
Sealed Fates Unleashed

Summary: On the night of the full moon, demons begin to attack the priests and priestesses across feudal Japan. Miroku and Sango are put in charge of protecting Kagome who can't get home through the well. Will Kagome be strong enough to protect herself from the demons hunting her down? Including Inuyasha? But there is another sinister plot at work.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Inuyasha and characters we all know and love, though I've invented a few new characters myself. This is my first attempt at writing Fan Fiction. I'll need lots of feed back, prefer constructive criticism.

Rating: Teen for action scenes

Type: Action-Adventure with a dash of Romance (well sort of).

Author Notes: I'm relatively new to Inuyasha and my story is based upon the Anime I've seen (up to Sixth Season and includes the 3 movies). Warning: some characters might be OC due to the events in the story. Also, this author sticks to the Inuyasha/Kagome, Miroku/Sango pairings, hints at a future pairing of Sesshomaru/Rin. Kikyo lovers, had to do it. You'll read about it in a future chapter and you'll just have to get over it.


The Spell that Binds


Kagome rushed about the house collecting all the necessary items she'd need for her return to feudal Japan. Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku and Shippo were waiting for her. She'd insisted on returning to her own time to stock up before they went after Naraku again. He barely got away and disappeared to heal.

"Mom!" Kagome opened every cabinet in the kitchen.

There was no answer. Pausing, Kagome didn't hear a response. Where had Mom gotten off to? Kagome broke off and went looking for her mom.

She found Mom in the dining room, reading a book at the table. Her brown hair was pulled into a tight bun at the back of head. Her blue dress was protected by a green apron. A dish rag sat on the table next her hand. She seemed awfully engrossed in the story.

This was the first time she'd seen her mom take the time to read a book. 'What's up?' Kagome asked herself. She leaned just inside the threshold, smiling. It was nice to see Mom taking a break. As if sensing someone there, her Mom looked up at her.

"Kagome?" Mom laid the book open on the table. "You wanted something?"

"Yeah." Kagome blinked at the book in her mother's hands. "What's that?"

"A book Jisuko gave me to read." Mom looked at the page she'd left off on. "I'm almost done."

She sighed. The story had been interesting enough. It appeared that Kagome was getting ready to leave once again. She'd have to pick it up some time later once the chaos settled.

"What's it about?" Kagome didn't get to see her Mom like this often.

Maybe Mom needs a rest every now and then, she concluded. It's a good thing she was gone most of the time. But, her Mom worried about her when she was with Inuyasha and the others. A word was never said but Kagome had seen the fear in her Mom's eyes that she worried over Kagome getting injured or, worse, dying.

"A Lord who loses the love of his life to death, or so he thinks. He falls for another woman years later. The love of his life, Masami, comes back five years later and claims to have lost her memory in an accident. And now she wants to reclaim her life back. But the Lord and his new fiancé have decided to marry. Which, of course, causes problems. Masami demands that he keeps his promise to protect her. The Lord is caught between the two women he loves."

Loses the love of his life to death. A promise to protect her? Kagome couldn't ignore the similarities, though not exact, to her own situation.

"And?" Kagome stood still, anxious to hear more.

"Well, Masami's been causing a rift between the Lord and his fiancé by attempting to kill her, having other's try to kill her, etc. You know how these books are. Anyway, Mitsuko, the new fiancé, fights to take back the Lord. Masami, it turns that she doesn't really love the Lord. She's just making mischief because she believes the Lord has betrayed her in some manner. But, her logic is twisted by a family friend who wants Masami for himself and tells her lie upon lie. In the end, the Lord follows his heart and marries his fiancé."

Kagome frowned. She didn't see the shadow on the floor behind her. The shadow moved towards her then froze. Two pointed ears were distinguishable, listening intently on the conversation.

"He broke his promise to Masami to protect her?" Kagome asked confused.

That was frowned upon. You kept your promises irregardless of the reason. That was called integrity. Not everyone believed in keeping their promises.

"The Lord believed he was doing the right thing. It took almost losing Mitsuko for the Lord to realize that Masami didn't love him any more and that she was trying to kill him. She wasn't the woman he thought she was. He broke his promise because he made the promise to a woman he loved. That woman no longer existed."

Wow, that was deep, Kagome thought. Interesting. She'd have to borrow the book later to get the details. On top of everything else she had to do to keep up with school.

"Ready to go back?" Mom left the book on the table, getting to her feet.

"Just a few more things, I think." Kagome smiled. "I know they're all waiting for me."

"Hey, Kagome!" Came Sota's voice from the Living Room. "Inuyasha's here!"

Kagome gulped, her shoulders sinking. He was here already? Man, he was so impatient! However, she was running late this time so she couldn't exactly be mad at Inuyasha.

"Great!" Kagome groaned. "Why can't he just wait for me?"

