Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans!


It was a stormy night on the Eagle Nebula and Mother Nature seemed to be crying. Dragon Nebula Ein, or Nebula, or DN if she liked you, was sitting in the parlor of her home wrapped in a crocheted blanket watching the rain fall. She had the power of the weather, she was an empath, she could fly and teleport and she had the power of a very powerful Dragon being as though she was half human. Most of her power came from her Nebulae family. It had been almost two months since she had moved out of Titan's Tower since JNC (Jurai-Nebulae Congregation) allowed her to gain her birthright. She still helped the Titans from time to time, but only when they really needed her.

Nebula lived in a three story home which included an attic and a basement. The only way you could reach her home was through a portal which only those who were familiar with spells like Raven and Dragon Nebula's best friend, Jhun of the Wildfire who had the power of a Nebulae vacuuming technique called akai jamei kuri. The only way anyone else could was if one of them opened the portal for them.

Nebula was focusing on the peace in her home until there was a timid knock at her door. When she opened it, her eyes shot up. Standing in front of her drenched from head to toe wearing her long blue cloak was Nebula's empathic friend.

"Raven?" She asked. "What are you… doing here?"

"I came to see you?" She replied unsure of herself.

Nebula looked at her sternly. "I don't need the use of my telepathy to see that you're lying. You live in a "T", you're very popular among the people for saving lives and you're living large."

Raven looked down.

"Come on in here," Nebula said as she stood aside allowing Raven to come in.

Nebula went up to her room to get her a change of clothes and a towel, and a blanket to warm Raven up. Raven quickly took off her wet cloak and leotard and changed into Nebula's long blue night gown and wrapped herself in Nebula's long warm blanket.

Nebula then boiled some water and pouring some in a mug, grabbed a tea bag and handed it to Raven. Afterwards she started her fireplace and sat down in her chair.

"Thank you," Raven said quietly. Nebula could tell that she was very deep in thought about something and was very different. Nebula could sense something odd about her. She decided not to probe Raven's thoughts and let her tell her on her own.

"So, what's up, Rae?" Nebula said. "Everything all right in Titan's Tower?"

Raven looked like she was on the brink of tears. "A month ago," she began shakily, "I had been experiencing some…changes."

"I could tell," Nebula said, "I can sense something different about you. What kind of changes?"

"I've been having mood swings, constant nausea, and now my powers are going haywire," Raven continued.

" 'Kay, did you go to the doctor or something?" Nebula asked.

Raven nodded.

"What did she say?"

"Nebula, I'm pregnant."

"What!" Nebula exclaimed. Nebula's weather powers started to go out of control and a subtle wind passed through the hallways of the house. "When! H-How! Who!"

"Nebula, calm down!" Raven urged, "Your powers are going out of control."

Nebula took a deep breath and regained composure. "Do I know the father?"

Raven nodded again. "It's one of the boys."

"I'm going to guess. I don't think that it's Cyborg. He's more of an older brother figure than a boyfriend. Robin's too…eww. So my money's on Beast boy." Nebula took another sip of her bottled water on the chair.

"It's Robin," Raven said.

Nebula spat her water out quickly and stood up gagging. "Robin?" She asked in disbelief. "Our leader Robin?"

Raven nodded.

"Gelled hair Robin?"

Raven nodded again.

"Focused serious and determined…"

"Nebula!" Raven yelled.

"Rae, he's with Starfire. That's nasty!" Nebula yelled.

"You think I don't know that! That's why I left!"

"When did you two…?" Nebula tried to ask. "How did you…?"

"After we returned home from one of our missions, Starfire, Beast Boy and Cyborg went to run a few errands. I was in my room and Robin knocked on the door. When I opened it, he just stood their staring at me. He then took my hand and we kissed. I then told him to come in and the next thing I knew, he was unzipping my leotard and we…"

"Whoa!" Nebula interrupted quickly, "Way too much information! I can take it from there."

"Raven chuckled in spite of the situation. "I can't go back to the tower. I can't burden them with this."

"In other words: you don't want to face Starfire," Nebula said seeing past her lie. "Rae, you are sooo lucky that Starfire is happy 99 percent of the time. If it was me and you told me that Jhun was the father, you would surely die. Girl, I would kill you."

"So, I'm a skank?" Raven asked.

"No, because technically, Robin and Starfire aren't together officially."

"That still doesn't make it right," Raven said sadly, "Starfire does get on my nerves half of the time, but she's still my friend."

"Let me ask you this: Since when was Robin attracted to you? I mean…when he and Star first met, it was like love at first sight. When did he decide to stray to the dark side?"

"He and I…" Raven began hesitantly, "have been…sort have been hanging a lot more than usual."

"How so?"

"We always went to get some food together, or went on walks together, and when I said I was going to the library, he would come to. Later on, hanging out turned to touching, touching turned to hugging, hugging turned to kissing, and kissing turned to that night when we…"

"Didn't I say I could take it from there?" Nebula interrupted again. "Good grief! I don't want to know all that. It's bad enough that you're pregnant and the father is the human traffic light of Jump City."

"Nebula, please, help me," Raven begged.

Nebula sighed and muttered something under her breath. "Okay, this is what I'm gonna do: I'll be going to Titan's tower and I will aid them in finding you since I know it will be a matter of time before they call me."

"Thank you, Nebula," Raven said with an excessive amount of gratitude.

"Yeah, sure," Nebula replied nonchalantly. "Just…why is it that all this drama happens after I move out of the tower?"

Raven laughed and they both went to bed.