-1Spoilers. Spoilers everywhere. I'm doing this fanfic based on the 50th episode DEATH, but from the alternate Ed's point of view, and the people around him. (See, spoilers already!) It's humor and Romance in the beginning, but in the end, it's romance tragedy. It's going to take place during a war I made up.

Summery: blimps, guns, and soldiers. Bombs, death, ruin. Get the picture? I'm not done yet. It's a mix between past and future, pods in classrooms to get to three person shelters, computers floating around, but with old-fashion racism and architecture, clothing, and a bunch of other things.


Sigh. Sitting in class on a perfectly beautiful day is very boring. Boring, but in a few minutes it would be life changing.






She looked around, ignoring the teacher who was reading a book while looking up once in a while to check on the students. They were taking a pop quiz on the revolution that happened 50 years ago.






Shuffling feet.

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

Her eyes landed on a boy with golden hair. She hated him. Him and his sorry guts.



She wiggled her pencil between her fingers. It fell.


Heads turn.

Pencil, paper.






She was about to get it when the boy next to her bent down and got it for her.

"Here you do!" he whispered, smiling charmingly.

Al was someone she could get along with. But his brother, Ed, she just couldn't get along with.

"Thanks." She whispered, taking it from his hands.

Heads turn back.

Feet shuffle.







Door opens.

Red faced man.




The War has started.

The whole world was going to end in a crisis; she read it in the paper. All country's against each other.




They got in their single-filed line, which had her in-between the two brothers. Their last names are Elric, but the teacher wanted to separate them to prevent them from talking. Her name was Kailani (I made up this last name) Emery.


"To get everyone to safety, we need to go by three's into the pod." I'm with the brothers. Wonderful. All the nine classmates in front of us rushed into the pod. There were 20 holding rooms in the basement, and we hid in there. Plants were down there, so there was enough oxygen.

There was a loud bang 2 miles away and they heard a building fall down. The ground shook.

It was our turn. I was in the middle. We shuffled in quickly and were soon shooting down into the ground.

The doors opened and we stepped out. It flew back up. I sat down on a tree stump. I think this holding place was a garden.

We didn't talk.





Was mom okay?

Time going to fast.

Not ready…


Was dad okay?

Al sat next to me. His brother leaned against the wall.

"Look were different beliefs has gotten us. War. Were is God now? Were is he to save and bless the Christians, Catholics, Mormons, and all the others?" Ed declared looking straight at me with his shining golden eyes.

"I can't believe you said that!" I exclaimed. God will answer our prayers. He is a merciful, justified God.

"Brother… she still believes. Stop it at least until we're out of here." Al calmly said.

"We may never get out of here. This is stupid. They didn't think of all the shelter's roofs collapsing on our heads, did they?" Ed snapped.

The roof shook. Part of the wall above Kailani's head started to fall.

"Kailani!" Al screamed jumping to his feet and picking her up. He jumped out of the way of a huge part of the ceiling just in time.

"Thank you. You saved my life!" she yelled, hugging him. he blushed and put her down alarmingly close to his older brother. When she turned their body's almost touched.

"Are you okay?" she felt his breath against her face.

"Yea…" she was trapped in between them because the walls farthest away from the pod collapsed.

The doors to the pod suddenly opened and they got in, her still facing Ed and stuck in between them.

When they got out, Kailani screamed.


I won't update until 2 people review. Hope you liked!