Fa la la! Sorry I was late on the update!


"Marlow." Karin was staring intently at Al. Al was becoming freaked out so he asked,


"Marlow. M-A-R-L-O-W. Marlow. You are Marlow. And your girlfriend is Misha." That's when Al noticed he was holding Raeka's hand for comfort. He took his hand away and blushed.

"You!" Karin pointed at Mrs. Elric. "You are Queen Helga!" Karin bowed. "And he's your husband! King Cucumber!"

Mr. Elric shrugged and Mrs. Elric was patting him on the back. "Cucumber isn't that bad. It's my favorite vegetable!" She insisted.

"What disturbs me is that a 'child' decided to name me that." He replied with a sigh.

"And the girl with pretty red hair is Princess HotHead!" Karin spun in circles and Kailani was in a state of shock. She couldn't believe a 'little girl' would name her princess… HotHead!

"Um… sorry to break this up, but I've got bad news." Fletcher declared, opening the door.

"Murphy!" Karin screeched, squeezing Fletcher.

"Murphy?" Kailani whispered to Raeka. "Why dose he get the better name?"

"Hi Karin. Can you sit down? I need to tell them something." Fletcher gasped from lack of air.

"Okay!" Karin agreed obediently sitting were she stood.

"Ed's right arm is badly infected. It will need to be amputated." Fletcher mumbled, playing with his hands.

A heavy silence filled the room.

"Will it hurt him?" Kailani questioned with worry. Fletcher nodded and she looked at the floor. She felt responsible because he got hurt saving her. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"We don't want you to be put through the stress of watching him… umm…"

"Fletcher, we need some help." Russell declared, coming up behind him and placing his hand on his little brother's solder. "I know you don't want her to watch, or see anything of the surgery. But we need help. If she wants to help, let her."

"We'll need someone to calm him down after we cut it off, and if Mr. Elric could hold him down that would be great." Fletcher explained. He noticed Karin with her hand raised and her face red. "Yes Karin?"

"Can I stand up now?" She asked politely. He nodded and she hugged Russell. "Hi senior morgy-porgy!"


"Nice to see you to." Russell gently patted her head.

"Can I see him?" Kailani questioned, looking up at Russell. He nodded and she left for the other room.

-Russell's POV-

She was so cute…

Why dose it matter? That's a patients love interest! You can't be involved!

I know that!I haven't forgotten last time…

Good. But she was cute…



Munch munch munch…


Kailani walked into the room that Ed was in. He sat on the bed looking at his hand. She quietly sat down next to him.

"Russell told you guys?" He asked, still staring at his right hand. She nodded. They sat in silence for a while.

"I'm sorry." Kailani mumbled, clutching her knees trying not to cry.

"Why are you sorry? It's not your fault." He replied, looking up from his arm and placing his left hand on her shoulder.

"Yes it is! I got you hurt in Raeka's hometown!"

"But that was because a building was crumbling, ad that wasn't my arm; it was my back."

"I also got you hurt when you were protecting me from the Jewish soldiers!"

"Kailani, you were asleep, that couldn't have been your fault."

"What about the time when you fought that samurai?"

"That wasn't your fault either! You didn't know he was a samurai!"

"Well… well…" Kailani stuttered.

"See? You have no reason to feel guilty! Everything that happened to my arm isn't your fault!" Edward reassured her.

"Umm…" Russell said, coming into the room. "We're going to start soon. Are you going to help Kailani?"

"What?" Edward asked, shocked. Kailani didn't need to see his arm being cut off!

"Yes." Kailani responded, putting on a brave face and standing up.

"Russell, you shouldn't let her--" Edward tried to argue but Kailani spoke.

"I'll be FINE, Ed." she hissed shakily, but harshly. Then her expression changed to gentleness and she looked at him. "Let me help you out for once." Ed looked at her for a while.

"Okay, Ed. Just take off your shirt and lay down on the bed. This is going to hurt a little." Russell cut in. "Fletcher! Get some hot water from the building next door! And go get Yume!"

"But Yume is Karin right now brother." Fletcher reminded him.

"What?" Russell screamed. "But we need her to grab supplies out of her hat! We need to wait then."


This chapter doesn't have as much words, but I wanted to leave a cliffy!

Ed: She's being lazy.

Kailani: Ed! If your mean to the author she'll make something bad happen!

Me: I'm not that evil!