"Come on, Kagome." Mom responded. "He's a boy. They're so impatient."

Mom escorted her out to get her daughter on her way. If Inuyasha was here to collect Kagome, it was because she was late. How cute that Inuyasha felt it necessary to come after her daughter when she wasn't moving fast enough in his opinion.

"Tell me something I don't know?" She retorted.

"Your father was the same way." Mom sighed.

How she missed her husband.

"Really?" Kagome perked her head up.

It wasn't too often when Mom talked of father. Kagome didn't want to push the point, deciding to move onto another subject. She had been trying to finish collecting the list she'd made of the supplies they'd need.


Kagome noticed Inuyasha hadn't said a word on their way back through the well. Even as he pulled her up onto the well's wall, he was abnormally silent. He kept his face from her, obviously preoccupied with his thoughts.

"Are you okay, Inuyasha?" Kagome felt something wrong with him.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Inuyasha jumped down from the well.

There was no point in telling her he'd overheard her mother's story. A book she'd called it, whatever that was. But the story made him stop to think. Shaking his head, it was nonsense. It was just a story.

"Are you sure?" Kagome eyed him suspiciously.

"Yeah, yeah." Inuyasha waved her off. "Enough already, okay?"

Kagome noticed Miroku and Sango hadn't come to the well to meet them. They were probably waiting in Kaede's hut for their return. Inuyasha was going to Totosai's in the morning to have Tetsusaiga looked over. Miroku, Sango and Shippo were going with Kagome to look at a valley to the north that Naraku may have passed through. Inuyasha would meet up with them later in the day.


Light from the three-quarter moon cascaded the forest with silver light, eerily illuminating the trees and ground. A light breeze moved through, rustling the leaves and grass. Even the nocturnal animals refrained from appearing under this moon. A cursed night was believed by all. No one dared to venture out tonight, mortal and demon.

It moved fast across the ground, dodging rocks, avoiding brushing bushes and circling around trees. Zigzagging across the terrain, it came upon the top of the hill overlooking the village in the lower valley below. Hesitating for only a few seconds, it turned onto the barren ground of the road leading into the Human village, a canal running through the center of the huts closest to the forest.

Yes, the village of the Priestess Kikyo from 50 years before. Where her younger sister, Kaede, resided and took over the duties of local priestess. But there were other auras it could feel. The reason it came. 'Oh, yes, they were here.' And HE was here. The half blood was at rest, sleeping amongst the humans.

It moved from one structure sniffing the air as it went, stealthily avoiding drawing attention to its presence. Its target was close. It moved on to the next structure, waiting at the bamboo mat covered doorway. 'No, not this one.' Perhaps the next darkened hut.

'Yes, he was here.' The half blood was in the hut at the base of the stairs leading to the shrine indicated by the Wooden Gateway. The water in the canal glistened in the eerie light. It paused for a moment then moved to the door.

It slipped under the bamboo shade blocking the door. It paused, finding the half-blood asleep against the wall on the far side of the hut. A sword leaned against his shoulder, his chin rested on his chest. His kimono was maroon in the dark of the night in the hut. But, nor was he alone. Three human forms slept, spread out over the floor between it and the half-blood. Slowly, the invisible spirit passed two of the forms, stopping at the third.

A young girl, no older than sixteen, rested with her face towards the half-blood tucked under a white blanket. A green pillow lifted her head off the floor. Scanning over her form, it sensed power from the young girl. 'A priestess? Yes, this was to be expected.' She also possessed shards of the Shekon Jewel. But that wasn't why it was here, moving onto his target.

It stopped at the half-blood's foot, looking over his toes into the young face. His white hair hung around his boyish face, eyes closed. Rather handsome for a half-breed. His kimono was bright red, made of Fire-Rat material. It began to crawl up the half-blood called InuYasha.

No one stirred, no one knew it was there. No one would ever know it had come. None of their senses, demon or priestess, could pick it up. For it was neither mortal nor demon.


Darkness possessed the world in which she lived. The only light came from the water in front of her. Water in the shallow, wooden bowl rippled as a blanket of transparent gold covered Inuyasha's sleeping reflection. It sparkled as it slid over the half-blood's head then vanished into thin air. Inuyasha shifted then settled again, both eyes remained closed.

"Inuyasha." The feminine voice spoke huskily.

Long blue hair hung around the round face of a pixie-looking woman dressed in a blue, white and silver kimono. Her full lips transformed into a smile as InuYasha's reflection disappeared from her magical water bowl, the reflecting light changed into another form.

"My spell has been placed upon him." Atokiyida said quietly. "Soon, very soon, I will be free."

The water changed from Inuyasha to a sleeping young girl. Dressed oddly, the girl wasn't from this time. Her face was familiar, bordered by black hair. The young girl shifted under the white blanket, snuggling back down and becoming still. The young, cute fox-demon slept in front of her, hiding her features from view.

