Productions, Gekko Film Corp and Showtime Networks Inc / The SciFi Channel. No copyright infringement is intended.
Archive: Please ask if you want to use it somewhere
Distasteful Things
Assassination was his least favorite mission, but as he had been sternly reminded, it was his duty when he was called upon. He had known it when he signed on. There was no time to get someone else; the elusive target had been spotted nearby, and would not remain accessible for long. Overruled despite his objections, he resolutely set out to do what had to be done.
Arriving at the target's last known location, Jack got his first glimpse of his quarry. Man, he was big. Jack had been warned, of course, but still. He wished briefly that he had his sidearm, banishing the thought as quickly as it came. That was outside mission parameters. As was his dagger. His orders didn't stop at neutralizing the target; he'd have to dispose of the body as well. Blood stains would complicate that. It would have to be a bare-handed kill. Slower, uglier, and more difficult than a long-range hit.
Not that his prowess would be appreciated when he reported the success of his mission. He would only be allowed to report that the target had been neutralized, preferably with extreme prejudice. Details neither required nor permitted. Squeamish people really shouldn't be allowed to give these kinds of orders, he thought to himself with some resentment.
Jack watched his victim out of the corner of his eye. Dark and hairy, and most definitely here illegally. Forcible deportation was not an option; the command to kill had been clearly and coldly given. As in, don't even think about coming back until your objective is achieved. He marveled again at the hatred and revulsion that had accompanied the orders. Wondered what the target had done to engender such abhorrence. No matter. His was not to wonder why.
He strolled casually nearer, trying not to alarm his prey. Too late. His target froze for a moment, then vanished around a corner, moving faster than Jack had thought possible. The jig was up. He pursued openly and aggressively.
It didn't take long before Jack had him cornered. There was a momentary standoff as each sized up the other.
Jack closed in for the kill, his every movement deliberate and threatening. Almost within arm's length now. His enemy's legs bent, and for a moment Jack thought he would attack.
He moved first, scooping up the spider with a tissue before it had a chance to pounce, depositing its body in the trash before reporting the success of the operation to the mission commander. Sara didn't like to see such distasteful things.