Last part ahhh, it's over... doesn't that just suck?
Disclaimer: Caresse is mine, Erik and Christine... nope...
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" So, My dearest, that is the story of your father."
Caresse eyed her mother suspiciously.
" Mama, that sounds a bit strange if you ask me..." Christine looked at her daughter with sad eyes.
" I suppose I should have told you when you were younger. You would have believed me."
Caresse scrunched her little freckled nose. " Mama, you know I believe you."
" No you don't, you're lying..."
They were both silent as the 14 year old girl thought.
" If Papa really was the Opera Ghost, I'll just have to ignore those silly tales from the others girls in the ballet, then won't I?"
Christine's eyes lit up. " You do believe me, don't you?"
Caresse nodded. " Papa had a wonderful name, don't you agree? Why didn't he like it? I think Charles is too plain!"
Christine giggled. " Ah, well. You better get off to dance. Go or you'll be late!"
Christine kissed her blonde hair angel on her head and watched her go off. " Be careful!" she called after her.
Closing the door of her little flat, she went to her bedside drawer, pulling out an ivory white mask and looking at it.
" Our little girl will have a wonderful life. I promise you"
She placed the mask back in the drawer and sat down to read a book, ever so often twisting Erik's plain wedding band about her ring finger.
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she's devoted to the end .
I'm sorry it's over... if you have anything you would like me to write, let me know.
Sad to see it all end,