"Kagome, the priestess from the future. And young Shippo."

The water rippled and changed. A male face came into view. 'Ah, the lecherous mortal.' He was a monk, his hands crossed over his chest as he lay on his back, sleeping soundly. His staff lay beside him, ready for immediate action. His black and blue kimono was his only cover for the night. The water shimmered, a close-up of his right hand with black cloth and sacred beads appeared, shining in the moonlight.

"The monk, Miroku, and his wind-tunnel."

Rippling again, the view changed in the water bowl before her. The woman lying nearby was young as well. The young woman's dark brown hair was pulled into a pony-tail high on her head. Covered by a white blanket just as the others, she slept quietly. Her features were rounded, appearing just a few years older than Kagome. 'The Demon Slayer.' Her Hiriocoites weapon, a large boomerang, lay beside her on the floor. A two-tailed demon cat slept, curled up on her pillow beside her head.

"Sango, the only remaining Demon Slayer from her village. An interesting assembly of friends you've chosen half-blood."

Light reflected, changing once more. A group of three lay still beneath the cover of the large tree at the edge of a clearing. One human-like male dressed in a white kimono, a child in orange-white kimono and a green toad-like creature rested together. Surrounded by forest, they were confident of their safety in this location.

The light changed intensity, the view focusing on the demon. His pale face appeared in the water bowl, both eyes were closed. The crescent moon on his forehead glistened in the dim light, indicating the color of blue. His long white hair gently quivered at the kiss of the evening breeze. Double stripes on both cheeks in purple and pointed ears were indicative that he was the son of the Dog General.

"The mighty Sesshomaru." Atokiyida smiled. "You will fall."

Sesshomaru wore two swords at his waist that stood out against the white of his clothes. His only hand rested on the fluff of his sash over his right shoulder. Yes, a strong specimen of a demon, and one not to be betrayed unless she wanted a war.

Rather interesting that a Human child, by the name of Rin, chose to remain in Sesshomaru's presence in the mean time. Sesshomaru's loyal vassal, Jakken, who wielded the two-headed staff, rested close to his feet. Both Rin and Jakken were fast asleep next to their master. Basking in the safety he provided. She waved her hand over the bowl.

The water changed once more. A man appeared rather sickly looking with pale skin and shirtless down to his waist. His once handsome face diminished by his loss to Inuyasha and Sesshomaru recently. He sat against the wall in the company of a small white-haired girl holding a mirror. The room was devoid of any decor.

"And Naraku." Atokiyida lost her smile.

His long, dark hair spread around him. His eyes were closed, his body weakened from his battle with the sons of the Dog General. 'Yes, a most noteworthy half-demon, powerful despite his birthright.' And most elusive until now. It took quite a bit out of her reserves to locate him. Naraku hid himself well.

The water rippled again, shimmering longer than before. Another reflection appeared, this time a young woman identical to the young Kagome. Her white shirt and red kimono indicated her priestess station.

"And lastly, the priestess, Kikyo"

'Yes, the priestess Kikyo, killed by Naraku over 50 years ago.' Now resurrected by a witch from clay and soil, was surviving on the souls of dead maidens. She rested against the wall of a wooden hut, lost to sleep. Her eyes were closed but suddenly she stirred. Atokiyida waved her hand over the water bowl, it cleared, the bottom of the bowl visible.


Kikyo opened her eyes fully. The air felt cold, almost freezing on this warm summer night. Suddenly, sleep felt far away. An uneasiness over took her entire body, the hairs on her neck rose. Rest would not come again tonight. She got to her feet, exiting the hut through the bamboo weaved door hanging down from the threshold.

Slowly, she strode from the hut's doorway into the open small field across the way. Kikyo stopped in the center. Her eyes surveyed the evening horizon and the dense of the forest at the end of the grassy lawn extending before her. Had something visited her without her knowing?

The air smelled unusual though she couldn't place any demon to its faint scent. A gentle breeze swept past her. Her long hair, restrained at the back of her neck, barely rustled. The long, white sleeves of her shirt hid fisted hands. Her red pants remained still as she waited for any signs of impending attack. Her body still shivered from her sleep.

No signs of demons approaching or in the immediate area. Waiting several more seconds, nothing stirred. Now she felt nothing. Yet her senses told her something was amiss. Why had she awakened so suddenly? Why did she feel dread?

"Something is not right." Kikyo frowned. "Why do I feel like I'm being watched?"

Kikyo turned back towards the hut. She crossed the field and shifted the bamboo door to the side. She would need to rest, even if she didn't sleep further, to search for the unknown dread that woke her. 'My instinct tells me something powerful has arisen.'

Author Notes: As for the individual bold and underline headlines, couldn't get my format to save between scenes. Once I figure this system out, it'll get better.