Sorry for the long wait for this chapter…I have been so busy with summer volunteering and work and starting grade 10 and a bunch of other stuff that I got a major case of writers' block with this story…'s kinda still here too…so I hope this chapter lives up to me others…plz review! Lol Akki


11:35 am – Ayame's Shop

After a huge debate with Tohru about their feelings, one which Kyo lost, Tohru ran off with Ayame leaving Kyo and Shigure to sort out a huge hell of a mess with the police. The police, along with the firefighters, arrived not two minutes after her and Ayame disappeared. Kyo was completely taken aback when Shigure lied to police saying that there had been an unknown intruder and that Yuki had lost his life defending Kyo from the intruder. Utterly confused Kyo decided to find Tohru and knock some sense into her.

This is how he arrived outside Ayame's shop, the only logical place Tohru could be. Trouble was Tohru was with Ayame, and Ayame was anything but logical. Outside the shop, Kyo shuddered at the window displays. Half naked dummies in maid outfits, nurse and school girl uniforms, as well as the occasional flight attendant. Suddenly, one of the dummies changed position and Kyo jumped back in fear. That was when he realized that the dummies weren't dummies at all, but real women. "What are you doing?" Kyo shouted at them. The women were unresponsive. Immensely creeped out, Kyo headed around the other side of the building looking for a back entrance so he could sneak in unseen.

Spotting a large window Kyo made his way towards it and heard moaning noises. "Ayame-san. It hurts! It hurts!" Kyo knew that voice. It was Tohru. Forgetting the sneaky approach Kyo charged around to the front of the shop, barged through the front doors, barrelled past Mine and Came to a halt just in front of Ayame's office door. "Ayame! I know what you are up to. Stop being indecent towards Tohru and let her go!" He bellowed at the top of his lungs. Customers began whispering excitedly and Kyo began to feel sick. "What have you done Tohru?"

The office door swung open and reviled Tohru standing on a stool in one of Ayame's dresses and Ayame putting a band aid on her leg, when one of his pins had stuck her. "Really Kyo, you should have known better." Tohru scowled folding her arms over her chest. The customers sigh in disappointment as Kyo's face went beat red. Ayame, sensing his customer's disappointment concocted a brilliant marketing plan. "Come Tohru, we must not hide it any longer." Ayame said jumping to his feet and grabbing Tohru's hand. "Kyo's right. I have been indecent to you Tohru. You are too young for me, yet I can't stop loving you." He sighed and glanced around the store and seeing that all his customers were enthralled, continued. "I love you Tohru. I will never let you go." Smirking at Kyo, Ayame turned to Tohru took her in his arms and kissed her. Tohru's eyes widened in surprise before she shut them and kissed Ayame back. Cat-calls echoed throughout the store and Kyo glowered as Ayame and Tohru continued to kiss.

Breaking apart, Ayame gazed at Tohru with new eyes. This was not the naïve, innocent girl she appeared to be. She was beautiful, creative and devious girl and Ayame knew he could take her to the top and bring himself with her. Tohru gazed at Ayame much the same way. This was not the perverted man she thought he was, this was a sweet, generous man who cared about Tohru more than anyone else ever had. "Tohru." Ayame whispered pulling her close. He stepped away from her and got down on one knee. "Tohru, will you marry me?" Tohru gasped and brought her hand to her throat. Just as she was about to answer, there was a loud bang as Kyo's head hit the floor.


I know, I know. Cliff-hanger! But I know where I'm gonna go with this story now! Yah! I'll try to update soon.

Huggs and Kisses
