Disclaimer: I do not own any characters or episodes or movies of TMNT (even though I'm writing about them). But I do own Tessa who is my own character and should not be used without my permission.

Please R and R thanks

Unknown family

Chapter One: ending of the life I once knew

I loved my mum, it was only me and Mum in a one bedroom apartment. It was not much with its rusted chairs and burnt oven the makeshift blankets that mum and I called our beds. But with the two of us there it was our home. Yes we might have been in the ruff place but that was just how it goes. Yes life was good until the day it all went wrong.

"Mum is home" I said no answer Mum I yell again searching around the small apartment. Then I found a note on the table saying:

Dear Tessa

I will be home late tonight so I will bring home dinner

From Mum

Ps. I went shopping today and I found something for you it in you room hope you had a good day.

"Thank you Mum" I say to myself as though she could hear me, I went to my part of the room. Their sitting on my bed was a bandana it was black had a funny pattern on it. In the middle it had an eagle on it. I was thrilled with the present I had got. I put it on straight away.

Mum was really late she had never been this late I mean she would call .There was a knock at the door. (That could be Mum I said relief washing over me). I walk over to the door and look the door hole. It wasn't Mum it was policemen that is not good. I open up the door.

"Hello" I said "hello miss could we come in"? "Please I say and let them in" I close the door and look at them. "What are you doing here?" I said am "sorry to say said the policeman that you're Mum has been in a car crash". "It was caused by a motorist who had…" I cut him off "I don't care who caused it all I care about is if my Mum is okay" I said

"They tried to save her but the impact must have just been too much". The policeman said "are you sure this is my Mum" I said doubt fully having hope. "That is why I am here I want you to come to the morgue to see if is Miss Morgan" He said regretfully "I am very sorry for your loss" don't say that I said "my Mum could very well be coming home at this moment I said."

But it was the cold as stone body in that morgue and that was the ending of my life the ending of my home and the ending of the person I once was and probably never will be again.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter please tell me what you thought of it

I would be really grateful

Thank you for R and R (smiles to all)

Such is life
