"Deb, hurry up, gosh!"

"Coming, Napoleon!"

Napoleon Dynamite was waiting outside his girlfriend Deb's house. They were going to see a new movie. Napoleon didn't want to go because they didn't sell tots for refreshments…and he was upset about that. But alas, Deb wanted to see a new chick flick about raising money and going to college, and Napoleon will do anything for love. And tots. But that's beside the point.

Deb rushed into Napoleon's arms wearing what he liked best--a shirt with big, puffy sleeves.

"Let's go Napoleon! I want to see the movie because I seriously do have to raise money to go to college."

"Your mom goes to college!" shouted a voice from nowhere.

"Shut up, Kip! Gosh, idiot! He follows me everywhere!"

Napoleon grabbed Deb's hand and led her to his new bike on the sidewalk.

"Here Deb, get in the basket. I promise I won't do any sweet jumps while you're in it."

"Thanks Napoleon."

With that Napoleon and Deb rode away from the house and into the setting sun, towards the movie theatre.