Estranged Heroes
… a drabble followed by a half-drabble …
by Jess Angel

It's better not to, y'know?

Better to pretend we just met. That we're worlds apart. Enemies. From day one 'til the end. I don't know your name, you don't know mine. No, you have a new boyfriend. Mako blue eyes, not green like mine. Blond hair, not red – but just as fucked up as mine.

…Dear Boy Scout has the balls to glare at me as I eye you despite myself.

Am I that bad, sweetheart? You can't even spare me a glance?

Guess I am. Angels with devils. Should've known my trips to Heaven'd never last.

Strangers. The line of nothing more, nothing less.

You know I'd prefer that over any star-crossed shit.

But you? Hate me, sweetheart? You don't even know me.

Pretend… Better, isn't it?

Our eyes catch. Then—

Soldier Boy has you again.

Fine. Then let's pretend. You and I.

We never met.


Author's Note: A short optional sequel to "At the Steps of Heaven's Door." One could take it as a stand alone piece, especially if not a fan of the rather bitter ending. It could be very canon though, ne? I actually wrote this before ASHD; and after rereading it, it's amazing how well it connects to the fic - the fourth and fifth line from the bottom, particularly. I also have ideas for post-/ASHD/-related scenes, but I'm still debating on whether I want to do them or not.

Those who reviewed ASHD, it meant -a lot- to me.

Extras: www . xanga Angelic(underscore)Chaos / 459136346 / estranged-heroes . html

Final Fantasy VII and its characters © Square-Enix, Inc.